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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

heya ladies has anyone else tried a baby massage group yet? I took skye today and she LOVED it! :) it also tuckered her out and she has slept so well this evening xxx
I want to try baby massage but worried William will scream as he doesnt like getting his clothes off
heya ladies has anyone else tried a baby massage group yet? I took skye today and she LOVED it! :) it also tuckered her out and she has slept so well this evening xxx

I went today too! Rufus also loved it and is fast asleep as I type :thumbup:
LO has stressed me out a lot over the last couple of days. He has huge crying fits for no reason, won't sleep anywhere but with someone, I can't do anything. I'm still studying for professional exams and I need to make a start on my next set but I can't even get myself lunch when I'm home alone.

I just can't stop comparing to my first. He was in a routine he set himself by 8 weeks and STTN by 10 weeks and I just can't see any light at the end of tunnel. The only thing I have done differently between the two of them is FF my first and BF my second.

I've not been well which isn't helping but I really can't do anything, I struggle with my older one as he is basically being ignored by me. I just don't know what to do anymore.
Sooo tired, had a bad day with lo today he had been really unsettled and had only done 1 poo all day up until about half an hour ago .... So glad hè had finally been !!! I hope now he will settle for a few hours and we , including him can sleep for a bit as he's been awake all day upset :-(
LO has stressed me out a lot over the last couple of days. He has huge crying fits for no reason, won't sleep anywhere but with someone, I can't do anything. I'm still studying for professional exams and I need to make a start on my next set but I can't even get myself lunch when I'm home alone.

I just can't stop comparing to my first. He was in a routine he set himself by 8 weeks and STTN by 10 weeks and I just can't see any light at the end of tunnel. The only thing I have done differently between the two of them is FF my first and BF my second.

I've not been well which isn't helping but I really can't do anything, I struggle with my older one as he is basically being ignored by me. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Huge hugs x could he have wind ? Ever baby is different and I'm sure your lo will settle down soon x
I second tge wind thing my ds suffered terribly with it untill he was about 1 and my dd seems to get bouts of it but its only bottom wind that bothers her :blush:

Its the first day on my own today as oh is back at work and im shattered already lol ive been up all night with lo who woke ds at 7 (normally 8) were both sat on sofa watching cbeebies while ds as breakfast then im going to tale ds to a play area to try and tire him out WISH ME LUCK :sleep:
GOOD LUCK! I'm in awe of mamas with more than one LO. I've no idea how you manage it!
Hi everyone :) have any of you heard of the WONDER WEEKS before ? I can accross it in another thread . Apparently there are 10 wonder weeks in first year where babes go through transitions and can become unsettled and fussy for that week. The first of them is at 5 weeks . Looks like it would fitwithsome of your LO . The good news is from what I've read ( I googled it ) it all settles down again after a week just have to get through it :)
Hi everyone :) have any of you heard of the WONDER WEEKS before ? I can accross it in another thread . Apparently there are 10 wonder weeks in first year where babes go through transitions and can become unsettled and fussy for that week. The first of them is at 5 weeks . Looks like it would fitwithsome of your LO . The good news is from what I've read ( I googled it ) it all settles down again after a week just have to get through it :)

Yeah, I've bought a book which talks about when they hit and what to expect. I'm a bit scared of the first one approaching!
Maybe thats whats going on with my little boy, he was 6 weejs yesterday and had a few really fussy clingy days in the last week
Hi everyone :) have any of you heard of the WONDER WEEKS before ? I can accross it in another thread . Apparently there are 10 wonder weeks in first year where babes go through transitions and can become unsettled and fussy for that week. The first of them is at 5 weeks . Looks like it would fitwithsome of your LO . The good news is from what I've read ( I googled it ) it all settles down again after a week just have to get through it :)

I am totally googling this. My LO is ding some strange things, like his sleep pattern seems to be ever changing!! Oh and there are days where he wants absolutely no one to hold him but me, or even one day that he ate like shit and cried and fussed in between! :wacko:
I think our little ones are just approaching an age of changing, it's frustrating when we don't know what to do with them.
I just wish i got some time between feeds :/ it's getting really frustrating now tbh :( he feeds CONSTANTLY, he literally will feed every 45 to an hour somedays... I offer both and he eats till he refuses then i wind him. offer him more and yet still an hour later he will cry for a feed :/ he is a big boy (91st centile) but even so this is exhausting. makes it impossible to do anything
LO is a lot more settled today but we have been out for most of it. I went to a sling meet today and have borrowed a close baby wrap. I found the total stretchy ones rather scary so went for something with a bit of structure to see how we get on with that.
I'm round at my parent's for dinner tonight and have bought my carrier (it's a Beco Gemini one) round so we can try it out - assembling it looks like a three man job!
Hi girls :) its really so great to have ye all here and know that your all experiencing the same as me :) somedays are hard !!! Lol especially when feeling tired and LO feeling fussy ! Today was a fussy day ! Only got him to sleep at 8pm . He has been awake since 2.30 . Having ct naps and feeding every 25-40 mins . I'm hoping he will sleep for a few hours now ! Oh also not helping by making helpful comments like . " I don't think he is getting enough food " ehhhhh if I gave him any more he would explode !!! Or I think we should ff your not getting a break at all ! Errrrrrrrrr . Anyway a few hours without my attachment and I will be good as new :) I also am looking at getting a sling . Anyone any recommendations . Would like something with a little structure but not heavy .
There is so many out there it would be worth finding your local sling library and trying a few. A couple I tried on today were perfect on other people but fitted me badly. They can be really expensive so it's worth finding what works for you before purchasing.
Anyone else notice around 5 weeks that your baby has changed their hunger cues?? My LO went from chewing hands, smacking lips, and routing to crying with very little of the other signs. I wonder if this has to do with this phase he is going through.

BTW I went out and bought that book….. I LOVE it.

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