February bfps??

Hi Scarlett. I hope you are well!

I'm hoping so too but on one hand I'm not very hopeful - I think I'm just used to bfn's and AF showing up and on the other hand I'm fighting the urge to test and am counting down the days until 10 dpo when I'll allow myself to test even though it will still be early for anything to show up. Also, this tww for me is absolutely brutal and I've been struggling SO bad. I keep catching myself trying to symptom spot lol
Fx I can keep busy for another 2.5 days :haha:

I hope everyone else are going well and those babies are growing nicely. Any new u/s?
OMG! Scarlett! 17 WEEKS already?!!! Your pregnancy is flying by!!! Will you find out the gender?
Yes thank you - we are on our way home, flying back tonight. I am not looking forward to the flight as I'm feeling crappy today and was sick on the plane here :( I am looking forward to getting home and sleeping in my own bed now.

I am so jealous that you're 17 weeks Scarlett!! I can't wait to get to 12 weeks and have my next scan. I don't know when it will be yet.

Baby doll I'm excited for you to test!! Your chart looks good. Any unusual symptoms?
Hi ladies!

BabyDoll - some months the TWW is brutal and some it flies by! It's so crazy. I get what you mean though, I had honestly reached a point where I just thought it was not going to happen, I was so used to bfn that I'd hit the TWW and already feel like no matter what we were out. I was sure this cycle we were out because we only BD once or twice.

Scarlet - 17 weeks already! I can't wait until I'm that far! Will you find out the gender?

Rose - You'll be at 12 weeks before you know it! :)

AFM - I've attached my 6w scan. You can just see the yolk sac and the tiny blip above the yolk sac is baby. :kiss: I am excited to see changes this week at the 7w scan (Tuesday).

Once I hit 12 weeks and no longer getw eekly scans I don't know what I'll do! I'm so spoiled! :haha:


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Lovely scan Angel! How are you feeling?

Yes BabyDoll agree with Rose your chart looks good. The tww is so rubbish, hope it's your last! :hugs:

Rose good luck for flight. How was the holiday? Was it nice to have some family time before #2. Were you ok with the heat?

We go away three wks today and I can't wait. But nervous about the heat. I'm having awful dizzy spells from low blood pressure but guessing a break will do me good.

Scan is 2 wks today but they don't tell you gender here so we'd have to pay £60 for extra scan. I can't decide about finding out I keep changing my mind!
Angel that's so lovely that you will have a scan photo for each week showing the progression. I am sure your child will love looking at them once they are older!

Scarlett the holiday was good thanks. Most of the time the heat was ok but it wasn't as hot as it sometimes is at this time of year - we had a few cloudy days. When it was very hot I spent lots of time in the pool or in the shade. I did struggle a bit, mainly if we went out walking around in the heat. I just tried to listen to my body and if I was struggling, take some time to recover.
Rose;I'm glad you had a nice holiday and it wasn't too hot for you.
I haven't really had any symptoms other than last night I noticed that my nipples were tender and today I've had an unquenchable thirst despite me drinking over 4 L of fluids (mostly water). My mouth and throat are just constantly dry making me need to drink more.

Angel; I completely agree about the tww. It can't go quickly every month apparently.
Your scan looks good. I can't wait to see the progression over the next couple of weeks with you.

Scarlett; I'm sure the next 3 weeks will fly past with getting ready for your holiday and your scan. I like the idea of not knowing the gender but I don't think I could wait. I'd probably pay the £60 so that I could have the nursery and clothes in a gender specific theme :haha:

I'm 8 dpo today and am really thinking I might test tomorrow at 9 dpo just to get it out of my system and then will probably test 11 dpo and 13 dpo if AF doesn't hit first thing in the morning. The weird thing with my chart is that it looks very similar to previous months so makes me a lot less hopeful but I still want to POAS lol
OMG! POAS addiction is REAL!!

I was just going through my stash and found 40 OPK's and 33 HPT's :haha: But in my defense, I was sent the wrong pack. I was supposed to get 60 OPK's and 20 HPT's. :blush:


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I'm actually feeling alright, which makes me worried. :dohh: It's a bittersweet feeling: yay I don't have nausea (because nausea + teenagers = pain in the ass) but then OMG I don't have nausea, am I really pregnant still, what if something went wrong. :wacko: Such a mess.

I am loving the progression of scans. I can't wait to see this week's. :D

Scarlet - Dizzy spells don't sound good. Anything you can do to raise the blood pressure a little so you don't have as much dizziness ? That's crazy that you have to pay an extra 60 (I don't even think I know how to get the pound symbol on my computer :P ) to see the gender! So is it very common there to just wait until birth to find out?

BabyDoll - :rofl: I had a very similar stash this last cycle!! I think I used most of them because I kept testing to make sure it was "real". :haha: But now you have no reason not to test, you have plenty of tests to use! :D
Haha Babydoll, have you tested?

Rose, pleased you had a lovely time. Have you got a date for your booking appt and scan?

Angel, enjoy not having the sickness! I'm sure all is fine, it's just everyone is different :hugs:

I don't think they can do anything about blood pressure but I understand it will change through this trimester so hopefully will sort itself out soon. Uterus is already up to near my belly button so also feeling pressure on my lungs :S this pregnancy is harder so far physically than my first!

No it's just my county that don't tell you!! My sister was told at her 20 week scan and where I work they also tell you. I'm a bit old fashioned and kinda feel like it's cheating to find out (to myself, that is - I think it's fine when other people find out!!) I'll see how I feel after our 20 week scan, see if I'm able to spot anything! It's three lines for a girl and balls for a boy, right?
Had my 7w scan yesterday! Baby is measuring at 6w+6 (I'm 7w+1), and doctor says this is normal range. He can see that kidneys are functioning now, and thinks that next week we will get to HEAR heart beat! So excited! He made sure to ask about spotting, twice, and pointed out that my embryonic sac is getting closer to the hematoma and that if it hits it I will probably spot, which is okay, but if i do start spotting they'll put me on restricted duty at work. Really really hoping this holds off for another couple weeks!

And I think I spoke too soon about the MS bit, because last night I was nauseous most of the evening, and this morning I have not felt well either. :dohh: Murphey's Law or something.

Scarlet - My husband also kind of feels like it's cheating and wants to wait until birth to know the sex of the baby but I told him I"M not waiting, but he's welome to wait. LoL. I think he decided that since everyone else wanted to know he'd just deal with it. I'm a planner and would be really uncomfortable trying to plan the nursery and everything without any idea of boy or girl. Though, knowing my luck, baby will be annoying and difficult and make sure to keep turning away so we can't see scan just because I want it. ;)


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Lovely scan pic :) hopefully you won't have spotting for a while!

Scarlett, I have had my booking appointment but no appointment for my scan yet. I'm going to call the hospital tomorrow to find out when ill get the date, the midwife said I should if I haven't heard by 10/11 weeks. And I like to be organised :haha:
Angel, Great to hear that baby is growing and everything is working fine. Fx the spotting stays away for you and hopefully the ms isn't too bad.

I have been testing every day since 9 dpo just because I can and have loads of tests. Today at 11 dpo I think I had an evap but 9 & 10 dpo were both bfn's. I worked out late last night that last month my LP was only 11 days not my usual 12. So fx if I do get AF that it goes back to 12. So AF is either due tomorrow or Saturday. If no AF by Saturday afternoon/Sunday I'll use my FRER.
Fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed for you Babydoll! Any symptoms?

Lovely scan Angel and hope there's no spotting. Be lovely to hear the HB next time round.

Rose, hope you manage to get a date sorted soon - happy 10 weeks, double figures!

Hmmmm I'm so tempted to find out.... but it won't be soon as we're skint ahead of our holiday!!
Thanks. I'm 12 dpo today and AF is due either today (if it's early like last month) or tomorrow. Tested with an IC dip strip and still bfn so am feeling very out atm. Don't think I have any real symptoms. I did boxing again this week so my sore back is probably coming from that like my shoulders too. I still have quite a lot of creamy cm so not sure what that means. I didn't get to temp this morning as ds had me up at 4:30am and refused to go back to sleep and I did t want to temp after being awake for an hour.
Lots of creamy CM is usually a good sign, at least for me I usually dry up before AF arrives (though I dried up this cycle too and so I was sure I wasn't getting a bfp because of it).

Keeping everything crossed for you! I really hope this is your month!
Wow boxing, bet that's a super hard work out! Have you been doing it for long? Sorry to hear DS had you up so early, hope you can have a quiet day or at least morning!

Urgh, is it the weekend yet? Bank Holiday for us in the UK :happydance:
Baby doll creamy cm has always been a good sign for me too :) good luck!! Hope AF doesn't arrive today.

Yes Scarlett :D although DH is working on and off all weekend so I doubt we will be doing much. Nice that I don't have to go to work on Monday though. I am really struggling at the moment, yesterday I threw up at work (luckily everyone had gone home by then) and by the time I'm half way through my time there I just feel so exhausted.

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