FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Bridget, I would call the doctor and tell them your concerns. Maybe they could offer you some advice or tests. Definitely get the glucose test done, that may help give you some answers.

Swan, thanks. I usually feel a few kicks or wiggles and then it is quiet. But I will definitely be paying more attention to see if I can catch either of them with hiccups.

ttc, sorry to hear about your scare but glad that things turned out okay. Do you pick the same time to count kicks every day? It seems like I feel more movement in the evening, but not sure if I feel 10 (or 20 with twins?) kicks in an hour.
Savvy, I personally go by what the perinatalogist has me do and time how long to get to 4 good kicks. I usually do first thing when I wake up around 7am. I look at the time then wait for 4 movements and see how long it took. I write down how many minutes. My little guy is super active at around 8 pm so that's when I repeat the same process for evening. If my little one didn't do 4 kicks in a whole hour i would know something was off. I would drink juice or eat something and give it another hour. If he still didn't do it, I'd go in to the hospital. To be honest I may not give it another hour... even though that's what they say to do. It was so nice last pregnancy because when my son had reduced movement I had a nice little record to show and it helped me explain better than just "I think he's moved less." It also helps me not worry as much because I can see he has been doing his pattern. It was a lifesaver in keeping me calm yesterday with the spotting.

I know my perinatalogist cares for lots of twin pregnancies and that is their protocol for kick counts. I'm not sure what your ob would have you do.
I am sure many of you would gave already read this... but none the less: here is a good page on kick counts :)


I was curious, so looked into the twin question... all I could find were statements to say that it is less accurate :s
Nobody has even mentioned kick counting to me. I get asked if I have felt movement at each appointment and they can usually feel it for themselves when they touch my belly lol x
Baby girls movements still felt dull whenever I felt them yesterday and I had to really concentrate to feel them. I got in the bath this morning as she usually starts wriggling as soon as I lay down and she did. Although I could see my belly wobbling around I still couldn't feel her all that much, so I am guessing she is hiding behind my placenta. I've decided I'm going to start counting kicks when I'm 28 weeks unless my midwife says otherwise.
Actually counting kicks isn't really a decent indication of how baby is doing, since some babies range from 4-100 movements per hour. I know that the one I'm carrying is a very wriggly baby, and is on the upper end of that. What matters is that you learn what is normal for your baby! Anything different from what is their normal needs to be looked at just to make sure everything is ok. Sometimes there isn't an actual pattern in baby's movements, depending on if you get one that twitches while it's asleep and depending on how sensitive you are to those movements. Regardless of how you keep up with it, the main message is: if it's different than usual, go be checked over.

On a different note, I've made a pair of baby leg warmers for our little one this morning. I still need to put a bit of white ruffles on them at the top and bottom, but I love them already! Posted to a few of my facebook groups and already have 3 pairs ordered as well! Eep!

I think it was 30 weeks when I was told to track movements with my daughter. I used an app on my phone to help keep track.

Found out I've been exposed to fifths disease -- seems a kid at school had it and didn't know until after he exposed the kids. My daughter may also have it as a result. Her cheeks are lightly flushed but nothing massive. Regardless I will still exposed and have to call my midwife this morning about it.

Ughhhhhhhh. lol.
MrsTM those leg warmers are adorable. I would love to be able to make my little one a blanket or something but I don't think I'm that talented lol.

Oh no swan, hope your daughter doesn't have it and that you're all ok.

I just got a call from my health visitor and she's coming to see me next Tuesday. What can I expect?
I can't crochet at all. Wish I could, those leg warmers are adorable!

Thanks Pens! :hugs: Thankfully if she does, indeed, have it, it's really no big deal. It isn't bothering her at all. I thought she had just a cold, but her cheeks are on and off a little flushed now. She isn't affected by any of it though. I'm getting my titers drawn this afternoon. My midwife said since I've worked around kids a lot during my life, she expects there's a decent chance I've already been exposed and thus, have immunity. But the titer draw will let them know if I am immune and if not, I believe it also will tell them if I'm currently carrying. I feel fine, but they said better safe than sorry for all involved, so I'm fine with it. What's another blood draw, after having them pull three vials yesterday and getting a shot in my butt on Monday, right? :rofl: I just need to remember to give them my right arm today, so they don't jab the same veins as yesterday. My arm's finally feeling okay, don't want to torture it more.

Sorry I know nothing about the HV visits since I live in the US, but looking forward to seeing what people say! :)
Beautiful leg warmers, mrstm1! So, so sweet!! I am only capable of knitting scarves ;)

The fire alarm went off at 1 am here again... that makes it four times since 10pm Friday night. It wouldn't be so annoying but for the fact it is do loud that it leaves our ears ringing. Poor Baby gets all riled up every time, too :(

That sucks, swan! I had never even heard of Fifths Disease! Hope you have the antibodies/don't get it. And hopefully your daughter has a super mild case if she does have it- just enough to work up some immunity!! ;)
MrsTM those leg warmers are adorable. I would love to be able to make my little one a blanket or something but I don't think I'm that talented lol.

Oh no swan, hope your daughter doesn't have it and that you're all ok.

I just got a call from my health visitor and she's coming to see me next Tuesday. What can I expect?

That's strange that you have a hv appointment, I've heard of them visiting in late pregnancy in some areas but not where I live.
She'll probably want to poke around your house and ask to see where baby will sleep etc xx
My midwife said that The Health visitor should visit at around week 36 to discuss becoming a parent and any concerns you have about anything. She did say i may hear sooner than 36 weeks and she put my form in at 25 week appointment x
My midwife said that The Health visitor should visit at around week 36 to discuss becoming a parent and any concerns you have about anything. She did say i may hear sooner than 36 weeks and she put my form in at 25 week appointment x

This is interesting as we aren't too far away, yet I didn't get an initial visit here, only when the midwife passed me over at 2 weeks pp.
I liked the one I got, she was pretty "whatever works for you" but annoying as I didn't have full time access to a car she came every week to weigh etc. I found it quite intrusive I wasn't dressed one morning - about 9.30 and she made a huge deal out if it even when I told her we'd had a bad night and my nana had just died.
She also brought up the fact that day 5 I cried to the midwife because I was struggling with my milk not coming in and being up all night suggesting I didn't have any support at home and wasn't coping.
Thinking of declining their services this time.
so took my blood pressure last night at one of those free sit down ones in the grocery store pharmacy and it read 124/81 when my BP at my last appointment on the 30th was 104/50
so took my blood pressure last night at one of those free sit down ones in the grocery store pharmacy and it read 124/81 when my BP at my last appointment on the 30th was 104/50

Does your doctor take your BP manually? My midwives have started to take mine manually because the machine always reads me way high. I think they just don't work well for some people. It could account for the difference if it was taken different ways. 124/81 is still good, though.
Wow, those HVs sound really annoying in my opinion. I'd hate if some noisy person came around asking where my baby is sleeping and judged my parenting. I wonder what one would have said about my newborn daughter sleeping in a laundry basket during the day and our bed at night? :haha: I'm glad you have the option to decline one if you want.

Bridget, those grocery store BP monitors are supper inaccurate. You need to find someone who will use a sphygmomanometer. Did you call your midwife, and did you take your GD test yet?

Yay, third trimester! This pregnancy is going too fast! Oh and I visited a chiropractor yesterday for my back/hip/joint pain and today I feel sooo much better and can move!
Feronia it isn't easy to decline, my friend was told it was compulsory but it isn't. They make you feel like you have to see them.
When I didn't give ds the mmr (he had the jabs separately slightly older and well spaced I was sent a threatening letter about it from them and I was required to send them proof I'd had it done.
But then they didn't bother to follow up on his head injury that we had to stay overnight for.
Wow that seems a bit much! Here I've never taken DD to a "well-baby" appointment, no weigh ins after we were discharged from my midwives at 6 weeks, and nobody checks vaccines. When we were at the ER recently for the magnet incident, they did ask whether she was up-to-date on vaccines, and when I said "no" they just noted it and didn't blink an eye. No harassment or anything, it was nice!
Feronia, when I walked out of my chiro+therapeutic massage appointment last week, it was amazing, I felt like I could walk again! I have to cancel this week's appointments because of a work thing that cropped up at the last minute, and I'm bummed.

I don't think they do home visits here.
My midwife said that The Health visitor should visit at around week 36 to discuss becoming a parent and any concerns you have about anything. She did say i may hear sooner than 36 weeks and she put my form in at 25 week appointment x

This is interesting as we aren't too far away, yet I didn't get an initial visit here, only when the midwife passed me over at 2 weeks pp.
I liked the one I got, she was pretty "whatever works for you" but annoying as I didn't have full time access to a car she came every week to weigh etc. I found it quite intrusive I wasn't dressed one morning - about 9.30 and she made a huge deal out if it even when I told her we'd had a bad night and my nana had just died.
She also brought up the fact that day 5 I cried to the midwife because I was struggling with my milk not coming in and being up all night suggesting I didn't have any support at home and wasn't coping.
Thinking of declining their services this time.

Amazes me how things differ too! At our class last night the midwife told us to expect to be tearful from day 3 for a few days, it's normal and is to do with one hormone dropping and another rising and until they settle down they make you tearful. Sounds like you got a rotten one last time :( x

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