Daisy - The dreams are so intense sometimes!! That is a scary one.
Lately mine have been more intimate dreams, which I don't mind!
I'd like to cautiously join the group now. Due date is Feb 20, but will have scheduled c-section probably a week before. I've had 6 losses so even now at 9w3d I feel no confidence. I had a scan yesterday which looked great, but you never know...
Sorry to the ladies with bleeding or who have had losses
We are currently on vacation, but I'm 12 weeks today (LMP) so thought I'd pop in and see how everyone is doing. I feel huge. Like I'm 7 months pregnant.
I was reading about a corpus luteum cyst... I have one too. It showed up at my 10.5 week scan. I'm hoping it's absorbed by now as the pain has gone.