February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

nordic - I am sorry that this is happening to you, and I hope that everything turns out ok.

akins - I hope you get some relief from the constipation, mine is finally not as intense, my stomach can finally handle veggies and that is mostly what I am craving, well, veggies and poutine. haha
Thanks for the support ladies , it's reassuring to hear others have had similar experience and a positive outcome. :flower:

Fruit and veg juices help with the constipation . Lots of fluids too :thumbup:
Nordic, I've also had a subchorionic hematoma with my last pregnancy and also this one. With my last I bled from 6-8 weeks and ended up having a healthy full term baby. With this one I had bouts of bleeding at 5, 6, and 8 weeks and so far everything is well. Most first trimester subchorionic hematomas resolve by the end of the first trimester! Did they say what size yours is?
Ive been having lots of fruits and salad and apple juice. I mostly crave salad mostly and breakfast foods
So here is my little monkey nut lol. Baby is doing great! Was lying by in a very awkward position so really hard to get a proper look and couldn't get real measurements but from what we could see baby is 8w4d so two days behind what I thought instead of 7 I got last time. So I'm soooo happy about that! We even got to hear the heartbeat we could see a bleed behind the baby but is just old blood now so the dr isn't worried at all and fingers crossed if I bleed again it should just be old blood now. It was the dr herself who scanned me and she's very happy with everything and wasn't worried about not getting measurements since I'll be back in about 3 weeks for my 12 week scan x


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Great news!

My scan is tomorrow. I'm so nervous there won't be a heartbeat or something will. E wrong. Please keep me in your thoughts.

Nordic, my last ob told me that often sunchorionic hematoma are cause during implantation (which is a bit of an ongoing process, not a discrete event), when a blood vessel is ruptured in the process. So it's a fairly common and not entirely abnormal thing to happen. It made me feel better to understand that. This is my first pregnancy with no bleeding so far which almost makes me nervous! My first ob told me that she bled with each of her successful pregnancies and miscarried the only one she didn't. That makes me nervous!
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow daisy xxx
Also, fully looking 4 months prego. Only 8 weeks. 3rd kid.
Yay, kirsty! GL, daisy!

We have our first u/s on Monday - so excited but also nervous! We moved this weekend, from a 850sqft apartment to a 1,600sqft townhouse - which is awesome since our little family is growing, but I'm so nervous that I messed something up trying to be helpful with the move :/ DF wouldn't let me lift any of the heavier boxes but I still kind of feel like I over-did it, and I've had pains in my lower abdomen on and off since - twinges kind of like when you pull a muscle? Hoping that the two are unrelated and everything is fine!

Haven't had any bleeding, and no cramping since the 6th week, but still have nausea on and off all day, and breaking out like crazy! That part is AWFUL! I was lucky and didn't really have acne as a teenager, so I feel like I'm getting my turn now...as soon as one goes away two more pop up! Arg!
Gemini, I bet you're having a girl!

I hope you feel better soon. Get some rest and hydrate.

Congrats on the house!
Its here!! Today is the day I finally get to see baby, I am so nervous that it will be bad news, but also hopeful that since my symptoms have been strong that everything is ok! Curious to see if there is one or two little beans in there!

My appointment isnt until almost 3pm, so it will be a long day waiting!

Gemini - I agree you are probably having a girl!!

The bleeding certainly keeps us on our toes, I would be terrified if I bled because my successful pregnancy I didn't bleed once, but if it is something you are used to from previous pregnancies I could see how that would make you nervous to not bleed. Our bodies are all so different, but so amazing!
Gemini I feel exactly the same my nausea is so so bad and I have never had such bad break outs I even have spots between my boobs lol I feel so horrible! But I'm 95% sure this baby is another boy!
Is breaking out a sign of a girl usually?

Anyone have any suspensions on gender? I was thinking girl but then I had a private free cell test (debatable quality though) come back boy. So for now I'm wrapping my head around another boy.
Kirsty I'm so pleased all went well .xx

Daisy and hopeful good luck with your scans xx

Krissie I'm feeling like it may be a blue bundle , we're staying team yellow until birthday though xx
Kirsty - glad I'm not alone! Yes, I actually found a pimple on my leg after the move and was just like "Seriously?!?!" My gut says this is a boy, but girl would be totally fine with me too.

Krissie - yes, there's an old wives tale that says if the baby "steals your beauty" (like with acne, etc) then it's probably a girl. But who knows!
Glad all was well Kirsty

I'm having anxiety around 12 week scan so scared that the baby will have died :( so still have sore boobs although much less still some nausea and still a tiny bump I'm trying to view these as positives
The anxiety is horrible isn't it. I had a dream the other night my baby died and the last time that happened was my last pregnancy and the next day I lost the baby. I'm sooo glad I got my scan today and heard the heartbeat. I'm still in cloud 9 from hearing it!
I'm having days where I don't have any nausea and it's been making me so worried!
The anxiety is horrible isn't it. I had a dream the other night my baby died and the last time that happened was my last pregnancy and the next day I lost the baby. I'm sooo glad I got my scan today and heard the heartbeat. I'm still in cloud 9 from hearing it!
I'm having days where I don't have any nausea and it's been making me so worried!

Napped this afternoon while both my boys were down for naps and I had three horrible dreams in a row. Horrible. The worst of the three was that I was riding on a bus being driven my my brother in law and I was sitting with DH up front. The boys were on the bus too. He was driving way too fast and I was freaking out asking him to slow down and pleading with DH to say something too, but DH and his brother were laughing at me. Then he wasn't paying attention and took a curve way too fast and flipped the bus. I hit my head on something, felt the pain of that and felt myself go airborne and was screaming NO! over and over again. I knew there was no way we were all going to survive it, especially my littles. Then I woke up. So vivid. Ugh.
One little babe measuring 11w6d so 1 day off from my LMP!

Heart rate 169!!

It's always so reassuring after you finally see baby!


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