February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

aidensxmomma, how far along are you? My hCG was only 13 the first time, but then it went up to 55, 199. and 937 every 48 hours. Fingers crossed it's the same for you.

MindUtopia! I remember you from ages ago. Nice to be in the same due date group, congrats! :)

Hi! Yeah, my daughter is 4 years, 4 months, so we must have been due around the same time last time as well.

Also, my 2nd baby like many of you, though we'll have a 5 year age gap. My daughter starts reception in September, so seems crazy to be going back to the baby years again even if it was a very carefully planned age gap.
That is exciting it sounds like many of us are having their second or third child!

My due date this time around is 2 days after DS due date. If I carry this baby the same term I carried DS then this babe will be born on my DH's birthday. February is a very expensive month for me!
Ttc1... if you were taking fertility drugs, then its entirely possible you may have multiples! I was reading that the older we are also causes us to release multiple eggs sometimes too so if you're over 35 and taking fertility drugs then you got a pretty good chance of multiples but your doctor may not want to say anything yet because of the possibility of a Vanishing twin or other things so hold tight until your three month scan!
Mini anxiety rant post...

I got my progesterone back from 13 dpo (now 16 dpo). It was 1.6. I'm just a nervous wreck. I'm on 200 mg a day of progesterone, but then I started getting brown spotting today and it just sent me into overdrive with worry.

I can't even get a recheck until next Wednesday. :cry: I wish my doctor's nurse was a bit more compassionate as I've already had two losses, which were likely progesterone issues.
I still am here with a little hope. My hcg went up to 647 which is a doubling time of 32 hours. The bad this is progesterone is down to 10. They did a scan because of the fluctuating hcg level and they found a sac and yolk sac at 5w1d! Im praying with all my heart that this baby hangs on!
Sorry to hear about the progesterone issues! Praying all these babies hang on, too!
Oh curly and Krissie hoping for you both!!! Keep us posted.
Fingers crossed curly and krissie
Fingers crossed Curly & Krissie, thinking of you both , please keep us up to date xx

I had a terrible dream last night that I had started bleeding, took me back to 4 years ago (it was this month on my Birthday). Just feeling awful today with worry.
When I was pregnant with my son, my progesterone was only 7. I asked for progesterone supplements at a few different walk-in clinics and nobody would give it, so I took vitex until 10 weeks to help my body make progesterone. Anyway, he hung on just fine despite the fact that I bled every day from 6-8 weeks (subchorionic hematoma). So low progesterone can be okay. I know personally, my progesterone takes a while to go up naturally -- my temp shift is always slow to rise and I don't get creamy cm (caused by high progesterone) until a few weeks into pregnancy. Juuust starting to get it now at 5 weeks.

Fingers crossed!
Got my 3+ on the clear blue. That was reassuring to see. Hope everyone is doing ok xx
Sorry I havent been posting. The ms is awful and it's a busy time of year for me. 5 days ago was ds1 birthday then today is dd birthday so I've been busy. This is baby number four and hopefully baby number last lol I have a 15 yr old dd 14 yr old ds and 9 yr old ds. We're hoping this one is a girl.

Hopeful, yes the clear blue week estimator is completely pulled off the shelves here. So it's impossible to find one even online! I'm so grateful for Happycupcake for sending me one!

Curly and Krissie I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything is fine and you both have sticky beans in there!
Baby brain I had a similar dream a few nights ago! It's horrible isn't it! I really want to enjoy it as I loved being pregnant last time but I keep wishing it away :-(

Anyone else considering paying for an early scan, even though there's no real reason to?
Thanks ladies. In all honesty I think everything is fine. I was just having a bad day. The brown stopped soon after I posted. I think it would most likely be implantation based on the low amount.

Today is a much better day. I've been pretty dizzy today and the nausea is in full swing. I definitely feel pregnant.
Mindutopia I'm sure I remember you from TTC threads? Congrats 😊
Still don't feel all that pregnant yet other than ridiculously constipated...!!!
My GP doesn't want to see me until 8 weeks, Im sure I saw them earlier with DS?
Thanks, MrsLux! Personally I've never seen the GP while pregnant. Like here we just self refer to the midwives, so I've never even called the surgery once about pregnancy. Surely if they have to refer you, 8 weeks is a little late as you should usually have a midwife appointment around 9 weeks.

As for a early scan, I think listen to your gut. We had a private scan at 8 weeks with my last pregnancy (which ended in mc), but didn't even think of it with my first. I am so thankful we did. I was really good to know what was happening so we could prepare. I travel part of the week for work and it would have been awful to be stuck far from home or on a train and going through that. So it was a blessing to know earlier. We'll do the same this time as I just can't relax until I make it past that point again. It was only £60, which I think is well worth it. I rationalise I must be saving at least that by not drinking wine in first tri alone!
Hi girls! Congratulations to everyone here! I wanted to join you guys. I am 16 dpo and have been getting positive test since 9dpo. 9 dpo was light but they have consistently been getting darker. This is number 2 for me. My dd just turned one March 15th. I have pics and tried 5 years for her. After many treatments and a surgery to drill holes in my ovaries I was blessed with her. This time it was my first month of tracking ovulation and really trying and it happened on our own without any treatments. I was shocked. I'm so happy and nervous at the same time. A while back before the weeks estimators were taking out of stores here in the us I bought a pack of three on sale. I took one at 11 dpo and it was 1-2. That same day my bloods came back at 26. I'm trying to hold off on taking another weeks estimator since I can't get ahold of more. I have a ton of wondfos and have been taking those and they are getting darker so that's re assuring. I am getting random pain in my left ovary area every now and then right but mainly left. That worries me a little but I'm guessing it's a cyst. My first ultrasound is scheduled for the 27th. I'm hoping my dr will let me do one more blood test in the mean time to see if my numbers are doubling properly. I didn't ovulate till cycle day 29. So based on that I think my due date would be Feb 16th. Based on my last period it would be Feb 2nd. Guess I'll have to wait till the ultrasound to get a more for sure due date. Can't wait to go through this journey with you ladies.
Thanks, MrsLux! Personally I've never seen the GP while pregnant. Like here we just self refer to the midwives, so I've never even called the surgery once about pregnancy. Surely if they have to refer you, 8 weeks is a little late as you should usually have a midwife appointment around 9 weeks.

As for a early scan, I think listen to your gut. We had a private scan at 8 weeks with my last pregnancy (which ended in mc), but didn't even think of it with my first. I am so thankful we did. I was really good to know what was happening so we could prepare. I travel part of the week for work and it would have been awful to be stuck far from home or on a train and going through that. So it was a blessing to know earlier. We'll do the same this time as I just can't relax until I make it past that point again. It was only £60, which I think is well worth it. I rationalise I must be saving at least that by not drinking wine in first tri alone!

I thought that was normal protocol, but with my GP it's something for ridiculous like who gets the funding from
requesting my scan. I may just ring the midwife directly in a week or so and see if I can cut out the middle man!
We also self refer I just called Gp surgery and I'm booked in the see midwife this week (a bit early I think but apparently that's fine?) in terms of scan I called GP and they got me to self refer to my local EPU which I did.
I would definately say listen to your gut. I'm glad we went and got ours done and that we go back in a few weeks when il be around 8 weeks for extra reassurance
Hi everyone, just had a bit of a scare yesterday. I had a ton of very sharp pains right after eating dinner and then started bleeding bright red so I went to the ER. They took my hCG, which had risen since my last test on Monday (though slowed down since it's in the 3,000s now). They wanted me to come back this morning for an ultrasound but I cancelled it. I'm only 5+3 so they wouldn't be able to see much and no FHR, so I'm going to reschedule for when I'm closer to 7 weeks. The bleeding and cramps stopped and now I just have a very small amount of brown spotting so I'm hopeful that it'll just be like with my son. I bled from 6-8 weeks with him from a subchorionic hematoma. I'm going to go back tomorrow to get my hCG checked again though.

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