February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

Lune- welcome back! Our O days are the same this month, how cool!

So I need a vent fest!
First off I am in so much pain today passing those four large eggies out of my right ovary but that's not why I want to vent. I enjoy the pain if it brings me a baby :). OH is making me feel so un-sexy! It seems as though ttc is such a job now. We bd last night and it was fine but today.......UGH.......this morning we planned to wake up and bd but when we tried he couldn't keep it up no matter how hard I tried to work my stuff because he was afraid of dd coming in because it was in the morning. So, we tried again this afternoon and he was soft for half of it ( TMI alert) he started to go in after a heavy make out session and couldn't perform he kept getting soft then MIRACULOUSLY he got off (somehow). I wanted to try again tonight but its agonizing lately. I think I'll be fine with doing it last night and this afternoon and then attempt to tomorrow night when we get to Florida. But damn it makes me hate bd and I freaking love bd. I feel like he is not attracted to me or something even though he assures me that is not it and it is simpl just the pressure of "having to perform". I know I'Ma nice looking girl and i have never felt self conscience but that's HOW I FEEL LATELY; DISGUISING AND UN-sexy. Ugh our sex life use to be amazing and it seems like ttc has ruined it. Ugh, sorry girls this happends to me every month and I just had to vent :cry: I really thought bd would be the easy part with ttc but it feels as though its the worst!

Anyways I'm Florida bound in the morning woo hoo! I really need it during this TWW. I hope the Disney 5k doesn't jeopardize this month with ttc, I wish I had never signed up but its to late now and my friend would be upset because we are doing it together. I will take it easy and enjoy the rest of vaca. My posts will be minimal until I return on the 18th but I'll pop in here and there on my phone.

One last thing: (another TMI alert :haha:)
I think I have a yeast infection- is that going to hurt his spermy's swimming around in me? I hope it doesn't prevent conception, do you girls know anything on that?
Momof1- first off, have a great vacation!!! I'm sure it will help your tww fly by!!

As for the BD session! I think it comes along with TTC. Try not telling him when your at your fertile peak so he doesn't feel preasured. Before when dh knew when I OEd he would always have issues or we would be in the middle of it & he would go soft. Like you I thought it was me even though he assured me it wasn't. He later told me that he just felt so pressured with it & all he could think about was having a baby. Now that I don't tell him when I O , he has been a lot better & it brought the fun back into our sex lives. Not to mention the new products I'll be buying this Friday :)
Awww thanks hun, I should try that! New products. How exciting! I need me some new products lol :haha:
Lol I'll send your her order info to get more!! She is actually gonna bring me some tonight so I'm gonna have to share what goodies I got :)
I completely agree momof1. I have been scared about that as well. So far so good with DH but we also use different "goodies" to hopefully help the process. But I agree before TTC BDing was ALOT different!
I can't really catch up, still really exhausted and in pain. I have a fever of 100.3 and my O2 is only 91.
Sorry it took me so long to finally post this. I woke up for my appointment yesterday morning at 6:30AM and didn't get to sleep until 8:00AM this morning. Plus labored hard, pushed hard, AND they had me on morphine all day! I haven't even been able to keep my eyes open while feeding. Feeling better now though.
So, here's what happened! They got the pitocin going, I got my epidural, then things started REALLY going. They said it's a good thing I had an epidural 'cause I was contracting like crazy. By 11:00PM I was ready to push. I pushed for 2 hours in different positions, my doctor said I was doing a GREAT job pushing, you could see the top of his head but he just wasn't descending. So she called in the other doctor for a second opinion. His head was just too big and it was cocked to the side a smidge. Sooo they sent me in for a c-section at 1:15AM. The epidural wasn't numbing me right though, so they tried the spinal tap. The spinal tap had me nice and numb, but they couldn't get it up as high as they like it to be. It was numb where they make the incision, but not all the way up so we decided to just go for it. BUUUUT right in the middle of getting him out I could feel a LOT of pain! OH yelled at the anesthesiologist to put me to sleep, so within 30 seconds I was out. They had to put me under (along with a lovely breathing tube) so I didn't get to experience him coming out, but I'm just so glad he's okay. On January 9th, 2013 at 2:21AM Draven Markus was born at 8lbs 4oz and 20.5in. At 3:00AM OH and the nurse were waking me up back in the room and there he was :) I sobbed like a big baby!! Omg, I was crying HYSTERICALLY. I can't believe I have a son...

Love you guys! :)


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Oh my gosh Jenna, what a heart pulling experience! I am so glad you and baby are ok and he is just beautiful! Congrats Darling! You are one strong woman! Thanks for the update xoxo!
Jenna!!!! What a beautiful baby you've produced!! He's simply gorgeous. I'm so so happy for you. What an incredible journey you went through to get here. It's an inspiration to all of us!!!
Thanks for the update. Make sure you get plenty of rest when you can, I'm sure you're still exhausted! When do you get to go home?
:hugs: to you my friend. I have happy tears in my eyes while typing this, and that's refreshing. <3
Momof1, I'm sorry you've been struggling like you have with DH in the bedroom. Lei makes a good point though, it's so much pressure on the men when TTC as well. I'd never really thought of that side of it.
I remember when we had been TTC for about 10 months, and we were wondering why in the world I hadn't gotten pregnant yet. I have a son, so we "knew" it wasn't me. So we went for SA, and testing for me etc, fairly certain something was 'wrong' with DH's swimmers. I remember DH being a nervous wreck. He was terrified that HE would be the reason why we wouldn't conceive. Then we got his SA back and everything was normal. I'll never forget that day because he was celebrating. And he didn't realize that his celebrations were my fears, it was ME, not him, that had something 'wrong'. I guess your story paired with mine just makes me realize even more that it takes teamwork and being there for each other through this crazy roller coaster ride. It's not easy!! Next month will mark 1 year we've been TTC. It will be nice when our BD'ing goes back to being about fun instead of being on a mission!!! Lol.
Sorry for the huge post ladies. Sleep continues to escape me. :hugs:
Awwww Jenna he is so precious! Im glad you & Draven are doing okay. I bet that felt like a long delivery going through all that. Thankfully everything turned out fine! Awwww your a mommy! :D <3 Im just so happy for you hun!
Jenna - Draven is GORGEOUS!!! Congratulations!!!! :happydance::happydance:

Thank you so much for posting those awesome photos - and while your still at the hospital recovering!! You ARE a strong lady! AND a proud mommy now too!! So happy for you!!!!
Last night, I went out in the garage to put the dog to bed and he went running after something in the garage. All the sudden a BAT swooped by my head and was flying all over the place. Well I am EXTREMELY afraid of bats (I've had one fly down and get stuck in my hair before! LOL) so I screamed, got real excited and slammed the door shut. Went and got DH out of bed to go put the dog away cuz I wasn't going back out there. My heart was beating so fast for a few minutes because it really startled me! Well shortly after that, I got some pretty intense cramping and it went on for 3 to 4 hours. It really has me a little on edge this morning and I'm going to call my doctor here in a minute. I feel good this morning though.....
Grateful I hope everything is okay! Maybe you pulled a muscle when you jumped :winkwink:

I have been cramping BAD since yesterday.. Last night I was having trouble sleeping & I think its my ovaries gearing up to O. However I wont O until next week. I told DH we are gonna start our BD race today :) & he is thrilled lol. I want to get as much swimmers as possible because no telling how bad I will be hurting once I actually O. That femara really puts me on overdrive <3
Momof1making2- I can totally relate. I planned to BD for 5 days leading up to O this month, but of course, so easy to plan than what happens in real life. My DH also having performance issues, maybe it would be better to not tell him when it's O time, but I feel like I have to so we don't miss it.

Also mad that I wasn't getting EWCM on the Clomid and I kept forgetting to take the Mucinex until 1 day before O and day of, so of course now I wake up today and finally have EWCM but my temp is already up.

Here's to praying Preseed and nature were enough!
Grateful, I'm thinking of you. You didn't have any bleeding or anything right? I'm sure it's just growing pains <3 keep us posted.

My sister just found out she's having a girl. I'm stupidly angry and jealous.
Hi Lei, I'm ok. Sleep is still not happening. Every time I close my eyes I'm still pregnant and then I wake up crying. Not pleasant. But other than that things are getting better. Just waiting.
Hi Lei, I'm ok. Sleep is still not happening. Every time I close my eyes I'm still pregnant and then I wake up crying. Not pleasant. But other than that things are getting better. Just waiting.

I bet having the symptoms doesnt help at all. Did you start the medicine the doctor gave you. Im not sure about how all that works so forgive all the questions lol? When you start the medicine is it suppose to make you misscary quickly? Or is something they give you to help things along?
Jenna!!! What an adventure, but I'm so happy everyone is okay and healthy!!! About to head to the IUI. I'm nervous about DHs sample. The quantity was a little low....anyone know what can help this? Last time it was too but his count was amazing. I'm hopeful.

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