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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

Mum doesn't sound like fun , hope its not too sore and the anti biotics do the job .
Little nicki thanks for the reply makes me feel a little better . Had the same reaction for 7pm feed and again had to give bottle . I tried expressing for both missed feeds but nought but an oz did I get ! I wouldn't mind expressing and bottle feeding if needs be but that's not an options as my boobs hate the pump lol........ Looks like my bf days are coming to an end , ah well at least weaning wont be a problem ;)
Popples do you offer the breast first ? And then if refused formula ? Have you noticed a reduction in your supply ?? Guess I'm just going to have to do what you are , continue to try bf but if refusing give formula for that feed and see what happens . I don't want to get stressed out over it ! The main thing still is he is eating and getting what he needs .

Yeah and no reduction until the last couple of days because I've stopped 'encouraging' him to stay on when he's distressed. As soon as he kicks off I reach for the formula now. Overnight my boobs were definitely emptier (they usually hurt) but I've also been massively stressed for a couple of days too which won't help production x
Ok 3 ff feeds today as he just refuses to stay latched on and suck long enough . He wants instant gratification !! I'm trying to pump while he feeds but am getting nothing ............. Think my bf days will shortly be comin to an end . Uck the thoughts of having to get up in the middle of the night to make a bottle !!!!!
Aha AF returned this evening , I'm thinking that has something to do with bf issues apparently it when here can temporarily lower your supply and change the taste of the milk . We will see if it improves when she goes . Can't believe she is here after a year errrrrrrrrrrr. On the plus side I did want to ttc again sooner rather than later ;) poas and charting here I come lol......( well just to see how my cycles are ! ) ;)
Ahh, that might well be it! I'm feeling seriously broody just now but really want at least a year where my body is my own again first :)
Im definantly not broody lol i dont know if its because its my second but i think were all done on the baby thing now. I felt a little sad just b4 my dd was born as i realised it was probably the last time id be pregnant :(
Argh I suck at posting here! How's everyone doing?

Sorry to hear about bf troubles :( :hugs: remember whatever you decide you are making the decision that is best for you and your family and not to feel guilty!

As for more babies...I'm a little broody now, but nothing compared to my DH who in a few days went from no more to definitely wanting another! I NEED to get an implant put in but my GPs keeps cocking up the appointment. I've got Flo's second lot of jabs on wednesday so I will ask about it again then.
We have got back from camping for the long weekend with the extended family, 22 adults and 6 kids under 3! Issac loved the attention being the youngest there by only 6 weeks. He also STTN for the 3 nights we were there as well. I didn't cause I kept checking him and hearing the other babies I our party cry. So try sleeping in a tent to try and get your baby to STTN!

I had feeding issues around the time that AF returned. I've only has the one as nothing settled out yet and I think it was bought on by the mix of issac starting going 8/9/10hrs overnight and having my implant put in.

Pumping to keep up a supply is hard work and lot of babies once they get used to a bottle struggle on the breast as it's much easier. I had this issue with my first and a pump just can't mimic a baby. At the end of the day formula is not poison and if everyone is happy it's a much better situation.

Issac has already had one bottle of formula for me to check he would take formula. I am doing 3 KIT days and sitting a half day exam in the same week in early June and my freezer stash can't cope as it takes several sessions on the pump just to get one feed. That will be the start of me combi feeding, I'm going to try and keep up the boob for last feed, over night and first morning feed but switch over to formula during the day completely.

I see a little tiny baby and think ahh so cute but I never want another. I had 2 difficult pregnancies for different reasons and I just couldn't face that again, give me labour any day!
We've had a really good day today on the feeding front - lots of calm, enjoyable feeds. I love bf when it works :)
I'm still managing to breast feed during the night since he is still prety much asleep but during the day I'm giving expressed milk and formula for last feed before bed which seems to be working for us, I'm not willing to upset him trying to get him on the boob during the day when he doesn't want it. At least I now know he will be ok taking a bottle when I go back to work when he's about 8 months
My LO feeding a little better the last day :) although still topping up with ff during the day . Night time is no issue . Tink it was combination of growth spurt and AF returning
Nooo i'm having spotting, i think af is about to return. Damn! Despite exclusively bf with both my girls my period has always come back really early...grrr!
Oh noo :/ bad luck! Still waiting on mine, have dropped one feed a day to formula, through choice as I intend to wean him off around six months. :) sp maybe mine will return soon
Still no sign of mine returning at 4 months despite all these breast feeding issues too
I'm now offically combi feeding ! I managed to express 3.5 oz today I was well pleased lol ... Sean bf no problem for feeds at 11pm , 3am and 7pm no issues .. 11am he will start on the boob but stops when it becomes work after initial flow , rest of the day 2 feeds no way he will even latch on to try !! It has a pattern now ! I try express for those two feeds while he ff .
My returned AF is exceptionally light is that normal ??
I'm now offically combi feeding ! I managed to express 3.5 oz today I was well pleased lol ... Sean bf no problem for feeds at 11pm , 3am and 7pm no issues .. 11am he will start on the boob but stops when it becomes work after initial flow , rest of the day 2 feeds no way he will even latch on to try !! It has a pattern now ! I try express for those two feeds while he ff .

When I express I get about 8oz at a time so I know it's nothing to do with suply issues I think William is just to nosey during the day and has to be looking around to see what is going on
Nicki think your on to something !! Sean is also just too afraid he will miss something if he turns away lol ...
Morning everyone :) hope everyone is doing well . I can't quite believe Sean is 14 weeks tommrow . The time has just flown !! Btw STM when do ya stop counting in weeks ?? Lol ... Anyone any exciting plans for the weekend :)
Hi all sorry it's been ages since I posted on here. Rufus is now 15 weeks and we are in a teething / growth spurt / wonder week / early four month sleep regression nightmare! He's waking / feeding / crying more often than he did when newborn and I am shattered. We have a wedding tomorrow but don't think I'll look too good in the pics :haha: Hope you're all ok. How are people doing with losing baby weight? I put on 3 stones and have 3 pounds left to lose. But I want to lose an extra stone from my pre-pregnancy weight to get me down to 8 stone so a way to get yet!
How is everyone today? I've had a headache since yesterday morning and today I wake up all achy and feeling rubbish. This will be fun on my own with a 16 week old...

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