Hi ladies. I'm hoping to join you guys for the February testers!
AF showed a couple days ago, and now I'm in a new cycle. This officially marks my 1 year TTC. I've put in the request from my doctor for fertility referral just to make sure things are okay, so I should hear from her soon. I'm actually thinking things are fine and that it just took me this long to regulate from bcp. I was on the pill 15 years and over the course of the last year my cycles went from 40 days long with an 8 day LP to now being about 25-30 days long with an 11(ish) day LP. So my cycle are definitely improving and I think I just have to give myself some time.
This month I'm making some changes. I get a regular monthly massage and my sister's massage therapist does reflexology and has a lot of information about natural medicines and stuff. She gave us a lot of recommendations (we are both TTC). So I'm going to start drinking copious amounts of red raspberry tea, try to cut my caffeine down to 1 cup a day (and then down to 0 if i can), start doing fertility poses for yoga, meditation, continue going to the gym 3x a week (I've been doing this for 3 moths and have lost a good amount of weight - which I think did help me because that's when I started to O at a more regular time), and see how things go from there.
A couple months ago my dad pulled a gun on my mom, myself and my husband and threatened us and threatened to take his own life. Since then, I am on an antidepressant (serious trauma from this event) and think that the meditation/yoga/and everything else will help me as well.
I'm looking at probably not testing until the beginning of March but there aren't March threads yet so here I am.