Welcome blodyn, TerriLou and Lellis
Glad to have some experience on board blodyn fo all us first timers!
I sympathise with the BB's TerriLou! I've gone from a B to a C cup already and they *hurt*!
Hope this one is for keeps lellis, fingers and toes crossed for you.
Sounds like a bit of an anticlimax Fuschia. I am in the process of changing doctor since my old one only has 1 midwife 1 day a week which is pants. Found a better one that has 2 midwives at all times and does same day emergency appointments. Just waiting for my notes to be transferred and hope to go and see the midwife soon.
Finding normal stressful situations aren't bothering me in the slightest, because I'm bursting with the best secret ever. Then other things, tiny things, I am flying off the handle at or getting teary . Oh deary me hormones all over the place lol!
I hope my bbs don't get any bigger, I'm already in a G or H cup. There won't be room in the bed for my Hubby if they get any worse!!
Evening all,
They do grow so much by the end. I went from a 32B to a 32FF during my last pregnancy. I'll have to put up a pic taken the day before my darling son Daniel was born.
Birthplans are ok though following a difficult pregnancy I opted for the Take it as it comes option last time (I had multiple bleeds, falls and polyhydramnious). This time i'd love to try for a waterbirth in a midwife led unit, but shall see what the midwives have to say about that.
Well it's off to try and sleep now as I have busy day tomorrow and also working tomorrow night.
Good night all x
Hello Everyone I'm still in shock but I got 3 bfps last night!!!
very surprised - although baby was very much planned for just wasn't expecting it this month, have been trying for 16 months (due to pcos) didn't ovulate on my own at all, had to use clomid ovulated 3 times but didnt fall pg, I ran out of clomid before my appointment last month, took a test yesterday evening to double check I wasn't pregnant so i could start next round of clomid ... and it was positive!!!!! :O did 2 more both positive :0)
according to my last period I would be due 1st Feb but I tend to have longer cycles so I think that might be a bit off, are you guys having symptoms?? the only thing I'd had was a very sore lower back, my back muscles spasmed at work the other day and haven't been the same since, also my skin is a bit spotty atm but not that unusual for me, but def. worse than a couple weeks ago, the only thing that has worried me slightly was last night I had a terrible night's sleep as got woken up by period pains they were quite sharp at times (bad enough to wake me up!) but I don't know if was maybe also a combination of wind and going for a wee seemed to help a bit... spoke to my fertility nurse & she said its normal stretching pains .. also a lot of people on here in the past seemed to say that.. you can't help but worry though can you?!
sorry for writing a book!!! I look forward to getting to know you all xxxx
TerriLou - I think our dates are not only in sync but our moods! I have been in THE most foul mood today. Got road rage first thing this morning when some little spotty pr!ck in a corsa cut me up on a roundabout thinking his pimped out pride and joy with an exhaust the size of the vacuum in his skull was fast enough to pull out metres in front of me.
Oh dear I am a hormonal mess