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February 2014 thread for new mums :)

I think we're all coming down with colds too. I've have sore throat since about midnight. DH was out with his work mates last night so I was on my own with a baby who kept waking me up by making choking noises - I think he was trying to cough up the mucus. Poor thing. He seems pretty happy in his bouncer just now so I think I'll try to keep him upright today. Hope you're feeling better soon x
Nicki hope you don't come down with something too bad ! I'm guessing being sick with a little person dependant on you is no fun :(
Luckily I only felt bad for a few hours just dosed up a bit on pain killers and I'm actually going out for a bit and leaving Daddy to do bed time for the first time...eek!
heya ladies we had our first date night last night! our first night out and my first time out without skye (excluding a 10 min daily dog walk). it was lovely having adult time with hubby but I was getting anxious after 2.5 hours ;-)
skye has slept through the last two nights! she's done so well but I'm expecting it to end soon as there is definite teething going on. very dribbly, rosy cheeked, red bum and grizzly so she is a bit ofan unhappy soul...
baby weight wise I am back to normal but my belly is still a good bit bigger than when I started - what is that all about?! xxx
Candy great to hear of your date night , I'm planning ours for the week after next but anxious leaving him . He too has slept well from 7 to 12 and after a feed till 7am for the last 3 nights . Glad you enjoyed your night out x
I went to a friends 30th bbq. I felt sick leaving him and after 2 1/2 hours was more than ready to get home to my baby. Think Daddy struggled a bit an William was asleep on the sofa when I got home instead of bed lol think he missed his mammy
I'm actually going to work for the next 3 days to help out as they need the cover. The member of staff I'm covering happens to be my brother so I really wanted to help out so he could get on a course he needs to do but is only run once a year. I'm gonna miss issac but I've done all this before so it's not as daunting.

I'm still fat and overweight. The diet is due to start on Saturday. I have to get through an exam on Friday first and as it's also my birthday on the same day a few birthday treats.

Isaac will start being combination fed from tomorrow as I just don't have enough pumped milk for the next few days and I actually feel like it's a weight lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I can start planning things without wondering about pumping a bottle just in case or do I have enough milk stored.
Kay what's with the christmas crew ????? Something to tell us ;) lol ......

I know what you mean Sean is on three ff per day now , bf first thing in the am , last thing at night and one midday . The not expressing or in my case " trying to " has taken off the biggest pressure ! LO seems a little more settled since gettin ff so I wonder was he getting less than he needed from me ?? Washing and sterilising bottles is a pain !
I agree with the washing and sterilising being a pain, William is on 5 bottles a day normally 4 expressed milk and formula last thing at night, I can't ecen get him to feed from me first thing or in the evening only during the night which is handy as I don't have to faff on sorting bottles in the middle of the night
Kay what's with the christmas crew ????? Something to tell us ;) lol ......

Lol I'm just a little Christmas crazy, I already have some bargain presents for both my boys put away :wacko: I know.

Having already done the whole wash and sterilise thing once before I find it doesn't bother me. It just becomes part of the daily routine.

I had a great day at work it was nice to exercise my mind and I really didn't miss him too much. Though I did buy him 2 new outfits and some dinosaur pants for DS1 at lunchtime. I got the biggest smile when I came home. He stayed awake about an hour longer than I normally would have expected him too smiling and chatting to me.
Goodness. Tyler has started teething and is in the middle of a growth spurt. It's like the first week all over again. He will still sleep through the night for the most part but he is a fussy little guy during the day.

I've lost all of my pregnancy weight but the weight that I have left is all in the front of my belly. I'd look great if it was more evenly distributed. :rofl: I feel like my pregnancy changed my body shape. It's only 15 pounds that I need to lose but it's definitely frustrating. It's about to be beach season here and mommy wants to go play in the ocean and look good doing it. :rofl:
Also, here's a visual update of my little one. <3


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Is anyone exclusively breastfeeding still ?
I'm still mostly feeding Eli myself, minus the occasional bottle at the weekends when we go out for a long time (I wont feed in public :() so he is on about one bottle a week maybe 2. I wanted to wean him off by six months.

Not sure exactly how to do it... ? Can I wean him off for day feeds and only feed him at night(eventually) or will my milk just dry up if I stop day time feeding ?
Hi at the moment I'm feeding Sean bottles during the day and bf at night and first feed in the morning . My supply during the day is less but still great at night . I checked with mw / Hv as when I return to work I'd like to continue to bf night feed and morning feed . She advised your milk supply adjusts to what you need so there should be no problem . Isn't nature a wonderful thing sometime ;)
I was EBF until about 10 days ago . LO choose to wean himself during the day lol ... Nosey bugger !
I'm doing bf overnight and first thing. Still offering the breast first at feeds during the day but I'm not forcing him if he kicks off. Either way, I have to top up with formula during the day anyway...
Popples I'm exactly the same , most times he will feed for a few mins but when the flow slows he pops off , gives out and refuses to go back on ! Had 3 month check and his weight 13.5 lbs is just below average so I'm happy to give ff top ups at this stage ..

When are people going to Introduce solids ? Hv/phn said they can be introduced from 17 weeks to 6 months ... I'm thinking more 17
I think I'm going to wait a bit longer, purely because I don't think he's ready yet. He does seem pretty interested in food - he loves watching me eat (and I always explain to him what my meal is!) but can't sit up properly and still manages to choke on his bottle sometimes. I guess I'll reassess at 17 weeks and see how he's getting on. I have friends who introduced baby rice then and it was absolutely fine.

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