February bfps??

Thank you Angel. Still no appointment but I'm going to call as soon as they open tomorrow and tell them they really need to give me one. I am fairly confident that things are ok now but I'd at least like to chat to them about it all.
Good luck!!

AFM I think I'm about to enter my fertile period soon. :) I'm getting that CM that is between creamy and EW (I don't know if you all know what I mean.....) I get it every cycle a day or two before I start getting true EW cm, where it doesn't really fit either description and isn't as stretchy as EW should be but isn't quite creamy either.

Will start OPKs tomorrow. I only have a few left and my next batch wont' arrive until Saturday.
Thank you both :hugs: I'd love a vbac but can always ask for a c section if not feeling happy bearer the time.

Rose I had an early scan both times and defo helped me. And those twinges and pulling is exactly what I meant when I was saying there were certain cramps I'd only ever had after a BFP. Defo deeper implantation. Hope you get into the Dr soon.

Angel, yes my CM does that too before EWCM it's nice to have a bit more of a warning. Hope you're not feeling sore any more and you get lots of BD in over the weekend! Hope first week back at work hasn't been too rough either.

BabyDoll how are you?
Yes I know what you mean Angel! That time of the cycle used to be my favourite - where you're approaching ovulation and have lots of hope and excitement about whether this will be the month :) hope you catch that egg!
Glad your HSG went well Angel and fx you get your BFP this cycle! I've heard of lots of women having one with no blockages and yet get their BFP either that cycle or the one after.

Rose, I'm glad the bleeding has stopped and your feeling more at ease. I'm super excited for you! It's so good to see we now have 2 BFP'S/pregnant ladies here!

Scarlett, I'm sorry you had a traumatic birth with dd. Hopefully this time will be better. I could have had a traumatic birth but my medical team were great and kept it all (me) calm and positive.

Afm, I usually O around cd 17. I'm cd 12 today so I'm in my fertile window and feeling good about this cycle.
EWcm today! :happydance: Going to make sure to BD today. DIdn't last night because DH was really tired, and I know he'll be tired today because he's working tomorrow and this will be the second week in a row he's worked a Saturday (meaning 6 days in a row) but he's just going to have to deal with it. :haha:

Rose - that's exactly it, the hope and excitement as I approach O. :) Seriously, getting EWcm is one of the most exciting things, followed by a +OPK!

BabyDoll - I tend to O between CD15 and 20, but last cycle was 18. I'm thinking we will probably be very close cycle buddies this cycle. :)
Did you get your appointment Rose?

Good to hear you're both feeling positive Angel and BabyDoll, hurrah for EWCM!
Good luck girls :)

Yes Scarlett I did but it was a waste of time, the doctor was a miserable old man who didn't really do anything I was literally in there 1 minute. I have booked in with the midwife though and will book my own private early scan for a few weeks time for reassurance.
That's rubbish Rose sorry
To hear he wasn't nicer
Especially after your bleed. Hope you get your scan soon :hugs:
I called my RE yesterday because I wanted to make sure that there wasn't anything I needed to do for Monday's appointment (wasn't sure if we were doing blood work again or US or what and the bloodwork usually I have to fast for) and they called back to let me know it's just an US To look at my ovaries and my lining. I guess that makes sense that they won't need to check hormones right now until after I O and then they'll probably want to check hormones to make sure Progesterone is staying high etc. I'm glad I called though because I thought my appointment was at 9am but when she called back she mentioned 8:15am in her message! Oops!

DH was too tired to BD last night. :( He felt horrible about it but I Told him that I haven't ovulated yet, and I probably won't for a few days so not to worry. We decided that waiting until bed time is really not a good thing for us - we are both too tired at that point - and we are going to just start planning to BD shortly after we get home from work. We have a friend who is staying with us (somewhat permanently for a long extended period of time) so it is a little awkward sometimes to just go off and :sex: but I know he doesn't care and he's usually in his room anyway so we are just going to have to do it that way. First thing in the AM I'm grumpy and tired and last thing before bed he's grumpy and tired. Mid-Day is really what works for us. lol.

Rose - that's awful. What a waste of time. Ugh. Seriously you'd think that if you went through the time of getting hte appointment they'd at least do more than that. Ugh. :hugs: Good luck with the private scan.
Thanks Angel! Yeah he was rubbish but that's generally what GPs are like here! I am looking forward to seeing the midwife as I saw her in the reception area and she was really nice. We used to struggle with Bd at bedtime as we'd both be tired. Sometimes DH used to randomly wake up in the morning and want it and so I would make myself wake up and do it :haha: I am not a morning person but it had to be done or else we might have missed the egg. Funnily enough this month was the first month we BD'd mostly in the morning around O so perhaps those morning sperm were perkier or something! :)
We'd probably be more interested in morning sex but he and I both have to get up around 5am anyway and that just gives us time to get dressed, eat, and then he has to leave shortly after. DH has to leave by 6am to be to work on time, and while I don't have to leave until 6:30 I get up with him at 5 because once he's up I won't sleep anymore anyway. In order to add any BD to that we'd have to be up even earlier.... :/ and then I'd have to add shower to that! (I usually take my shower in the evenings so my hair can dry without adding more time to my morning routine). I'm just not into waking up any earlier. lol
Hi ladies. I too am never interested in morning BD. We use to all the time but I think mostly ds wakes at 6-6:30am and depending what shifts DH is on depends if he's needing to sleep for night shifts, already at work for days or is still at work from a night shift. He usually does 2 days, 1 afternoon and 1 night shift for his work week. All min 12 hours. The last 2 cycles I've O'd towards the end of his work week and didn't get as much BD in as I would have liked.

I had a baby shower yesterday. It was exciting and lovely but also a bit of a kick in teeth at the same time. It's my friends 3rd baby and last time we were pregnant together - 5 months apart though.
Thanks angel. It was bittersweet.

How's everyone going? Near O Angel?

Looks like I've O'd a little early and FF seems to think it was cd 14! I usually O on cd 17 and I think FF got O day wrong last month saying it was cd 16 but AF was a day late so I'm pretty sure I O'd cd 17 as that's consistent with my 12 day LP.
Baby doll it doesn't get it right all the time. Once you have more temps it might change its mind and put O back a few days, that happened to me before. The important thing is you obviously know your body well enough to know that it's probably wrong :)
Thanks rose. That's what I was thinking and that we will keep bd'ing for a few days to cover it. Only bizarre thing is all of my OPK's now are very negative - almost no line at all. I guess time will tell though. Only have 1 more OPK until more arrive hopefully Friday.
Hm maybe you did O! A similar thing happened to me last month - I never O early but my OPKs went negative (in fact I never really Got a strong positive that cycle) and temps went up so I wasn't sure. And then it turned out to be my lucky cycle :) hopefully it is for you too!
I had my doctor appointment monday and they confirmed that I did Ov based on the fluid around my ovaries. So I probably Ovulated either Sunday or Monday morning. FF hasn't given me CH's yet but my temps are being weird this month anyway. So we'll see what happens. I at least know for sure I did Ovulate. That removed a lot of stress.

BabyDoll - FF doesn't always mark the right day, it could move as you add more temps. It is possible you Ovulated if your OPKs are really blank right now, but maybe not. GL! :)
Thanks rose and Angel. FF did have it wrong with cd 14. I added today's temp which was higher and it changed to cd16 which is what my OPK suggests and what I thought. So only 1 day earlier than normal.

Angel, that's great that your doctor confirmed O for you and hopefully FF detects it too. Fx you get your BFP this cycle! What's the next step with the Doctor for you?

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