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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

Just been sorting clothes to take camping for the weekend for both boys. Because of the changeable weather I've packed 3/4 of Isaac's wardrobe!

Also very excited to test drive the connecta baby carrier this weekend I've got from the sling library. I've worn it for a couple of shorts trips and love it, if it does a good job over the weekend I will be buying one. I will just have to pick a patten. Not what I thought I would have wanted before I started trying them out.
Hi everyone :) back from hols in Italy . Had a ball and Sean was so so good . I brought my mei it sling . It was a life saver I would have been lost without it . Well I didn't pump at all on holidays and it really took the stress out of bf for me ! I've decided ill still feed but if needed ill give a formula bottle until I give up bf totally . Its the expressing and pumping that was putting on the pressure as nothing was coming out !!!

Also in an update I eventually DTD ;) on a ferry crossing from France to Ireland lol !! Glad the first time since giving birth is now over !! We didn't use protection so today it dawned on me that there is the slightest possibility of pregnancy ! AF has not returned but have have had some EWCM the last couple of days . Possible sign of impending ov . Oooooops ! Ah well if it happened I'd be thrilled , will be trying for real before the end of the year anyhow lol ......

I feel Sean grew so much on holidays , and I'm getting to see his little personalility more .probably alot to do with his developmental age but it was so wonderful to spend so much time with him without having to worry about housework ect !
Glad you had fun and I'm looking forward to hear what happens at the end of your TWW 😉.
heya ladies, interesting that a few of you are also thinking about ending bfing. I aim to make it to six months but soon as skye is 5 months will express and bottle feed during the day to prepare for weaning. However is anyone else feeling pressure to stick at it for longer? I was at the hv on tues and when I asked about weaning she 'strongly suggested'I keep going for til 8 months as then she can skip bottles and go straight to sippy cups! I just can't face 4 more months, I want my boobies back!
I'm not giving up through choice I aimed to carry on till he was 1 he just decided that wasn't going to happen, he is mostly getting my milk in a bottle now and will occasionally feed from me but I have had to introduce formula as I wasn't getting enougb expressing
I am hoping to ttc again also by the end of the year, so i'm another one who is aiming for 6 months, after that I am going to start cutting feeds, and see what happens, I just need to get my periods back really! ... I read online that even cutting out one feed can do it?
I am hoping to ttc again also by the end of the year, so i'm another one who is aiming for 6 months, after that I am going to start cutting feeds, and see what happens, I just need to get my periods back really! ... I read online that even cutting out one feed can do it?

Bfing doesnt necessarily stop u getting pregnant
I wrote a reply then lost my wifi.... I know that :) but I'm not ovulating. The less you feed the more likely tou are to ovulate etc
Nope, I went back on the pill at 6 weeks after giving birth x
I'm at my wits end , Sean will Not take to the breast at all this afternoon . He fed fine this morning but this afternoon went hysterical every time I tried feeding . I knew he was starving but just refused to feed . After trying for 45 mins ( and I didn't feel any let down ) I gave in and gave a formula bottle which he devoured ! 7oz ! Now I feel crap he was starving and I wasn't producing ?? But a vicious cycle as the less he feeds the less I produce the more formula he will need . Thinking it maybe easier just to give up and ff . Anyone else having these issues ? I think it is related to his growth spurt as he is feeding every 2 hours. I just don't think my supply is up to scratch ! I know I should offer him the boob more often to increase supply but when he is hysterical and I know he is hungry and I've no milk to give I feel there is no option but a formula bottle . Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , there are so many issues with bf no one ever tells you , when it goes wrong you feel so guilty !! He just had a 7oz bottle of ff and is so content ..... What to do !!!!!!!
Left wondering, please dont feel guilty, its only a decision you can make, how would you feel stopping? Have you tried pumping to keet supply going?
I stopped bf about 3weeks ago.

Ladies i had a ooopsie last weekend dtd, and im now terrified, and I have just realised my ticker has re started itself from last year and would be pretty accurate *spooky
I'm having problems with my c section scar at the moment :(
I think I would rather a clear decision than this ! But bf is so so handy at night times and he has so far no issues feeding during the night .

Mumofone that is spooky !!! Did it just start itself ?? Lol ........
I'm at my wits end , Sean will Not take to the breast at all this afternoon . He fed fine this morning but this afternoon went hysterical every time I tried feeding . I knew he was starving but just refused to feed . After trying for 45 mins ( and I didn't feel any let down ) I gave in and gave a formula bottle which he devoured ! 7oz ! Now I feel crap he was starving and I wasn't producing ?? But a vicious cycle as the less he feeds the less I produce the more formula he will need . Thinking it maybe easier just to give up and ff . Anyone else having these issues ? I think it is related to his growth spurt as he is feeding every 2 hours. I just don't think my supply is up to scratch ! I know I should offer him the boob more often to increase supply but when he is hysterical and I know he is hungry and I've no milk to give I feel there is no option but a formula bottle . Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , there are so many issues with bf no one ever tells you , when it goes wrong you feel so guilty !! He just had a 7oz bottle of ff and is so content ..... What to do !!!!!!!

My LO does this and I used to find it really upsetting. Now I'm
Resigned to bf him when he'll let me and ff when he won't. I fully expect my supply to suffer but there's not much else I can do. Hopefully it's just a phase with Sean. My bf support group thought it might be a growth spurt but he's been the same for 6 weeks now :(
Popples do you offer the breast first ? And then if refused formula ? Have you noticed a reduction in your supply ?? Guess I'm just going to have to do what you are , continue to try bf but if refusing give formula for that feed and see what happens . I don't want to get stressed out over it ! The main thing still is he is eating and getting what he needs .
no sign of AF yet for me...can't say I'm missing it though! After a year of no periods, I totally can't be arsed with the hassle again ;-)
Left wonderin- yeah i cant change it from my phone so its just started again, so this time last year i was 4day preg

Well it initially healed well, then at 5 weeks the left side came open and was oozing but it healed up about a week later, then a few days ago I noticed the right side looked like there was fluid under it, then it looked like these was a ball under my skin went to the doctor who gave me antibiotics. Then last night it popped so so gross xx
I'm at my wits end , Sean will Not take to the breast at all this afternoon . He fed fine this morning but this afternoon went hysterical every time I tried feeding . I knew he was starving but just refused to feed . After trying for 45 mins ( and I didn't feel any let down ) I gave in and gave a formula bottle which he devoured ! 7oz ! Now I feel crap he was starving and I wasn't producing ?? But a vicious cycle as the less he feeds the less I produce the more formula he will need . Thinking it maybe easier just to give up and ff . Anyone else having these issues ? I think it is related to his growth spurt as he is feeding every 2 hours. I just don't think my supply is up to scratch ! I know I should offer him the boob more often to increase supply but when he is hysterical and I know he is hungry and I've no milk to give I feel there is no option but a formula bottle . Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , there are so many issues with bf no one ever tells you , when it goes wrong you feel so guilty !! He just had a 7oz bottle of ff and is so content ..... What to do !!!!!!!

This exact thing happened to me starting last Saturday and I know there is no issues with my suply as I can express no problem, I've stopped even trying during the day as it was causing so much stress, I struggle to even get him on the breast at night now so I've decided to just bottle feed him expressed milk with some formula feeds as it was starting to really get me down. I expect to have to give more formula as time goes on and my milk starts to dry up

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