February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

Hi ladies!!!

momof1 :hugs: to you. your story about the ornament really made me tear up. it will happen when it's supposed to! I would definitely do Clomid, like Lei said, so that the month isn't a waste.

How exciting that Lei and momof1 are going through IUI together, I am really looking forward to this process with everyone, and yes lucky #3 for this thread!!! YAY!!!!

Grateful <3 to you, glad today is better than yesterday!! :hugs:

Jenna how are you feeling?!?! Anytime you're not posting a lot on here I can't help but wonder if you are in labor hehe :happydance:

typeA what's going on with you??!!

LDizzy are you going to start temping? Or are you already doing that, and just adding a chart?

Anybody have any big plans for New Years?!
Ladies I want you to be honest, becuase I truly don't know the etiquette for these kind of threads. I was looking on the front page at all the :bfp: and noticing that pretty much nobody stuck around after they got their :bfp:.

Is it ok to stick around? I know Jenna is here and it didn't bother me while I was TTC but I also don't want to step on anyone's toes by being here. I just really love this thread and am invested in your journies!! I hope it's ok. <3 :hugs: :flower: to all.
Ladies I want you to be honest, becuase I truly don't know the etiquette for these kind of threads. I was looking on the front page at all the :bfp: and noticing that pretty much nobody stuck around after they got their :bfp:.

Is it ok to stick around? I know Jenna is here and it didn't bother me while I was TTC but I also don't want to step on anyone's toes by being here. I just really love this thread and am invested in your journies!! I hope it's ok. <3 :hugs: :flower: to all.

I honestly think some leave because they dont feel they can relate to us anymore since they are pregant (thats just what I think but I could be wrong.) Me personally speaking for only myself... I would love if they would stick around because some ladies on here who have gotten their :bfp: have been on my threads since march. We go through the ups & downs together & just because they got their :bfp: before me doesnt mean I don't want to know how they are. We go through this journey together so its nice to go through the pregnancy too & get to see the baby grow. Again this is just my opinion on it & how I feel. I am so greatful Jenna stuck around because getting to hear about her TTC then her finally getting her :bfp: to picking out baby clothes. Its truly amazing. Just like if it was your best friend pregnant.. No other women can share the bond that we have with eachother so its nice to go through the motions together. Sorry about that rant lol :D

I just LOVE getting updates on how my ladies are because we do start this Journey together.. We support one another while Ttc.. plus it would be nice for when I get my bfp to have some of the ladies around to share it with. I know some thread runners ask that they have no bfp annoucements & what not so no one gets offended but I don't agree with that which is why I say everyone is welcome to stay <3
:happydance: so glad to hear this Lei!! Thank you for making me feel welcome. I truly DO care about all of you and want to be there when you get your :bfp:'s!! :hugs:!!
:happydance: so glad to hear this Lei!! Thank you for making me feel welcome. I truly DO care about all of you and want to be there when you get your :bfp:'s!! :hugs:!!

As we do to you too!!! Which is why I would love if you stayed! Besides.. I cant wait to hear about your first U/S... then finding out the sex of the baby to watching your belly grow. Its all so exciting to me :D :happydance:
As we do to you too!!! Which is why I would love if you stayed! Besides.. I cant wait to hear about your first U/S... then finding out the sex of the baby to watching your belly grow. Its all so exciting to me :D :happydance:

My first u/s is in 11 days. Not that I'm counting or anything ;)
Yay!!! I can't wait to see how your little bean is doing! Do your or your Hunny have a preference to what yall are wanting??

I like to look at those chinese calenders where its suppose to predict what you will be having. When I checked for this month if I conceived it says Girl.
:happydance: i can't wait either :) My DH doesn't have a preference. I already have a DS (thankful for him!) so I wouldn't mind having a DD but my DH and I are both pretty certain it's a boy. I honestly feel like I'm destined to have all boys, I wouldn't even know what to do with a girl haha. So used to my rough & tough little boy.

I just did the Chinese predictor thing and it said girl hehe so who knows! I feel blessed no matter what, of course!

I keep having dreams of twins...it's odd!!! I think part of me was secretly hoping for twins but a larger part of me is terrified of having two babies at once lol
Ladies I want you to be honest, becuase I truly don't know the etiquette for these kind of threads. I was looking on the front page at all the :bfp: and noticing that pretty much nobody stuck around after they got their :bfp:.

Is it ok to stick around? I know Jenna is here and it didn't bother me while I was TTC but I also don't want to step on anyone's toes by being here. I just really love this thread and am invested in your journies!! I hope it's ok. <3 :hugs: :flower: to all.

:hugs:PLEASE DON'T EVER LEAVE:hugs: I have fallen in love with this thread and all the ladies on here. You are my inspiration, my hope, my strength. I love sharing this journey with others and especially the success of it all. You are about to embark upon some of the most exciting moments in life and I want to be here to hear and celebrate all of them..... your ultrasound, feeling the baby move, the sex, picking out things for the baby and then the best of them all, DELIVERY! Who knows maybe Jenna will be on here through her contractions lol I love it all!!!!! Never for a moment think we don't want to celebrate all of this with you! And, to those who don't want to celebrate with you well they can find a different thread because we stick together here through the uppity ups and the downward downs!!!!:hugs:

I am so excited.... my FS office just called and they had an appointment open up on monday so I don't have to wait until the 26th of this month to discuss whats next with him. YA HOOOO!!! I'm still upset that they let my favorite lab lady go but thats ok :shrug:
yay momof1 you are getting an appointment in before the new year!!! cannot wait to hear alllll about it !!!!!!
Yay!!! I can't wait to see how your little bean is doing! Do your or your Hunny have a preference to what yall are wanting??

I like to look at those chinese calenders where its suppose to predict what you will be having. When I checked for this month if I conceived it says Girl.

Tee hee hee I do the same thing:winkwink: I also see what my due date would be every month lol.

I cant wait to see your ultrasound pics!!! I hope someone has TWO little sacs in them this month:haha:! Wouldn't that be exciting?

Looking back on this thread I saw that someone was expecting tripplets, I wish she was still here to talk about her journey. That is just so exciting!
Momof1 - glad they could get you in sooner! Be sure & keep me posted as to what your FS says. Then I can compare with my FS lol :)

I also do that :) If I conceive next month I will be due around my birthday :D

Hopin- twins would be awesome! I want another boy since DH & I both have girls.. Even though its not our first kid ..it would be both of our first boy but either way Im happy with either or as long as they are healthy.

DH's family has nothing but girls in it though so im not holding my breathe to a boy.
Momof1 - glad they could get you in sooner! Be sure & keep me posted as to what your FS says. Then I can compare with my FS lol :)

I also do that :) If I conceive next month I will be due around my birthday :D

Hopin- twins would be awesome! I want another boy since DH & I both have girls.. Even though its not our first kid ..it would be both of our first boy but either way Im happy with either or as long as they are healthy.

DH's family has nothing but girls in it though so im not holding my breathe to a boy.

HOW EXCITING:happydance: When's your birthday? Will this be you and DH's first child together?

I would love either however, I am hoping for another girl at some point ( we want 2 more) I just hope one of them is a girl. I enjoyed dd so much I hate to think I wont have another to do all that fun girly stuff with lol plus I have 8 Nephews. DD is the only girl that came from me and my two sisters( who are now done having children) so it would be nice to have another little girl somewhere along the line. So your names would be Ava or Jayden? How cute!!!!! Hopin4, Grateful do you have names picked out?

I will tell you all the goodies I find out on Monday so we can compare notes:winkwink:
May Everyone Have A Very Happy New Year an Get Your BFP's!!!

AFM: Still going to be TTC but my DH & I decided be best to leave the internet to relax an not stress..Do our last 2 IUI's these next few months an then save for IVF/ICSI/PGD an more for 2014.

God Bless All an may you all have a HH9M to all.

Good Bye I'm Gone Now!!!v
Its Oct 13 & if I conceive next cycle it has my EDD on Oct 23rd ;) yes it will be our first together which makes it even that more exciting. I can't wait until it finally happens.

Im anxious to find out your game plan for IUI. so happy they were able to get you in sooner.

Wow that's a lot of boys. Either way Dh & I want two more as well so I'll be happy either way :) Both of our daughters have somewhat unique names so we want to continue the trend. His Did is Serena & my DD is Giavana
HOLY MOLY! I didn't check BNB today because it's been slow so I figured I'd have time to catch up after my appointment (more on that later), but I came back to see y'all have been chatting up a storm :) Happy to see everyone back!!

Grateful: I'm sorry about the MS (ADS). Ask your doctor about zofran!!! It's safe to take, I took it daily for 3 months straight and it was a LIFE SAVER! Have you found some things that are helping it at all??

When you do the chinese gender predictor make sure you use the right ones. It has to be by "lunar age" or something like that... If you calculate your lunar age wrong then the prediction will be wrong.
I'm so glad you ladies decided to stay around :) When I first got my BFP I felt guilty coming in here and sticking around. I would actually private message Lei pictures of my bump at first because I didn't want to make the other girls feel bad. Then I found out everyone actually liked to follow me through my pregnancy. And I really enjoy following all of you through your TTC journey. Even if I got my BFP I wanted to be sure to stay by Lei through her journey and cheer her on the whole time so I could see her special day come. Then throughout that lots of other lovely ladies have come an gone. You guys are like my best friends :hugs: I know coming in here I'll never be judged or criticized even in my most psychotic moments. And I wouldn't miss seeing your BFP's and following you through your pregnancies for the world! And along with that, I wouldn't miss seeing your BFN's either and know I'm helping you get through your journey by just being a listening ear (or eye).
Hahaha and just like momof1 said, you all better be READY for my labor because I WILL be on here in between contractions!!! I've already planned on it so I'm glad you mentioned it lmao! I'll be updating you all throughout the entire thing. "Omg, I think this is it!" "Holy s*** this IS it!" "At the hospital" "4cm" "5cm" "6cm"... Thank heaven for epidurals, otherwise I don't know how I'd be able to keep my BNB ladies updated!

NOW, after that huge long rant... About my appointment today... I'm 2cm dilated!!!!! and 50% effaced!! And he's dropped super low (which I already knew because it feels like there's a baseball in my vajayjay...tmi) I went from having absolutely nothing last week to this. I'm so excited, you should have seen the smile on my face! I'm really shooting for having him the 5th (which is only a week away) because I like 5's and my doctor said that could very possibly happen at this rate. Gotta hold him in until the new year then we'll get this ball rolling!

Wow, that was a lot longer post than I expected to do lmao!
2cm is good!! Yay!!! I stayed 1cm for 3 weeks & was mad lol. He's almost done cooking.
Hey!! I'm still here and stalking. Honestly I have no good news. My follies are growing so freaking slow that I am about to lose all patience and am about at the end of my rope. To make matters worse my dose was up'd but I don't have enough to make it through the new year holiday sooo I'm currently calling every mail order pharmacy I know to get my meds by Monday. A day in the life. Sooo I'm now taking 75iu and then 100iu every other night. The follicles are growing but so freaking slowly. So I was hoping I would have something positive to report but I'm still waiting! I've been on injections for over 2 weeks now and still not a dominant follicle (one over 10 mm). Is this normal? Yes because I'm on a low dose but it takes a lot of patience. Which is currently running thin. The dr said that once we find the right dose all will be ok and things should progress quickly but we are still trying to find the right dose. Eventually she tells me I will be able to trigger and then have an IUI. But until then....I wait!

EVERYONE should stay here! I plan on staying when I get my BFP! Can't wait for all the births and ultrasounds!!!
Woo hoo Jenna thats awesome this next week you will have to have a lot of :sex::haha: to get that little munchkin moving!:hugs:
TypeA: I wish I had some advice, but I don't know a thing about injectables. You're being so patient, hang in there! :hugs:

Momof1: I definitely plan on it! OH wanted to today, but after hearing that I'm 2cm I didn't want to because I want him to stay in until New Years lol! Poor OH...

Lei: My friend sat at 1cm for 3 weeks too lol! The same one that ended up doing castor oil (which I will NOT be doing). But I was hoping since I was completely closed and not even thinning just a week ago then jumped to this so quickly, maayyyyybe that's a good sign :D OH's spiritual crazy mom says she's predicting he may come this weekend, but isn't positive. I'm hoping she's wrong. Just one more week little boy!!!

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