FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Just a little update from me....
I'm currently having to stay at the hospital overnight.
I went for a NST and my blood pressure actually dropped to 70/30 and I went all weird. Cold sweat, nauseous, dizzy, seeing stars. My blood sugars were at a 3 so they gave me apple juice and put in an IV and put on an oxygen mask. Once I came around and my bp went back to normal they gave me the steroid shot in my thigh to help babies lungs develop. They noticed from the monitors I was having regular contractions too. So the resident on call checked me but I'm not dilated. Which means they could give me food! Yay!
This is so surreal...

hope everything's ok and your home soon
Fingers crossed everything settles down again ASAP Wnt2beAMom!!
How scary, want2be. Good thing you were already at the doctor by the sounds of things. I hope it goes well overnight and you keep feeling better.

I have been having a lot if cramps this week too, christina. I was on the cusp of wanting to go in to be seen on Monday and tonight. Each time it has started off strong and then eased off (which my dr says suggests bh... Apparently real labour tends to start slower and build up). Glad that you weren't in labor! I hope you can rest up and take it easy someway, somehow.

Thanks for the tip, megan! :) ...and :haha: melly, you crack me up!
Hope everything settles and that you're home soon Wnt2beAMom :hugs:

Today I'm going to the hospital for them to attempt to take my blood since my midwife couldn't last week. It didn't hurt at all when my midwife was doing it but I can't believe how much my arms bruised from her prodding me! The hospital usually get it straight away, but if anyone has any super tip that makes you veins pop out then feel free to share lol, apparently keeping warm and drinking water wasn't good enough Xx
Wnt2b - hope you are both ok!

Christina - sounds like bh that I getwhen I've over done it. And parenting a toddler at the moment is very trying.

wnt2b hope everything settles down and you get to come home soon still cooking your little one x

The ladies with other kiddies i don't know how you do it... i'm exhausted most of the time i can't imagine running round after anyone else in this condition!

Strange question.... can anyone else hear a 'clicking' when baby kicks?? :shrug: It's not everytime, but it's getting more regular. Google seems to think it's babies joints when he is kicking, surely it's more likely to be my bones from being bashed? It has happened with both of my babies and has come from different areas.... it's quite weird!

Last night i was very grateful for the home doppler or i'd have been taking a trip to FHU! My little one with the GR and fluid issues hadn't moved for a few hours, and wasn't active at his usually time last night and no amount of poking, cold water would wake him up.... took me 6 minutes to find his heartbeat.... 6 bloody minutes!! he's completely flipped head down (shame it's not baby A lol) and where it had been on Tuesday at MW right at the top of my belly was now by my right hip. another 2 minutes and i would have been up and dressed and heading in to get him checked! Thankfully i found it and it was beating away as always at 150bpm... still not moving around but eventually he got the hiccups and that woke him up. Little bugger!!
I hope everything's ok Wnt2beAMom!

I'm finding my toddler extremely hard work right now and have already been in tears this morning because I'm so scared about how I'm going to cope with two (which sounds pathetic, I know!). :cry: I need to get into a routine but just can't seem to organise myself. DD doesn't go to nursery yet but I think she's going to have to do a couple of mornings a week to give me time for cleaning, washing, ironing etc. but then I need to be more motivated to actually do jobs when she's not here instead of relaxing! She's just such hard work, non-stop, into everything and just seems to leave mess everywhere, I spend all day following her around picking crap up and it's exhausting (especially when I'm knackered anyway which I am at the moment) :coffee: I feel so sorry for her because I really am a shit mum at the minute! Sorry for ranting but it's really getting me down!! x
I hear you mini bump your not a s pearant its stressful im trying to relax but with 4 monsters running round fighting and making mess its jot easy
Thanks everyone. Things seem OK now that I've been allowed to eat! They even took my IV out.
Dr did a swab and checked me, and there is no dilation. I really think these are braxton hicks....but they are consistently even on the monitor....
I'll get the results of the swab, an ultrasound, and another steroid shot in the morning though. Right now I can't really sleep in this hospital bed :(
Blood taking was a success, she looked at my arm for about 2 seconds, took one dig and got it straight away :dohh: at least it's over and done with now. Got my whooping cough vaccination tomorrow as well, I feel like a pin cushion right now. Xx
Last night i was very grateful for the home doppler or i'd have been taking a trip to FHU! My little one with the GR and fluid issues hadn't moved for a few hours, and wasn't active at his usually time last night and no amount of poking, cold water would wake him up.... took me 6 minutes to find his heartbeat.... 6 bloody minutes!! he's completely flipped head down (shame it's not baby A lol) and where it had been on Tuesday at MW right at the top of my belly was now by my right hip. another 2 minutes and i would have been up and dressed and heading in to get him checked! Thankfully i found it and it was beating away as always at 150bpm... still not moving around but eventually he got the hiccups and that woke him up. Little bugger!!

Please do not use a home doppler for reassurance! I'm glad that things are ok with you and little ones now, but just because a baby has a heartbeat does not mean everything is ok. If you EVER feel strange about their movements or just have a bad feeling, go get checked over. It won't hurt, and all it takes is a bit of time, but it can prevent or fix a myriad of problems that a doppler cannot pick up on. This is the main thing that my midwife and the Count the Kicks charity pushes.

I have a home doppler as well, but it's used only for bonding between little one, DH, and I.

I don't mean to scare anyone, but I'd rather people be safe instead of just rely on a doppler.
MrsTm1 I couldn't agree more! Reduced movement is often a first sign of a problem before the heart is affected. I'm such a big proponent of kick counts and think that I'd always rather be stupid for going in too much than stupid for not getting checked out.

Shells, it may be a good idea to call your midwife today and let her know what happened. :hugs:
Sorry didn't see that in your post Shells.
I hope you get checked out and everything is fine then. :)
Last night i was very grateful for the home doppler or i'd have been taking a trip to FHU! My little one with the GR and fluid issues hadn't moved for a few hours, and wasn't active at his usually time last night and no amount of poking, cold water would wake him up.... took me 6 minutes to find his heartbeat.... 6 bloody minutes!! he's completely flipped head down (shame it's not baby A lol) and where it had been on Tuesday at MW right at the top of my belly was now by my right hip. another 2 minutes and i would have been up and dressed and heading in to get him checked! Thankfully i found it and it was beating away as always at 150bpm... still not moving around but eventually he got the hiccups and that woke him up. Little bugger!!

Please do not use a home doppler for reassurance! I'm glad that things are ok with you and little ones now, but just because a baby has a heartbeat does not mean everything is ok. If you EVER feel strange about their movements or just have a bad feeling, go get checked over. It won't hurt, and all it takes is a bit of time, but it can prevent or fix a myriad of problems that a doppler cannot pick up on. This is the main thing that my midwife and the Count the Kicks charity pushes.

I have a home doppler as well, but it's used only for bonding between little one, DH, and I.

I don't mean to scare anyone, but I'd rather people be safe instead of just rely on a doppler.

Agreed! How is movement etc today?

I have my consultant app and growth scan tomorrow hoping everything will be ok
Thank you for your concern but those comments make me feel like i didn't do what was right for my baby last night! If i was worried after hearing his heartbeat i would have gone in, he was sleeping that was all, absolutely fine after the hiccups woke him up last night, he had been fine previously throughout the day, he had clearly moved positions which is why i was looking in the wrong place for his HB and maybe why i hadn't felt movement where i was expecting to if he had moved. He has been just as mobile today as always.
I've been reading but haven't had a chance to catch up -- just was following along quietly this week. :)

My ILs spent the night yesterday, arrived early in the morning and stayed all day. My MIL and I did a full-on deep clean of my daughter's bedroom yesterday. It looks great, we cleared some space for her brother's stuff (since we don't have a second bedroom yet, he'll be co-sleeping while we prepare to make the piano room/office into a second bedroom). It looks great! It really stirred nesting within me and I want to deep clean and purge EVERYTHING!!!!!! :rofl: But I have to take it one day at a time because I woke up today and was sore as a dog... and of course today was my little girl's preschool concert and then I've been chasing her around the rest of the day.

So ready for a nap!

Thinking of those who are currently having issues/complications. Hoping you're all home soon and able to throw up your feet for a few more weeks! Crazy to believe that one set of twins is here and the rest of the twins and singles will be arriving shortly! :happydance:
Glad baby is up to his usual antics again today, shells. :) Of course you did what you thought was right... It is so hard to know when to call or go in, and when to ride it out. (Why can't our bellies go transparent?!) Nobody but you knows your body/babies. And by the sounds of it you did pay attention to make sure he was moving and didn't rely 100% on the doppler anyway...

I guess people were just trying to make the point of erring on the side of caution. I have heard the same warnings about dopplers offering false reassurance, and I am heeding that and haven't touched mine since I freaked myself out in early second tri. I am sure nobody meant to criticize you- just more of a reminder for everyone, I am sure. :flower:
Shells I'm glad movement is back to normal, sometimes they do get into an unfamiliar position or change pattern. I expect you've been hyper aware of watching out for any sign of lack/change of movement given recent scan findings anyway.
I have to say I've been a bit lax with monitoring movement and sometimes panic if someone mentions if I've felt any kicks that day and I have to try and remember if I have or not.
No one meant it as a criticism at all, I think it is a really good reminder that we can call our midwives/l&d about any concerns even if we think we are overreacting/it's going to be nothing because they'd rather see 100 people for "nothing" than miss one person for something serious.

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