February 2014 thread for new mums :)

Popples, i got pregnant a few weeks after i got back from honeymoon as well - my first wedding anniversary is one week today!

i was a little mortified to discover today that i've been drinking over 1000 calories a day in squash :blush: i have about 12lb left to lose so hopefully switching squash for water will make a bit of a difference. my dh is counting calories atm so hopefully the two of us can help each other.

kay, i need to do some toning too, i've signed up for a mum and baby yoga class starting in may which i'm hoping will help.
I joined slimming world yesterday... They have a special plan for breastfeeding. I was a stone above my ideal weight when I got pregnant then put on 3 stone... So 4 in total :blush:
Have lost 2 naturally but that's slowed right down and I know I'm eating far too much so need the plan to help.
In honesty I don't look that bad when I look in the mirror and most people think I've lost it all already but very few of my pre pregnancy clothes fit and when I'm naked you can definitely tell :haha:
Popples, i got pregnant a few weeks after i got back from honeymoon as well - my first wedding anniversary is one week today!

i was a little mortified to discover today that i've been drinking over 1000 calories a day in squash :blush: i have about 12lb left to lose so hopefully switching squash for water will make a bit of a difference. my dh is counting calories atm so hopefully the two of us can help each other.

kay, i need to do some toning too, i've signed up for a mum and baby yoga class starting in may which i'm hoping will help.

Haha, did you have your DH on a strict DTD schedule like I did?! ;) Our anniversary is in a couple of weeks time. Can't believe that this time last year I was unmarried and childless. How things have changed!

I've been drinking squash too... Uh oh...!
Thinking about it is as far as I've gotten yet . Although I did buy a Pineapple in the shopping yesterday if that counts ;) I need to shead a good 2 stone as I ate rings around me at the end of the pregnancy ! Guess who is feeling sorry she did now lol ...
Im back to my pre pregnancy weight but id still like to loose more weight as i am plus size and would like to loose about 4 stone and its not going great tbh
Does anyone else have or had an "overhang" how the hell do you get rid of it ?? :-(
I've had a couple of smiles from Leo now - hooray! I wasn't sure if the first couple were flukes but I definitely had one this morning after giving him his bottle. I think we may be wonder weeking at the moment (5wk+5) though as he's been a bit grumpier than usual, especially if we try to put him down for a nap. His grunts, strains and neighs have stepped up a gear!
I actually came out the other side of pregnancy a stone light then my pre preg weight. I have actually had to buy smaller clothes as my old ones are too baggy! However my tummy is flabby! And I keep putting off exercise and i'm worried I will pile it all on now. I always loose my appetite during pregnancy the same thing happened with my first son and in the year after he was born I ballooned by 3 stone! Its either the breastfeeding or boredom dno which lol
I her ya. With the overhang !!! Hoping ill just wake up one morning and it will be gone ;) Popples that is exactly how Sean was last week , he seems more settled this week its amazing ! Now we get one good week then two unsettled ones :(
Is anyone else hungry all the time , I usually don't have a huge appetite but I seriously could eat rings around me !! Is it due to breast feeding ? Does it make you hungry ?
Bf makes me thirsty - hence the squash issue! I was really hungry for a couple of weeks after giving birth but that seems to have calmed down now.

We're definitely in a wonder week here - flo is seriously crabby and clingy so we're just keeping here close. I have been up since 4am as she would not go back down so feeling knackered today :coffee:
Yup, I'm a piggy at the moment. I'm eating everything in sight!
Is anyone else hungry all the time , I usually don't have a huge appetite but I seriously could eat rings around me !! Is it due to breast feeding ? Does it make you hungry ?

Yes me. I thought I was alone on this. I eat and I am still starving. I don't ever feel satisfied, it is driving me nuts. Just with in the last week, my stomach actually hurts I am so hungry. I wonder if it is just our milk changing so our bodies are changing the amount of calories it needs.

Z in supposed to be in wonder week 2…. He isn't all that bad… he actually is learning to fall asleep finally by himself in the swing, and isn't nearly as fussy as the first leap. He is starting to use his hands differently that is for sure!!
I'm hungry all the time too and it's always for carbs.

I'm considering going to combi feeding. Is anyone doing this? How are you doing it if you are?
I'm combi feeding and have been from the start because LO wouldn't latch on. I bf him first then offer formula if he's still appearing hungry. DH also gives him a ff bottle at night around midnight so I can sleep from his previous feed until 3/4am when he wakes up again. It's working pretty well for us x
I'm also combi feeding, although skye hasn't needed formula top ups so much recently...but I am the same as popples, breastfeeding first and then offering a bottle if needing a top up.
I have 6 more pounds to lose til I'm back at pre-pregnancy weight, but I'd love to be back at wedding dress weight which means another 7 pounds on top of my 6... I lost most of my baby weight fairly easily but these last 6 pounds won't go anywhere unless I step up the cardio. I also have a depressingly flabby belly still that I need to correct, but every time I look at it I get upset by the millions of stretch marks! having a body hating day today :-( xxx
I hear you, mama. My belly is all soft and wobbly. I'm going to start doing some gentle sit ups once my 6 weeks check is out the way (Thursday this week). I say that, but even finding time to go to the toilet or make a brew is a challenge at the moment! My boy is quite clingy just now... He just made a huge fuss seemingly wanting to be fed (only 2 hrs after his last one), he latched on for about 2 mins then went to sleep in my lap. He keeps opening his eyes for a little peep then going back to sleep. What a lovely life babies lead!
Hi I'm wondering if anyone else is having this issue . My LO crys all most every time daddy takes him for a cuddle . Poor daddy is really starting to feel it and keeps asking why does he always cry with me ?? He is very good with him , I find it very hard not to step in and offer to help " rescue" the oh which in turn I'm sure gives the message I also think he cannot comfort baby ...... Anyone ??? LO will be quite content lying on my lap and daddy come sand takes him he immediately crys :(
Awe that is hard for sure!! Though give baby time to get used to daddy. Baby is just voicing his preference and nothing against daddy. At times mine will do the same. It is just a phase, he soon will be smiling and cooing at daddy and all will be well.
Thanks all btw what is your real name ?? I know it will work itself out but was wondering was it something I was doing or was there something different I could be doing to help ? I think leaving them to,figure it out is probably best ! Its hard but they will find " their " way ... Ill just have to go find something to do in another room while they do to stop me taking over lol .........
William is exactly the same with his daddy, cries like he just wants to be with me. My partner is getting quite upset by it and keeps asking why he doesnt like him

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