February 2014 thread for new mums :)

Do you cook the carrot sticks and cucumber ? I'd imagine cucumber would be very cooling on the gums
I just give him the cucumber in sticks from the fridge, I originaly gave it to him to ease teething pain but cook the carrot
Mmm might try that tommrow and be brave . He would love it ! Home big / thick do you cut the sticks ?
I just cut it so it's big enough for him to hold and have a bit sticking out to bite, maybe thats not helpful
Williams newest trick is sitting up all by himself!


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He's definately proud of his new trick he hates to lie down now and wants to be sitting or held so he can stand all the time
He looks like he is thinking hey look what I can do in his picture . Sean is attempting to sit but still very wobbly !


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William was like that till a few days ago and suddenly he was quite steady, he still wobbles and topples over occasionaly. Did you try carrot sticks or anything like that?
awww William is lovely x how is everyones routine looking with food and milk bottle etc just to see if im on the right track??
William isn't in much of a nap routine with times but his day prety much looks like this

6-6.30am gets up
7-7.30am 8oz bottle
About 30mins to 1hr later breakfast depending on when he wants his nap
Roughly 8-9 nap for anywhere up to 2 hours
11-11.30 8oz bottle
Usually between 12 and 1 lunch
Nap about 2 hours after he woke up from last one again up to 2 hrs
3-3.30 8oz bottle
Between 4 and 5 tea
Again nap about 2 hours after waking
6-6.15 into bath
Ready for bed and story
6.30-6.40 9oz bottle
Into cot awake and usually asleep by 7pm (sometimes falls asleep on his bottle and put him down already asleep). Then he sleeps till 6-6.30 again and repeat.

For naps and night time he always goes down awake with his dummy and a muslin cloth. He does sometimes wake in the night for his dummy but goes straight back to sleep.
I'm not dissimilar to William , well Sean isn't lol

Awake 6-6.30 babbling in crib ( moving to cot this weekend )
7-7.30 - 7oz bottle
Unlike William 20 mins cat nap and lots of play and babbling
9-9.30 cereal
We probably get a 40-60 min nap here in our swing
11-11.30 7oz bottle
Lots more play in activity centre ect and another 20 min nap
1.30-2.00 lunch
Another 20 min nap
3.00-3.30 7ozbottle
Might have another 20 min nap or might not !
5.00 -5.30 tea
Now we have our fussy hour or so where nothing pleases or entertains us ! Usually a time for the sling and lots of walks in the garden lol ... Looking at random things to keep himself entertained
6.00 -6.30 bathtime into pjs
6.30-7.00 7oz bottle
Usually Sean is fighting sleep at this point and falls asleep on his bottle and goes down , if he doesn't he goes down awake into his cot with muslin square and soother , I stay in the room till he falls asleep , he usually just babbles to himself then nods off quickly . Now that I'm writing this I'm not quite sure why I stay in the room !!!! Lol ......
I give him another 7oz feed when I go to bed at 12pm ( dream feed ) and he sleeps through to 6-6.30 again :)

Writing this I can see a few changes I would like to try . Maybe upping his bottles to 8oz will cut out the need for the night feed alltogether . And as for stayin in the room I might just leave him to it . Think I stay in it for me not him!!! Ill let ye know how I get on ! This forum is so great I love checking in ! And no little Niki not tried the, yet !!!
William would just cat nap until recently then when I started trying him in his cot for naps again he cut down to 3 naps and sleeps much longer now we dont usually have hus grumpy hour in the evening anymore maybe just for 15-20 mins before bed, he only just dropped his feed he was having at 4.30-5am recently as he wasn't really bothered about it, just used it to go back to sleep. He has changed a lot with feeds and sleep in thr last 2 weeks and if I remember rightly William is a bit older than Sean
Also William wouldn't settle if I stayed in the room with him so I just go into my room nextdoor in case I need tp replace the dummy but he usually goes straight to sleep himself
Well still haven't had the oppertunity to try leave the room yet as he has fallen asleep on his last feed every night lol... I will try put him in his cot for naps as I usually just leave him sleep on me or put him on the couch . Think Sean is about w2 weeks behind William .
Ye William was born on the 3rd so about 2 1/2 weeks and he changed so much in a week or 2 with his sleeping and feeds
Its crazy yesterday and today I've seen such a difference in Sean. He is reaching for everything and grabbing it . He has finally fully figured out what his arms and hands are for :) its incredible as a FTM watching them develop . They change from day to day . Overnight they develop new skills right before your eyes :) I'm loving every second :)

So what do ye all think your little bundles personalities will be like ? What are the clues you see now ??
My LO's favourite thing in the whole world is kicking his legs - he does it in his crib, in his bouncer, lying on the floor, in the bath - properly frantic, energetic kicking. I think he's going to be a little whirlwind running around!

He's a real chatterbox too, lies in his crib cooing at the ceiling and making some real comedy 'errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' noises. They crack me up (especially when I'm trying to get him to nap) which obviously encourages him. I think he's going to be a little joker.

He's also a bit of a daddy's boy at the moment (gah!). He absolutely lights up when daddy walks into the room. Hopefully he'll still have time for mummy too :)
William has changed so much recently, in the last 2 weeks he's learned to sit on his own and can now roll from his back to his tummy then gets stuck because he has forgotten he can roll back since he only did it a handful of times.

I think he is going to be cheeky, he sometimes does this pretend cough so I will say 'oh dear me' and sometimes when I leave the room he will pretend to cry then smile when I come back.

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