February 2013 Testers + clomid/ Femara

I'll hereto my fingers crossed that my little, funky, wierd psychic encounter comes true tomorrow :). This is going to be the longest 24 hours of my life. I wish I felt different in some way so I could feel a little hope in the situation. I wish I spotted :(. Anyways how is everyone else doing this fine Sunday afternoon?
Typea, lune- If I'm correct you both have hcg lab tests tomorrow too, right?
Today I am 11dpo and when I woke up I thought why not just try an IC hpt and the same thing happened as last month. I pee in a cup and when I wipe there's brown spotting. Not too confident now, doubtful it's IB. It was BFN but if it WERE IB then I wouldn't test positive for 4-5 more days...ugh
Allika: I'm so sorry about your struggles :( The worst is almost behind you and you can move forward in your journey. Sending lots of :hugs: And thank you for sharing that movie with us, I actually ended up renting it last night after reading your post! Beautiful movie, made me cry and even OH teared up. It gave us a chance to step back and appreciate where we are today and remember all our struggles to get here.

Momof1: I can't wait for you to test!!!!!!! I obviously believe in psychics as I've told y'all tons of things MIL was telling us lol. Also, while TTC I got a few (like 5 haha!) online psychic readings. Many of them were right on with a lot of things, but none of them were really right about what month I'd conceive. However, one reading I got when I first got pregnant she told me I was having a boy and told me all about his life and everything seemed SOOO true! She said Draven would be very passionate about martial arts which is interesting because martial arts is a huuuuge thing on OH's side of the family. Anywho, I hope the psychic lady was picking up on you being preggie! Can't wait to find out!

Lei: Holy temp drop! What the...? Your temps are so strange this cycle lol! Hopefully it means something good! So how many days until testing? I could check the front page, buuuuuut I'm not going to haha!

So yesterday while getting a bottle warmed up for Draven he was crying and squirming in my arms. Then suddenly he stopped. I looked down and he was sucking his thumb! It somehow found its way in his mouth and he knew what to do lmao! OH and I took a video (of course, classic first time parents) so I wanted to share just for fun :) Don't mind my face haha I hadn't showered yet. My hair was a mess and I had no make up on.

I know the temp was a shocker as I'm only 3dpo according to me. (Ff is off a day in my eyes)

Ahhh what a cute video... he's giving you all that look like "let me suck my thumb in peace" haha. He's such a handsome boy :)
You could be having an implataion dip( early). Are you sure you have o'd xx
Oh yes , positive ;) I have been having a bit of cramps in my abdomen... more like its sore I guess would be the best way to describe it. Its been off & on through out the day. I didn't know impantation can happen that early
yeah implantation can happen early more rare but can happen my friend had a dip at 3dpo and got her bfp at 7dpo xxx
Hi Ladies,
I've been real busy this weekend, we had a couple of snow days and my DS was off school so it's been crazy around here. I'm going to try and catch up, you guys have been very chatty lately!

Allika I am on FB, but nobody on there knows we're even trying for a baby. Honestly only our close friends and family know we were trying. I understand what you mean though, people don't realize how their posts might effect others.
I am so sorry you have had such a difficult weekend with the bleeding and cramps. The charms your DH bought you were a sweet thought, but I totally understand why it broke you down. When I left the hospital they gave me a 'care package' about m/c and loss and it contained this clay heart that was painted half blue and half pink, and it just really struck a cord with me. I have it sitting on this antique mirror on my dresser. I think I'm going to keep it. So sad.

Jenna I love, love, love, love, love, love LOVE your Draven pictures!! SO cute!! <3 He is precious, but you already know that :) sweet video too <3 Thank you for sharing him with us!

TypeA I know you go for testing Tuesday but are you testing tomorrow at home?

Lune Testing tomorrow morning?! Right???? Don't be too put off by the brown spotting. I had spotting when I had my BFP. You never know!! :hugs:

Grateful How is the trip going? Wearing you out? How are you feeling?

LDizzy What's been going on with you hun? Are you testing tomorrow?

momof1 I can't wait for you to test. So exciting!

I'm sorry if I missed anyone, i'm trying to keep up. AFM, today has been very difficult. I've been cramping terribly, and just a little bit ago I had SO SO much blood :( I actually screamed "OH MY GOSH" because I wasn't expecting it, they told me with the D&C that I might have 'light spotting' and 'some cramping' but nothing like this so it really caught me off guard. My poor DS heard me yell that from the bathroom and asked me what was wrong, I told him I almost fell off the toilet. I googled it though and from what I have read, heavy bleeding can be normal even with a D&C. I'm just ready for this to be over with. They gave me a script for Lortab but I don't want to take it because I'm afraid it will knock me out and I have a 5 year old to take care of! I'm just still so angry that all of this is happening, I keep thinking I'm moving on and then BOOM out of nowhere it hits me and I'm just mad about it.

I'm just glad I have you ladies because all of this testing gives me a distraction and something to look forward to.
Jenna- I just love your sweet little man! Thank you so much for sharing!
Hopin- I have been thinking about you, I am so sorry your having to go through this sweetie I can't even imagine! :hugs: this will only make your soul stronger. Hang in there buttercup xoxo!

I'll be sure to keep all my bnb gals posted tomorrow. I should find out in the early afternoon, goodnight my favorite girls :)
hopin - sorry, yes i will be testing tomorrow. I tested today and it was a BFN. So i am pretty sure that I will continue to get the same tomorrow and tuesday morning, but we will see. i will keep everyone updated! Now, about you....has the bleeding tappered off. i'm sorry all this happened and pray its over soon. ugh, i can imagine you were quite scared by the whole thing. i'm happy nothing is wrong though and that the bleeding is normal!

momof1 and lune- thinking of you tomorrow as you have your tests done! let us know!
I'm sorry girls, I really need to vent. I think I'm having some PPD or something. I'm just really upset :cry:

I feel like I missed my entire labor and delivery. Nothing went right at all. Literally everything (besides a healthy baby) that could have gone wrong did. And the whole thing just felt so clinical. Nothing was natural. I had to be induced, I got the epidural before I felt any real labor pain (which was nice, but maybe I should have waited to make it feel more real), then during labor I slept so it was uneventful. Then I push for 2 hours which flies by and felt like 30 minutes and end in a c-section anyway. Again, very clinical... nothing natural about it. Then to top it off I had to be put to sleep and OH kicked out so NEITHER of us got to hear his first cry. I didn't get to do delayed cord clamping like I wanted, OH didn't get to cut the cord, when I woke up and tried to do skin-to-skin Draven got too cold so we had to stop after 5 seconds. I didn't get to breast feed within the first hour like I wanted. I just feel like I failed. Something I anticipated for 9 months and not ONE thing went how I wanted. I feel like I just had a procedure, not gave birth and it sucks because now it's over. I'm sorry if this all sounds stupid, I know the point is we're both healthy and okay. I just really feel like I never got to experience labor and birth and it really upsets me. I cried to OH about it tonight and even he's really upset about it. Just sucks :/
Sorry, just having a rough night. I really needed to talk.

Awwww hun!! :( :hugs: I know things may have not gone as planned & I know you definitely didn't expect it. If only there was a rewind button. Don't say you failed though cause those were all things that could not have been prevented. Many of us know labor is no walk in the park & by all means if your in pain then get the epidural..... as far the pushing & it leading you having a section, well that was healthier for Draven. I know you had things planned out & I'm sorry they didn't all pan out but your right.... the two of you are both healthy hun :flower: & I'm sure the doctors did what they felt was necessary for the health of you & baby! Besides you still have to give Draven a brother or sister ;)

just don't ever doubt yourself or say you failed cause I think your doing a damn good job as a new mommy!!!! As long as you & baby are healthy that's all that matters :)
awww jenna dont worry its really normal too feel that way ....... when i had my daughter i wanted a a complaty natural birth .......i went in too be induced they out the moniter on me somethinf wasnt right i was 1cm then they burst my waters i went too 6cm within 15 mins they couldnt find the heartbeat they rushed me down put spinl block in it took too long so they knocked me out and i woke up on the ward it was strange very strange i was also still numb form the block so i couldnt move she alaso was toung tied and couldnt feed so i pumped off and feed threw a syringe it was very clincal and i was really bothered about it just after like you especally when all my friends were having natural births and mine was horrid ....... but now i dont give 2 sh**ts am just soo grateful that i have my daughter and she came out healthy with no problems just try not too get your self down about it hunnie and just think if you getb pregnant agian you can get that experience again hugsss xxxx
I just woke up with blood in my panties :(. TMI alert! I had a bunch of brown in my panties and then a couple drops came out while I peed, I put a tampon in but I'm so upset :( is to late for IB and 3 days before I'm suppose to start and its more than just spotting Ahhhhhhh I think I'm out this month :( I'm still on way to my appointment prepared for the worst news:(
Im sorry momof1!! its a BFN for me too (11dpiui)! I want to stop these dang sups but am not supposed to until the beta tomorrow.
Jenna, don't be upset - I'm pretty sure L&D never goes as anyone plans it to! It's something that you just can't plan, and it's never as rosy and peaceful as us women would hope or wish it to be. Take comfort in knowing that Draven is so happy and healthy, and that you have your little bundle of joy home with you to hold and snuggle with <3 You did nothing wrong, you did only what you could and the doctors did what they could to keep him safe, which he is! Nothing but good news all around! I'm sorry you're struggling :hugs:

momof1 I am so sad to hear you are bleeding :( !!! I was really thinking this month was the one for you! Let us know what they say at your appointment.

TypeA There's still hope for you, try not to give up on that! Thinking of you and looking forward to tomorrow's appointment.

I just have to say ladies, I know we still have testing to do and it's not time to give up on this month yet, so this is very premature, but if we don't get at least one :bfp: this month, I'm TOTALLY down with having a "THIS IS NOT FAIR" pity party for a couple of hours where all we do is complain and be mad. FOR REAL!!!!!!

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