February bfps??

Thank you. AF isnt here yet but I think it's on its way. I'm feeling ok about it now though - positive about the reflexology sessions :) no it's my first session
The storm passed okay, so no damage. Just lots of wind.

I've never done reflexology but a few friends have and love it. Hopefully that will be helpful for you rose!
I'm sorry rose. Fx you enjoy the reflexology and it helps you towards a BFP.

Thanks Angel, ds is 20 months.
Scarlett, yes he's teething these darn pesky 2yr molars. But good news is they are the last teeth for him to get!! They must have settled down a little though as we have had 2 nights of full sleep.

I'm heading into my fertile window now and I think I agree with you all and I will use OPK's. As angel said, if I can't get a BFP at least I can see 2 super dark lines on my OPK haha!

Oh other good news. My sister in law has just been accepted into the Australian Navy! She leaves for training on the 11th of April!
Congrats to your SIL. That's awesome. Hopefully you can keep getting sleep, poor baby. I know how much my wisdom teeth hurt when they were cutting in, and I was an adult. I can't imagine how the poor kids feel. :(
Thanks Angel!
Ds has been hit and miss with sleep but he's also fighting off an upper respitary infection.

How's everyone getting on?

I had a feeling to take a OPK before bed last night and at 12am I got the strongest positive I've ever gotten! So I'm a bit excited for that, just don't think we will have BD enough though. Hopefully we will tonight and tomorrow and that hopefully will cover it along with Saturday.
Good luck with the BD Babydoll! Your poor little one, respiratory infection isn't fun.

AFM I finally started getting EWcm yesterday. Ran out of digis and my Kat one yesterday malfunctioned so I never got my smiley face :angry: but I still my Wondfos so I'll just go back to old school ICs for this month. I'm hoping to O in the next few days. Dh needs to schedule his SA and we have to be abstinent for 2 days before hand so I am trying not to get him to schedule that for saturday with the hope I'll O soon enough this week that he can still be good to go for that.
Af has just finished so I'm looking forward to trying again. I think I'm going to try and be more relaxed about things this cycle. Trying to keep my mind off things by planning another holiday for September :)
Good luck with the relaxed approach rose. Every time I say I'm going to be relaxed I give in eventually. No self control. :haha: hopefully you will be more successful than me!
Thanks Angel.
We must be close with O day then. How frustrating about your digis. I've only ever used IC OPK's but I haven't found a fault with them yet - well once I was told not to use fmu with them lol.

Yay Rose. Glad to see your being positive for this cycle. The holiday sounds great! We've been wanting to plan one for September as well just don't think we will have the $ we need for what we want to do.
Babydoll I think I'm right behind you with O time! I got a pretty dark IC today. It was very close to positive. Close enough I think I'm going to call it + because it will probably pop directly positive later tonight (I'm sure I'll test again this evening if I can get a long enough hold otherwise will test again tomorrow AM and PM to make sure).
Good luck to those Oing! I am a while away yet - probably next weeknd. Shame it's not this weekend as we have 2 bank holidays, there would have been extra time to BD.

It's strange - I think its a combination of knowing that this cycles due date will be Christmas - and feeling more relaxed about things due to reflexology and other distractions, but I can't even be bothered to temp at the moment. I will probably start in the next few days though otherwise I might regret it later in my cycle
How exciting Angel! I love getting positive OPK's.

Rose, that's good that your feeling more relaxed. Hopefully the reflexology has helped. I was almost the same with temping I keep forgetting or almost forgetting to temp. But I agree, you may regret it later.

Afm, we went to Dreamworld today and I'm exhausted! Such a big day out but DS had a great time and loved the rides!
My temp today was a huge spike but I discarded it bc I woke up at 4am from a nightmare and only just fell back asleep around 4:30 and then the alarm went off at 5 (and I temped then) so I don't think it's accurate. I'll wait to see what tomorrow's temp says but I do think I O'd yesterday or the day before. My OPK yesterday afternoon was still a definitely line but lighter than the previous ones so it's fading out and I'm going to count the one from the day before yesterday as my +OPK.

AF due April 1-2 (give or take).

I'm beginning to be a little less OCD about my temping. I am thinking that next cycle I'm going to be a little more relaxed about my weekend temps (and maybe my temps during AF too) except when I am close to fertile window. Right now I make sure to tem at 5am every day but I think that until I am getting EWcm I'm going to just temp whenever I wake up on the weekends (which is around 7-8am) instead. During fertile week(s) will temp normally until shortly after CH and then will go back to temping whenever I wake up. I'm not as stressed about it because I know that the temps during AF and those way after my CH aren't going to affect my ability to determine my O date, which is the whole point of temping anyway.

... this is a big revelation for me. I'm still adjusting to the idea of maybe not being so crazy stringent about it.

But I want to make FAM our lifetime "BC" instead of going back on hormonal BC ever again (and condoms = yuck) so I need to make this something that I can live with and not be quite eso crazy about.
Angel, I don't wake especially to take my temp, I just take it whenever I wake up (which is usually around the same time anyway) and I can always see a clear pattern in my charts. I think if you can get away with being more relaxed then it would definitely be a good thing :)
I temp at various times and still see a pattern, so I definitely agree with trying a more relaxed approach. Sometimes my weekend temps, which are taken later, will spike, but still not into LP range.
Thanks! I'll def try that once I get my CHs. I think when I'm nearing fertile windo I'll still temp at same time on weekends because I'm a little paranoid but there's no point in the TWW or early in the cycle to do that I think. I tend to get up at 5 on week days and around 7-8 weekends so I'm sure those two hours will change my temps but prob not enough to throw my chart way off I think
Hi ladies. How is everyone?

I've had a big week here and with Easter today it's going to be a big day as I'm hosting family lunch and still have to tidy up and cook food. I cooked the meats yesterday so that will make it easier. I'm 6dpo and it looks like I O'd on cd16. Which is weird because every cycle it keeps moving a day earlier. But both previous cycles had the same lp of 12 days.
So, odd thing, I checked my cervix and cm a few mins ago and while I have creamy cm and cervix is M/S, I also had blood in the cm. not just a tiny spot either but a decent amount (enough that I went WTF and checked a second time only to get more of the same). It's reddish/pink. I don't think I've ever had this at only 4dpo. It's too early for ib for sure. Could it be from ovulation? thoughts? A little confused. :crazy:

BabyDoll - Have fun with Easter lunch with the family! We don't do anything big for Easter, so we don't have anything planned this weekend. I'm doing a lot of grading and house cleaning. :dohh: O day can sometimes fluctuate by a day or two. Mine has fluctuated between CD13 and CD18ish for the last several cycles. It's good your LP has stayed the same, usually even if your O day fluctuates your LP should stay the same. I'm 4DPO so just behind you!
Angel, I've heard of some blood from O taking a couple of days to be noticed. Fx it's a good sign for you!

Thanks. It was a good day. Ds was so excited when he found his presents from the Easter bunny and he loved his Easter egg hunt.

Oh your not far behind me. We're almost cycle buddies. I know O can fluctuate a little, I just thought it odd that it's been by 1 day every cycle so far. I was (and still am) excited that my LP was the exact same - first time I've been regular ever and takes one worry out of TTC :haha:

I too am having a rather odd time with my cycle today. After O my cm went from lots of ewcm on O day, to watery with creamy in it, to creamy/sticky, to today after a BM another glob of ewcm. I checked cm/cp and was creamy/sticky and m/f. I also took an OPK just to make sure and it was almost stark white with just a squinter of a line so clearly negative. I've never had it before while tracking and only time I may have had it was when I got my BFP with ds, I wasn't tracking O that cycle and all I remember was getting lots of ewcm through out the whole cycle.
BabyDoll - during one of my CPs I was getting EWcm throughout the TWW and it was very odd. Hopefully it means that you are going to get a BFP! :) Looks like I am literally 1 day behind you, and since I usually have an 11 day LP, I think that makes us due for AF about the same time (ignore my chart's prediction - I had a cycle with a random 14 day lp for no reason and then my CPs and so FF has me at a longer LP than I actually have). TWW Buddies. :coffee:

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