Had my first midwife appointment on 19th July! Went great until they did my bmi and it was hurrendous :/ automatically offered a glucose tolerance test at at 28 weeks! Really gutted about it as I hate needles at the best of times
booking in bloods I had two nurses either side of me holding me down while they took my blood! I hate being that afraid of needles I get sweaty and panicky!!..so spending 2 hours in a hospital is really gonna do wonders for my ever rising anxiety (Not!!!)
Had my first scan date through for 9th August! Quite excited about that!
Appetite has taken leave! Still don't feel like eating
finding something I want to eat without feeling physically sick at the thought is really hard :/ I know I need to eat but I just can't do it
food aversions to mince and pizza
liked both before pregnancy and now both just make me feel nauseous at the sight and smell
My right hip is so sore today