February bfps??

Crazy how I post that rant about my cousin and then get a BFP.

So I tested at 10DPO and it was really really light line on my Wondfo. I took a FRER Gold digi that night and it was YES!! The next morning though I did another and it popped No! I almost had a melt down. Did some research and found that FRER Gold is notorious for having a faulty digital reader. Did a FRER that afternoon and it was clearly positive!!

My doctor appointment to go over my month of test results was yesterday. I told them about the BFP and They took beta tests and progesterone. They called me today with the beta and I'm at 38. I don't know if that's good or bad (that comes from 11DPO blood draw). I go back Monday for a follow up blood draw.

Doctor went over our results from our tests. Most of my results came back pretty good except my progesterone. He said it was really low to begin with, and my 7DPO test was way lower than they would like. He said that it is probably the reason I've had 2 CPs and that we have a very short time to get my progesterone up above 15 (right now it's right around 5). He prescribed progesterone pills 3x a day and in a couple days they'll do another test. IF however the blood they took today comes back below 5 then I will have to go back in immediately and switch to shots. As it was he stressed very heavily that I had tos tart the progesterone right now, not tomorrow, not later, but RIGHT NOW. They told me to call the pharmacy as soon as I left and make sure they got the prescription and started it ASAP. I did but this morning I called them because I turned bright red from my neck to my stomach! My whole chest was bright red, like a nasty sunburn.

They told me tos top the pills and called in a prescription for suppositories instead. Problem: no one has them and can't get them until Monday. Plus insurance won't cover so its $350 (instead of the $20 pills). I can't call my dr back because by the time I got the message that they aren't available they were closed. So I decided to take it into my own hands and decided I am going to take the pills today anyway. I'll deal with rash and nasty side effects (literally feel drunk - which is a common side effect apparently - I feel like i've had 2 margaritas, without the fun part!). Tomorrow I'll call dr because they are open Saturday morning and ask what they want me to do. I may just ask them if I Should just try to keep doing the pills and see if the redness continues.

I'm too scared to risk going that many days without progesterone. Desperately trying to keep this peanut.
Congratulations Angel!! Keeping everything crossed that the pills work despite the side effects and your bean sticks :) I think I would do the same. Once your Dr is available again hopefully you can switch to something else without the side effects!!
Aww bless you Angel. Sending you huge :hugs: and :dust: so hoping this is your rainbow baby. Fingers crossed Dr can swap you onto something better for you in the morning xx
Got hold of my doctor today. Took awhile, I guess they were really busy so it took awhile for them to get back to me. They decided that I should stay on the pills for now, since I didn't have a reaction last night. But if I have any redness or shortness of breathe again I am to stop again immediately. They don't want me to go until Monday night without progesterone.

Today's pills didn't give me nearly the side effects that they did on Friday. Felt a little fuzzy but not at bad. I'm happy about that!

I've been testing daily because I'm paranoid. Today we went to the store and I looked through all the tests until I found the LEAST SENSITIVE test I could (EPT has only an 85% accuracy rate at -1 days before AF, whereas most others are 98%). I know that's a blue dye test but I grabbed it (well, the off brand version), and some WalMart brands (which say to not test until day of missed period) and a CB Digi (because, well, I like to see the word Pregnant). All of them came with clear positives. This makes me a LOT more reassured that my hormones are definitely increasing.

Doctor appointment Monday to check HCG levels and progesterone levels. And then every 48 hours blood work until my HCG is up to 1500 and thats when they'll do an ultrasound to locate the embryo sac.


I can't believe this is actually happening!
Oh Angel that's fab news :happydance: pleased tablets are not making you as poorly now. Please keep us posted on your results! X
Oh Angel Congrats!!!! That's amazing news!! I really hope this is it for you and I'm glad your doctor is onto your progesterone.

Afm, I went to my sisters birthday party last night and drank a little too much and came home feeling really guilty incase I'm pregnant but I'm sure AF is here now. Started spotting this afternoon and it's not looking like it'll stop and it's too bright for IB. Onto cycle 5.
That's great news Angel! I guess your body was just a bit shocked with the tablets to start off with. Hopefully as it gets used to them you won't react so much.

Sorry baby doll I was very hopeful that this would be your cycle. Good luck for cycle 5 :) glad you had a good time at your sisters party
BabyDoll- :hugs: Sorry about AF. Don't feel guilty about drinking. My dr has said that, honestly, hundreds of women don't realize they are pregnant until they are 5-6 weeks and drink and are fine. Something about being protected by an "egg sack" until about 8 weeks.

AFM - cramping last night and this morning had me worried. I keep checking for blood but nothing. I have been testing daily because....I'm scared. I'm watching for darkening lines. Today's FRER is definitely darker than 2 days ago, when I did the last FRER. And my Wondfo's suddenly got way darker today! :D

Today is 14DPO. . . . I got up the nerve to download the Ovia Pregnancy app yesterday. :wacko: I'm so scared that everything I do is going to jinx it!!

Am I Crazy?


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Aww Angel, I know what you mean about thinking your going to jinx stuff. I was being crazy about not getting my maternity clothes out of the loft before my 12 wk scan even though I was so uncomfy. And then I thought what will be will be and me getting clothes out or you downloading an app ISNT going to jinx or change anything. So enjoy your app :hugs: and what lovely dark lines on your tests!

Baby Doll I'm so sorry :hugs: everything crossed and lots of :dust: you catch that egg this time.

Rose, how are you getting on with first tri and ms?
Angel look at those lines!! They're progressing really nicely.

Thanks ladies. Sometimes we need to hear some encouraging words.

I never thought of drinking like that before angel, thanks. I went to the club a week before I got my BFP with ds - my first test was bfn so assumed I was crazy thinking I was preg. He turned out perfect so that does make sense. Now I have AF I'm actually relieved that I had a few drinks and finally let my hair down a little. I haven't done that since my last trip to the club so almost 3 years lol

I hope everyone are having a relaxing weekend. We have a long weekend here.
Well you more than defo earned that drink BabyDoll!! I've a friend who was lttc, finally caught first time after a huge night out for her birthday.... And she caught second time 18 months later after another big night out!

Yes May Day weekend here so no work for hubby til tomorrow! :happydance:
Angel what you're feeling is perfectly normal. Your tests look great though and you must try to think positively otherwise you won't enjoy your pregnancy. I still worry now but as I'm feeling sick and exhausted I'm hoping that's a good sign.

Yes bank holiday here too! No work for us today. Shame it's quite cloudy but maybe the sun will come out later. DH even got out of bed with DS this morning - unprompted!! - that's very unusual.

Scarlett I'm really struggling with nausea. I haven't actually been sick yet but I don't think it will be long. My stomach is also driving me mad, and I'm off loads of foods including chocolate which is usually my fave.

One week until my scan :)

DS told my in laws that 'mummy has a baby in her tummy' yesterday! I was hoping he would keep it secret for a while longer but never mind.
I wish this weekend was a holiday for us!! We don't get a holiday until the last weekend of May for Memorial Day.

Just has a mild panic attack when I realized my graduate school final project presentation is the last weekend of this month... I've got 3 weeks to finalize everything and present before a committee :wacko:

At least I'll be done hopefully before I'm too far into the pregnancy! When did the nausea/morning sickness set in for you guys?

Ps: are you also in groups for the first trimester? Wondering if it's time I start looking for groups there too.... :)

Rose - that's adorable that your ds told your in laws. I'm holding off telling my niece until we get our first scan because I'm still nervous. But she's going to be so excited. She keeps asking me when I'll have a baby in my tummy. My mom knows but DHs mom doesn't. We are holding off until the scan to tell her. As it is my mom only knows Bc she happened to call right after I got the "yes" (minutes after) and I was crying hysterically and she thought something was wrong :dohh:

I've told a few friends who know I've had losses. Part of me is worried I should have kept quiet and the other part of me keeps thinking "power of prayer and positive thoughts" - the more ppl I have sending positive thoughts or prayers out the better. Maybe. If you believe in that stuff.
Angel I try to go by what is meant to happen will happen, and telling people/getting people won't change that. I haven't told many people because I don't want to have to face telling everyone if we lose the baby. However once ive had a scan, if there is a heartbeat and all is ok I expect I'll start telling more people. Once we have had the 12 week scan we will probably tell everyone. That's what we did last time.

The sickness this time started just before 6 weeks but with DS I think I was closer to 8/9 weeks. I guess every pregnancy is different. While it is horrible feeling so ill, it also becomes quite reassuring that something must be going on in there!

It's nice that you told your mum. I haven't told mine yet as she gets quite emotional and excited and I wouldn't want to have to tell her if I lost the baby, as I think she'd find it harder than I would. Also she would be fussing me and I don't like being fussed much :haha:
HAha yes I was pleased to get to lemon stage! That's really sweet what DS said Rose! Hope the sickness passes soon.

We didn't tell anyone til after our early scan and only close family. Felt like I'd tell them if something went wrong so made no difference telling and good to have the support especially when first tri is so hard.

Yes I'm in a November pregnancy group although I'm now due in Oct. I stayed off first tri boards though as they can be quite scary
Ps that's rubbish you're even off chocolate Rose. I'm obsessed with fizzy sweets!! I'm going to be huge this time :S
I usually love fizzy sweets but I'm all over savoury at the moment, when I do feel like eating. Yesterday I had a massive urge to eat chicken and mashed potato :haha: one day last week it was chow mein and another day cheese and chicken sub. My tastes are very random at the moment, but I find that savoury stuff helps to get rid of the nausea for a short while.
Yeah I feel like I shouldn't tell anyone, but the people I've told already are people who I would tell if something went wrong anyway so it doesn't matter. And, I feel like the world is sitting on me right now so the support is nice.

I'm going to have to tell my boss today :wacko: I wouldn't except my doctor wants me every 48 hours for blood work, and they are doing lots of early scans and I am out of sick days. SO I have to fill out a form for approval to receive unpaid leave. HR said that it wasn't a big deal but that because I'm fist year at this district they don't have to have a reason to let me go at the end of the year so getting this form filled out, with a doctor note saying these are medically necessary, will keep my job safe. I don't have to tell them what is going on but when they receive a doctors note from my doctor they'll figure something out (I'm assuming it comes on letter head). I don't want to tell them yet but I think it'll be easier to just explain what's going on than to do the whole secretive testing thing. Otherwise they'll start thinking I Have cancer or something! :dohh:

Running out of sick days has made this really difficult.

Scarlet - I know what you mean about the first tri boards. They are terrifying. I saw someone post about having a blighted ovum and now I'm convinced that's me. I think I'm going to stick to the TTC boards (mostly) for at least a few more weeks.

I'm jealous of both of you...all I've got is a poppyseed! :haha:
I think honesty is the best policy and leads to less stress all round, to be honest :)

I felt like poppy seed lasted for ages! I can't wait to have a proper fruit like a lemon :)

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