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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

I down loaded an app on the iPad which charts for you the wonder weeks - its fab and give loads of information specific to your LO based on their due date . Tells you what to expect , what is changing . Worth looking at :)

I ne'er heard of sling libraries ill look it up see if I can find one
I have an ergo sling with newborn insert , gutted I can't use it yet coz of having a section- tho I did have a little test and he loved it so I can't wait to use it properly

Yesterday was hell, he cat napped and from the afternoon didn't sleep until 11.30pm, crying every time you put him down and hadn't been for a poo I gave him infacol which made a lot of wind come up but he still wasn't happy, today started off ok then looked like it was going to go the same way so I took him to the doctor who said she thinks he has colic.. I can't say I'm convincend and think it's more his digestive system developing and he doesn't know how to cope with it/trapped wind she said I could try changing his milk

Only a few more days of h being home then I think the reality of having two is really going to hit me !! Dd has been h's little friend for the last three weeks !
Hi girls :) its really so great to have ye all here and know that your all experiencing the same as me :) somedays are hard !!! Lol especially when feeling tired and LO feeling fussy ! Today was a fussy day ! Only got him to sleep at 8pm . He has been awake since 2.30 . Having ct naps and feeding every 25-40 mins . I'm hoping he will sleep for a few hours now ! Oh also not helping by making helpful comments like . " I don't think he is getting enough food " ehhhhh if I gave him any more he would explode !!! Or I think we should ff your not getting a break at all ! Errrrrrrrrr . Anyway a few hours without my attachment and I will be good as new :) I also am looking at getting a sling . Anyone any recommendations . Would like something with a little structure but not heavy .

Anyone else notice around 5 weeks that your baby has changed their hunger cues?? My LO went from chewing hands, smacking lips, and routing to crying with very little of the other signs. I wonder if this has to do with this phase he is going through.

BTW I went out and bought that book….. I LOVE it.

I have an ergo sling with newborn insert , gutted I can't use it yet coz of having a section- tho I did have a little test and he loved it so I can't wait to use it properly

Yesterday was hell, he cat napped and from the afternoon didn't sleep until 11.30pm, crying every time you put him down and hadn't been for a poo I gave him infacol which made a lot of wind come up but he still wasn't happy, today started off ok then looked like it was going to go the same way so I took him to the doctor who said she thinks he has colic.. I can't say I'm convincend and think it's more his digestive system developing and he doesn't know how to cope with it/trapped wind she said I could try changing his milk

Only a few more days of h being home then I think the reality of having two is really going to hit me !! Dd has been h's little friend for the last three weeks !

I down loaded an app on the iPad which charts for you the wonder weeks - its fab and give loads of information specific to your LO based on their due date . Tells you what to expect , what is changing . Worth looking at :)

I ne'er heard of sling libraries ill look it up see if I can find one

oh my goodness I'm with all of you! Rufus has barely slept all day, just a few mins at a time, despite him being evidently exhausted. And he's been on the boob most of the day too. And yes to the hunger cues - I used to get up to 10 mins of lip smacking or licking, the last day or so he literally will go from fast asleep or happy to screaming as his only sign that he's hungry.

This wonder week stuff is intriguing... What's the app called?

Nice to know I'm not alone in this, it's been a hard day and I've a feeling the night isn't going to be much better....
I really struggle getting wind out of Jessica, DH does it like magic but I take ages and can see in her little eyes it hurts, so cue me feeling bad.
If everything works out ok I'll be getting her weighed today, hopefully she's doing ok. I think she must be as she's finally getting into newborn clothes.
Well my day ended how it started last night . LO did not settle till 2am !!! Awake and cried every time I put him down from 10pm ! He did sleep from 2 to 4 and the 4 to 6.30 . But gone are the 4 hour stretches !!!! Right I'm off to do some cleaning the house looks like someone came in a burgled me ! Leaving dishes and baby clothes everywhere lol .......

Chat soon xxxxx
MY LO finally came out of his fifth weeks wonder week. He is so wonderful all over again ;)
Lol I knocked mine out with a bath at lunchtime with lots of lavender / bedtime baby bath ! Poor little mite was exhausted but not settling . The bath then a good feed worked a treat . Little Sean is now sleeping soundly for the last 2 hours . I've even managed to make a proper dinner !! LO due feed at 4 so now wondering should I leave him sleep until he wakes or wake him ??? Mmmmm ill see how we go in the next 30 mins .
He made the choice for me and woke hungry ( now there is a SUPRISE ! ) at 4.15 lol seems a little more settled in himself since a good sleep .
Hello everyone :) how are ye all doing today ? I'm sitting having a cuppa whilst LO sleeps and it just dawned on me that my " normal " is never going to be the same again !! I'm thinking that things will go back to normal after I can drive again but hey my normal was getting up and going to work 5 days a week .... Won't be doing that for the next 6 months then only going back to a 4 day week . Guess its just dawned on me thati need to create a new routine and a new normal ! Bit by bit the enormity of what just happen is sinking in slowly a little more day by day . As a FTM it's a big adjustment !!
Nothing is ever the same once a baby comes along.

Had Jessica weighed yesterday she's 8lb! And has moved up to just under the 9th percentile. So I'm really pleased with her.
Got Zoey weighed today she is now 10lb 10 at 4+6 week's :) so nearly 3lbs up from birth weight, super boobs I think lol xx
she is getting a cold and it is horrible to see her struggling but she is still so contented :) x
It must be the day for weigh-ins! Leo is now 8lb 12oz at 3wks+2. His birth weigh was 7lb 8.5oz. :happydance:
Wow way to go babies!! Now I want my LO weighed LOL I know he is gaining as his checks are really starting to fill out now.

Omg he is GORGEOUS!!!!!! See that smile! Amazing xx
He is BEAUTIFUL! We're still waiting to see Leo's first proper smile. I've seen a few accidental ones though so have an idea of what it will look like - they brought a tear to my eye!
A first smile is such a beautiful thing. I remember my ds tge best for me was his first laugh he was about 14wk and had thus great belly chuckle n even now when he laughs he makes me laugh. Heres a link he was about 17wk when this was done https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XoYhNhj12mM
So great to see all these babies thriving!
Not really had any significant smiles from Jessica, a few but nothing major :(
Hope it happens soon.
My LO has been horrible for the past few days but has woken up like a different child today. I've even had the first social smiles this morning. Good things he is much easier today as DS1 is not well. I was washing favourite teddies, a small boy and stripping a bed in the middle of the night.

We have our 6 week check today.

I'm really looking forward to laughing it is a better moment than the first mum in my opinion.

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