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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

If u know that and ur lo is putting on weight i would take it with a huge pinch of salt u know whats best for ur child and if they are thriving then thats whats important
Hi everyone . Is it possible for your supply of milk to just run out ?? Sean is still feeding but gets very frustrated after 10 mins or so of nursing , like nothing is coming out . I don't really feel let downs happen like I used to either . It seems to be he is left wanting :( today I tried topping him up with ff and he guzzled 3-4oz having already fed from me .
Should I top him up after every feed ? Or should I feed more often to increase my supply ??? Not sure what to do for the best , one thing is for sure I don't want to leave him hungry!! Is this the begining of the end of bf:( ..... FTM so not sure why he is getting frustrated !!!
My LO has been doing this for weeks. It's horrible seeing him get so upset and makes me question whether i'm doing more harm than good by continuing to bf him. I think he's just getting impatient because the boob is slower than the bottle - he gets both at most feeds. Sean may just be having a growth spurt though? I'd probably try offering the boob to him more often and see if you can top him up that way. Once you start doing ff top ups I think it's difficult to go back... Unless you're happy with that of course. It works pretty well for us but we didn't have a choice because there were so many feeding issues at the beginning. X
Oh and it's still coming out - don't worry. I've seen my LO fuss and feed then vomit... And lots of milk came up. He's definitely still getting it, perhaps just not as quickly as he'd like!
My son gets frustrated for lots of reasons when feeding.
He gets frustrated when the milk flow slows down and he's still really hungry, he also gets frustrated when he needs to burp.

At the moment he is finding that what was satisfying him a week ago isn't anymore. He has always been a 1 boob per feed baby until it has got hotter now he wants the second boob, he must be thirsty as he is still happy with 1 boob at night.

Also any changes in your hormones can effect your milk supply temporarily, so can the heat if you are not taking on enough fluids. I would just keep feeding him yourself and offer more often if you think he's hungry.
Thanks guys for the comments and advice , never thought the heat would effect it but of course being in a hotter climate would effect your hydration ! Ill stick with it for now . Think he maybe going through a growth spurt as he is fussier in general the last couple of days !
Is he around 12 weeks? I think we've hit a wonder week and growth spurt in one at 12 weeks - he was up hourly last night. Mama didn't get much sleep!
William has been fussy at the boob and I have no suply issues and over the weekend point blank refused to feed until I gave him a bottle of expressed milk, he has fed from me about 3 times since Saturday, except during the night he has no problems feeding from me then
That's weird cause night time Sean has no issues either . Maybe they are becoming too interested in the world around to want to spend time at the boob during the day ?? Yeses an turned 12 weeks on Saturday so another leap here we come !
Well I have sort of managed to get William back to the breast but not consistantly, I hope he doesn't decide the bottle is easier
We have some good feeds and some bad ones. It's usually fine if he's a bit dozy (or during the night when I have lots of milk) but at other times he just cries and gets cross :shrug:
Bf is flipping hard !! There is always something !!! My goal is to continue till he is established on solids . Hope I get there.
I'm thinking my breast feeding might be coming to an end, I have managed 15 weeks so its better than nothing it's just starting to put to much stress and strain on our relationship now
My goal was to get to 12 weeks, which is today. I'm going to continue a little longer but not stress if we have to drop some feeds and risk my supply. He's had the good stuff for 3 months now, despite all the odds, but I'm not going to see him get distressed on my boob anymore. Well done, ladies. You're doing a great job! X
Totally agree, it is hard work and my aim was to get to 6 weeks, which was the point with my first was the point I gave up pumping completely (he never latched properly). I'm well past that now so now it's just aiming for when I go back to work in September.
My aim was to last as long as I could really but I'm proud of myself making it to 15 weeks, I'm still going to pump so he gets my milk but will have to suplement with formula I think
Don't be too upset ladies!

I had to give up when he was about 7 weeks old. He never latched properly and my milk supply couldn't keep up with him. I was told he has a high palate in his mouth but I don't know. He never really seemed interested in breast feeding. He likes the bottle so much more. A friend of mine told me not to worry too much though. Her first baby would never latch and she was able to breast feed her second baby until 6 months. I will definitely still give it a good try with the next one!
Yeah, I did everything I could at the time to get my supply going but I know there's things I'd do differently next time (mostly not panicking if LO didn't gain weight straight away). A little experience goes a long way
My suply is fine he has just decided he prefers the bottle. I'm still pumping so he will get the benefits of breast milk with a little formula to make up anything more he needs, I'm just glad to have made if to 15 weeks, I will definately still give it a go again with no2 if we have one

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