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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

Got real cabin fever and took toddler and baby out for a walk.. Now in pain ( was ok at the time) I didn't go far :-( damn section stitches :-( getting really frustrated , dd hates being indoors and is really naughty out of the house she's an angel, h is now back at work, she had a friend for lunch , refused nap and wanted to go out. Have friends around to help but the can't be with us 24/7

I know how u feel with the toddler my ds is exactly the same hes so naughty at home but if we go out hes quite good. I just try and go out for a few hrs a day for my sanity

lacey is doing rlly well and we had progress yesterday she went to sleep in her moses basket for a whole hr while ds was in the same room (he normally repeatedly disturbs her due to how noisy he is)
Hey guys.
Borrowed a BabaSling from a friend, having fun tangling me and dd4 up in it, hopefully once we've figured it out we will get on ok though.
Well have survived a morning with two of them alone, just hope tiddler will go down for a nap after lunch. Then only a few hours and h should be home
Hey everyone, sorry i have been awol for a few days - been mired in a growth spurt so just veen feeding constantly/trying to heal my poor cracked nipples which are still troubling me. I cracked the other day and asked dh to give her a bottle of expressed milk, but we tried 4 different bottles and she fussed and cried, took a grand total of one oz from the avent one, then fed from me with gusto :dohh: so she is a boobie baby through and through, but i do hope we can get her to take a bottle soon! Anyone else have a lo who won't take a bottle?
We're also planning on getting her checked for tongue tie, she has a lip tie but wondering if my pain from feeding might be a tt as they often go together. Going to hv on tues so will let you know!
We haven't had any social smiles yet, but she's not yet a month so not too worried. She's started making some lovely chatty noises though :)
For slings, i'm completely dependent on my stretchy, my dh goes away overnight for work every week and if i didn't have it i wouldn't get anything done on the days he isn't here. He loves it as well and when he works at home i love sticking dd2 in the sling with him at his computer so i can play with dd1 :haha:
I still have to gt a sling any recommendation of types of o news or ones people have had bad experiences with ?
I have a wrapsody bali stretch which i like, but will probably trade in for a woven wrap fairly soon. I like how snug it keeps her but you do have to practise wrapping!
I have a Blue Celery check it out, I love it!! I have tries a couple others, and this one you can use it in many different ways. https://www.bluecelery.com
Just found a sling shop near me that does consultations on sat mornings so ivebooked a session . Had to wait 2 weeks for appointment .
Having a consult will be awesome! And i bet you'll get to have a good play with some slings :)
I've got an ergo but baby is getting heavy already and unsure if I should use it because of c section stictches so decided not to use it at the moment :-(
Hi ladies! How is everyone? Doing ok over here I guess. I went back to work this past week and between that and spending time at the hospital with Emmy I'm just so tired. She's getting closer to coming home, but it will still be a little while yet. We're starting to be able to do more and more with her and i just love watching my hubby with her. He's such a good daddy so far.
Hii. Thanks for the advice I.e the clots :) I stopped bleeding again straight after.. oh was freaked out and rang one of the maternity wards at the hospital and she reassured him. Using bnb on my phone is a pita! So I can't directly reply to anyone.

I am thinking about buying the ergo next week, it is pricey though so I really hope it is good! Don't really fancy a stretchy type or one of then with loads of fabric. Really want something more structured think I will get on better with it :)

lo was a month old yesterday. Not been weighed since 2 weeks though, hv is due out next week so I am excited to see. 0-3 months is at its limit now, so thankfully it is payday next week, so we can go out and buy 3-6 months for him! Eesh.

I'm back on my pre pregnancy diet now :) before getting pregnant my bmi was 25.. at about 12 weeks it dropped to 24 and somehow I have come out the other side with a bmi of 22 and a weight loss of 13 lb ! Shouldn't complain but if I knew what I had done I would write a book and be a millionaire. Fingers crossed I don't eat it all back on through boredom. Anyone else feeling a bit shut in yet?
Hi ladies! How is everyone? Doing ok over here I guess. I went back to work this past week and between that and spending time at the hospital with Emmy I'm just so tired. She's getting closer to coming home, but it will still be a little while yet. We're starting to be able to do more and more with her and i just love watching my hubby with her. He's such a good daddy so far.

((((hugs)))) so pleased Emmy is coming on well. You are amazing too btw xx

Rhi-Rhi - Its weird but even though I have the school runs I do sometimes feel isolated and completely alone! (probably hard to believe with a house full!)
I'm not really one for baby groups (and with most here my 2 year old is now too old to go with us)
Good luck on the diet. I really should put more effort into what I eat but seeing as a lunchtime sandwich goes stale by the time I get back to it putting effort into a nutritious meal is just a waste of time right now. I miss running though, I used to do it with the buggy when it was just me and dd3 at home, no chance now though.

On a more miserable note ----- AF is back. Boo!! :witch: Have not missed her one bit! But least I'm not pregnant lol
Jessica is 6 weeks old today :kiss:
Happy would you believe I totally forgot about AF coming back !!! Lol ......... When can I expect her ? Lol ...

Rhi I hear ya about feeling shut in ! The highlight of my day will be going grocery shopping this afternoon . OH is coming home to bring me :) I'm so looking forward to it lol !!!!! Only 12 days to go and I can drive again:) i can't wait !! Although the weather is so bad here at the moment I don't think ill be going too far afield !
:coffee:The same with being a little isolated. I feel like i have no time to go out or do much. I take ds to tots time at least once a week and the park and the library other than that im inside because there is that much washing to do in our house as soon as i can put lo down i try and do washing etc. I feel bad for doing it in day but our washer is inside and make a right noise at night n im worried my kids will run out of clothes lol. Other than that i try n cook a nutritious meal for ds for meals and thats my time up along with sterilising bottles. Eh feeling a lil crappy today lo as started 2n half hr feeds n since it takes an hr to feed change n settle her im sleeping in hr intervals totalling at 4 maybe 5 hrs. I dont handle sleep deprivation well i need a steady 6-7 hrs for my sanity.
I'm with you, ladies. I'm so sick of seeing the inside of my house! We've done a few brief walks out and had quite a few visitors but I feel like the sofa is going to have a permanent print of my bum in it! It's so hard to organise doing anything around the constant feeding, burping and nappy changing!
I'm with you, ladies. I'm so sick of seeing the inside of my house! We've done a few brief walks out and had quite a few visitors but I feel like the sofa is going to have a permanent print of my bum in it! It's so hard to organise doing anything around the constant feeding, burping and nappy changing!

Well I'm so disappointed my grocery shopping trip never happened :nope: the weather is cold and miserable , windy and raining and I just couldn't justify dragging LO outside needlessly so sent OH off with a list :cry: :winkwink:

Instead in between feeding, burping , nappy changing and cuddling I sorted the mountain of post collected in the kitchen in to 3 piles , keep , file and throw away . That's as far as I got lol . So now instead of one pile on the counter there is now 3 :haha:

My couch already has an indentation !! Was thinking of doing some baking but thinking about it is as far as I've gotten :haha:
I do a lot of thinking about things I want to get done but none of them seem to get done! I think LO is going through his 6 week growth spurt as he has gone from 1 boob every three hours to 2 boobs every 2 hours. I hate having a fussy baby again the not fussiness only lasted a couple of days

He has started to get really interested in everything his big brother is doing though. He watches him all the time. I hope they will get on when they are bigger.
I wonder if I'm hindering Jessica's development by keeping her away from dd3, though from how she is it's keeping her safe right now, the novelty still hasn't worn off!
I've done too much today - although it reality it wasn't a lot .. Tidied up a bit, put some washing in the washing machine, loaded dishwasher and tumble dryer - my scar is all itchy and I can feel a lump :-( feel like I'm never going to get better at this rate , h has gone back to work and I've had a few friends offer I help which I will be accepting but am crying out of frustration

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