Belated birthday wishes Popples, hope you had a great day.
Always worth checking with your doctor about clots if you are concerned. Your Midwife team/labour suite will still see you too even if you have been discharged from their care.
We had a better night. DH settled Jessica down as I went to bed at 9pm! he watched watching the football so I grabbed the chance for an extra few hours. Whatever he did worked as she didnt wake til 1.30am, took 3oz then settled again til 5am ao I'm much happier today already.
Baby clinic is on today but I have decided not to go. I dont want to weigh Jessica each week, it really adds too much stress on everything.
Anyone have any plans for today?
I've just though for your UK mum's alot of you will be having your first Mother's Day at the end of the month!!