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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

I'm Victoria, my LO is Leo and he was born on the 25th feb :)
Hi, I am Kim, my little girl is Zoey :) She was a valentines baby, so 4 weeks tomorrow :)

It is going way too quickly for my liking, to think she is a month old tomorrow makes me want to cry lol

Is anyone else's LO seeming quite advanced? Zoey was lifting her head at 3 hours old and has done so since then, at a couple of days she was lifting her head to turn to face the other way!! She turns onto her side sometimes too, HV didn't believe me until she saw her do it at 12 days old and was quite surprised :) x she smiles too :) I love her so much xxx

Yes mine was doing all that too. Lifting his head, turning it, smiling and rolling over. He only rolls over when really upset or looking for food LOL. He has also been wide eyed since he came out too. Constantly looking around, the nurses at the hospital couldn't believe it cause he was so jaundice and still so alert. So I get it, and it scares me cause I don't want him to grow up yet. I want him to stay little and babyish longer. DS4 just wanted to be a big boy from the start, I don't want that again :(
Hi everyone...
Hope ur all well...nice to see some familiar names!!
I'm kayleigh, LO is Isaac and was born on 7/2/14
Hi I'm Nikki and my little boy Willian was born 3.2.14 making him 5 weeks and 4 days old
Hi how is everyone doing with ther new babies?? Is anyone else having quite severe afterpains?? Every morning for a few hr i get the most horrible cramping and contractions i actually have to use breathing exercises to get through them and i get the pressure in my bum feeling. It was nowhere near this bad last time just felt like bad af pains. They hurt that much they make me feel rlly sick please tell me im not alone.
Sorry hun, I was really lucky and didnt really have anything like that. If you are concerned you could ask to have a check up. If you havent been discharged from MW care you can ask them (well you can always call the team/hospital unit anyway)
I hope they ease off soon.
I've had some horrendous afterpains, especially whilst i'm nursing. I find ibuprofen is helpful although doesn't entirely eliminate the pain.
I had terrible after pains, that I never had with my first, for a couple of weeks particularly when feeding.

I've been up to the baby clinic this morning. Isaac now weighs 9lb 11oz. My first didn't get this big until he was 8 weeks old. I also had my latch checked as I was worried about his wind issues. My latch is fine but I do have a forcefully let down so I now need to express some off at the beginning of every feed to help the amount of air he takes in.
Mine were really bad the first week, and now i'm not feeling them.
Everyone i spoke to said they get worse with each baby!? so explains why they hurt more the second time x (midwife confirmed this)
Mine have been like mild period pain, sef not as bad as last time !

Slept most of the morning .. Don't actually feel any better for it:-( hopefully going to the pub later for dinner
I had terrible cramping that took my breath away ! Lasted about 2 weeks on and off but gone now except for the occasional mild one . DOddy yesterday OH was off so took baby for the morning for a few hours whilst I slept . I can honestly say sleeping in made me feel worse . Up early again this am and feel great . LO got BCG this am poor little fella screamed :( but was just fine after a feed :)

Anyone any nice plans for the weekend ?
I keep catching catnaps when i can and wake up feeling worse - think it's something to do with incomplete sleep cycles. Been up since 5am with little madam so could really do with a catchup!

This weekend my sil is coming to visit - we'll probably take dd out to the park and make yummy food :) what's everyone else up to?
Hopefully a trip to rutland waters with a picnic :) its basically fields and water! And a cycle track lol but no cycling for us !
A nap what's that? I have managed to get both boys asleep for a whole 10 mins today. Just long enough to load the washing machine and empty the dishwasher. I was hoping I would get a bit longer so I could run the Hoover around. I swear DS1 just generates crumbs constantly.

I'm leaving both boys with OH tomorrow and going out with my mum and bros gf for the afternoon. It's the first time I've left Isaac, I wouldn't be leaving him so soon but we have had these tickets since before I was pregnant. I'm not sure OH knows what he is in for, I don't think he has realised that Isaac is not the easy going baby that Adam was and needs constant holding.

Have any of you left your LO's yet? I remember with DS1 it was a gradual build up of an hour for this, half an hour there, rather than several hours straight off.

Going to be a busy weekend with that and a family christening on Sunday.
Quiet weekend here with DH at home, can't wait!
Hope you have a nice time kaybaby. I've not left Rufus yet, sometimes he only goes 20 mins in between feeds so have to be around. I've gone upstairs for a sleep a couple of times whilst DH or mum has him but get separation anxiety!!!

Anyone have any advice on dealing with cradle cap? Should I leave it alone or put something on it?

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