February bfps??

I go in on monday (about 7-8 DPO) and have blood work done to check progesterone. After that I will make an appointment to sit down with the dr and go over all the results. Right now, aside form the first appointment, I've only met with the nurses for all the data gathering stuff. Once we meet iwth the dr we'll find out what our results are and go from there.
We got our results from the DNA testing for genetic markers yesterday. It appears that I am positive for the CLN3 gene - which can cause some very severe birth defects, but DH isn't a carrier, so they calculate that I have a 1 in 22,000 chance of that happening. We also tested positive for MTHFR. I tested heterozygous for 1 of the types, which they said made me a carrier but not likely to experience many of the actual symptoms, and DH tested homozygous for a different type, meaning he is considered to actually have the MTHFR deficiency.

We will meet with our RE in a week or two to go over all my results from this whole month and DH's SA so we're going to go over these results too then and see what we need to do about them, if anything.
Hi Angel,

I'm sorry I don't know much about your results and what it all means but I just wanted to say :hugs: as it sounds like a lot for you and DH to process.

Are you now in. The tww?
I'm in the TWW. 7DPO today. FF initially put my O day at 3 days later than it actually was, because my temps are so wonky, but I know that I had to ovulate on Sunday or very early Monday morning last week because my scan on Monday morning showed I had already ovulated. So I did an override and said I O'd on Sunday.

Tested today because...well.... the addiction is real. :rofl: BFN as expected. But I'm going to try to hold off now for a few days. FF predicts test day on Saturday. Normally I would say AF is due at 11-12DPO but my LP has been slowly lengthening over the past few months so I might not be due until Saturday like FF thinks.

Regarding the tests:

The CLN3 gene can cause severe deteriorative birth defects in my offspring that begin between the ages of 4 and 10 and continue to progress leading to deterioration of a variety of aspects, including blindness. Most experience death by late teens, 20s or 30s. HOWEVER, on the positive side, based on both our genomes, they determine I have a 1 in 22,000 chance of passing on that defect. So I'm not too worried about it. Since DH isn't a carrier it's a pretty good chance we'll be okay.

MTHFR deficiency has to do with the inability to process things like Folic Acid and other stuff. At least from what I can gather so far. It has a lot of varying things but can cause multiple miscarriages. I am heterozygous, meaning I only have 1 gene and according to the results that means I am not likely to have many symptoms. DH is homozygous which means he does have the symptoms. It means that he can't process folic acid and needs pure folate. Among other things including B vitamins. We're thinking this could explain some of his random inflammation/joint pain/etc and why he feels so much better when he takes a joint pain pill that we have from a company called Melaleuca, because it has all the vitamin B and folate and niacin and all the other nutrients that people with MTHFR deficiencies are supposed to get.

We will meet with our RE in a week or two to go over all my results from this whole month and DH's SA so we're going to go over these results too then and see what we need to do about them, if anything.
Wow Angel sounds like a lot to take in. I'm glad your still feeling positive about it and I hope your appointment with your RE comes up with a good plan for you or you have a BFP to show her.!
Trying to be positive anyway. :)

I'm symptom spotting hard core today btw. I checked CM and it's creamy but kind of stretchy, like EW, but definitely creamy. I had this same CM pop up the two cycles I had my CPs. which makes me wonder if I could be .... but I'm only 7DPO so I know I need to chill. Also my breats are tender today which is normal for me about this time in the TWW, BUT usually they start out sore on the sides, near the armpit, but today they are sore on the lower half of the breast. Very different than normal.

Of course I have other issues (dizziness, and incredibly thirsty,a nd peeing all the time) but those are all easily related to the prednisone I'm one for my asthma: I'm drinking sO MUCH WATER because of the cotton mouth that I get from prednisone that I'm in the bathroom all the time. So really I'm just trying to convince myself to stop over analyzing everything.
Ooh Angel I'm excited for you!! That cm is exactly what I got with both my pregnancies and my boobs have been really sore since about 7-8DPO this time. I am so excited for you to test :D
Went in for my last set of labs today. Testing progesterone. We meet with the Doctor on Thursday afternoon to go over all of our labs and results. FX!

I tested today, bFN. I saw that coming. LoL!! Going to now seriously try to hold off for a few days. AF due Saturday.
Good Luck Angel!

How are you feeling Rose?

Hope you're ok Babydoll!
Good luck angel! Fx you get good news!!

How are you both Rose and Scarlett?

I'm ok thanks for thinking of me Scarlett. 7dpo for me today and I'm really trying not to symptom spot so I'm disregarding anything I'm feeling.
I'm good thanks - starting to feel nauseous and exhausted, which is difficult. Luckily DS is in to Disney films and I work mostly in the afternoon so we can have a slow start most mornings.

How are you Scarlett?

Baby doll the chart looks good :)
CM is starting to dry up. Trying not to read too much into anything. I really sould just stop checking CM and cervix and just wait for AF. . . so much harder than it sounds! :dohh: I'm nervous about Thursday. I'm worired it'll be bad news, but even worse I'm worried they'll say they found nothing! Sounds silly to say that is worse than bad news, I know, but if they don't find anything then I'm back to not knowing why I can't seem to get pregnant. :nope: So nervous. So scared. Thursday seems so far and yet so close! :cry:

Sorry, mild freak out moment.

Rose - that's nice that you can have a nice slow start! My biggest worry will be the nausea when I'm teaching. My nurse at the RE office yesterday said she's hopeful they can get me pregnant in the next month or two so I can spend my first trimester during the summer and not have to worry about my classroom (since I can't leave the class unattended if I am nauseous, and dealing with teenagers when nauseous is awful!).
Angel I totally understand what you mean. When I got diagnosed with low progesterone my friend who had unexplained infertility said exactly that to me - at least they know how to deal with it. :hugs: for Thursday

BabyDoll when will you test? Everything crossed for you here!

Hope sickness doesn't last too long Rose and you're not too tired. Have you a date for your scan yet?

I'm good thank you. Feeling less sick and tired but still very bloated by the evening and can't stop eating!
Your chart still looks good Angel :) don't worry yet!

Scarlett I've booked a private one for 2 weeks yesterday, I will be almost 8 weeks
Can I just vent for a moment? My cousin just announced on fb she's due with her 3rd child on Christmas. Her first two kids are under 3 years old. She doesn't have a steady job, car or home. And she and her husband have been separated and back together so many times in the last 3 years I've lost count. She's like 24 years old. She constantly posts about how she can't get $ to pay the bills or buy things etc. and here she is surprise with #3. Her sister just had her 3rd, and all 3 have been taken by cps. and yet here I am 14 months TTC, a good steady job and home, established in my career. I waited to TTC until I knew I could support a baby. And here I am 2 CPs and am dying inside. I am utterly heart broken right now.

Tomorrow is 10DPO. Trying to avoid testing... going to be tricky to avoid! :haha:
Oh Angel I'm so sorry! The stress with your appointment on Thursday and now your cousin being pregnant isn't nice nor does it help your stress. It's always hard to hear others have fallen pregnant so easily and unexpectedly but to have everything else piled on must be harder. :hugs:

Glad to hear your not feeling too bad rose and that you can have a slow start to most days.

Glad the first tri symptoms are easing Scarlet.

Afm, I'm staying away from cm and cp this cycle to try and help me relax and not think about it all too much and not symptom spotting or even logging any into ff. I'm 8dpo today and won't test before 10dpo but I'd like to try and wait for 12 dpo or if AF doesn't show. But I just received 30 more IC's yesterday so not sure if I'll be able to be strong lol.
Baby doll your chart looks really great - possibly triphasic??
Thanks BabyDoll. Sometimes we just have to vent. :)

I'm 10DPO today. I am possibly going to test this evening, undecided. Really depends on how badly the urge hits. :haha:

My lungs seem to be slowly starting to clear up though, so that's at least a positive thing. :)
Eeeeeeeekkkkkk Angel I've just seen the green on your chart!!! Congratulations!! How are you doing?!

Sorry for late reply, we're away for a few days but home tomorrow boo!

totally understand why you were upset about your cousin. I got to the stage where I'd cry after every pregnancy announcement I heard when trying for DD.

Rose pleased you've got an early scan sorted. How are you doing now?

Good luck for testing BabyDoll!

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