FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Ooh I have to tell you Christmas is SO MUCH FUN with a little one! And Pens I think you're right they'll be at a great age :) Last year my little guy was not quite 4 months. It was stressful.bringing him to holiday gatherings etc because he was a nicu baby and I hated having him exposed to so much with the breathing troubles he had at birth. Next year our little ones will be about a year old or so and then they'll.get to enjoy.lights etc without so much worry if they catch a cold.
Haha Pens and Captain!
Welcome back ready and willing! I hope your baby boy is doing well, as long as midwife seems fine with it that's a good sign :)

Thank you for asking DCM :) I got to go home this afternoon as my bp was pretty stable, baby did good on another nst, and my labs were good from this morning as well :)
I got home and have been catching up on sleep haha
I'll be having home visits to check my bp and nst for baby and more lab work 2x/week.
I'm feeling positive though :) and being able to rest is going to make a big difference I think.
I hope you are doing well DCM as well, have you had anymore appointments?

That's great that baby is doing well. I wish I could have my BP and may at home, so convenient. Just keep positive thoughts, I'm sure everything will turn out perfect!

I have my next two BP and nst appointments this Monday and friday. I'm more scared about the growth scan I have next week to be honest.

I hope your appointments go well. Fingers crossed for a healthy baby. :)

Just had my first home visit. The nurse was really nice. She thinks my uterus is irritable because it is contracting, but I'm just told to drink lots of water. Like one glass/hour. And as long as I can breath through them it's fine :)
That's what I have, Wnt2beAMom! I start getting cramps/contractions if I walk to far/don't rest enough. And yes, drinking lots of water is the recommended treatment here as well.
Hubby had his family Christmas party on Saturday. So we were away for that this weekend.

Christmas Eve his parents are coming and then on Christmas day we will go to my sisters for brunch and to exchange gifts with her kiddos.

So. Pretty laid back all in all. My sister is only an hour away thankfully. :)
Had my 34w appointment today. Since DS is still breech, he has 2 weeks to flip and if by 36w he isn't head down, we will schedule a C-S for 39w. I have another growth US scheduled for 38w where we can check positioning again. If he is flipped, then I think we will switch to a scheduled induction at 39w. So down to a month and change till little man makes his debut!!!!!!!!!
Its scary to think these little ones will be here so soon I just hope we can move house before
That's so exciting, Mommy2missR!!! Having an actual date.

I was saying to my husband on the weekend that I didn't know how I was going to do this for another month, and then we heard from a friend that it looks like bad news at the 12-week scan, there's likely a genetic anomaly (trisomy 13?) that they are going to confirm with more testing. So I gave my belly an extra big hug and realised I should try to be more grateful!
Also, what a time of year to be getting bad news - she finds out the result of the extra testing on Christmas Eve :( I hope it's a mistake on the scan.
It is a terrible time of year for it. I had my second miscarriage on Christmas Eve last year. Part of me had a small wish to have Alex decide to debut on the 24th this year, but that is super unlikely I hope your friends results on recheck are normal.
Had my growth scan this morning.. it has`nt put my mind at ease.. according to the scan my baby boy currently weighs 5.9lbs and is predicted to weigh just under 11lbs at birth if his growth continues at the same rate another growth scan booked in 4 weeks and if situation is still the same inductions will be discussed...

Desperately hoping Its a case of growth scan inaccuracy.. its my first and the thought of an 11lb baby is petrifying me...
Mrs. Lemon, do you know how many oz/wk your LO is gaining? At 33+5, mine was weighing in at 5lb 8oz, gaining approx 8oz (1/2 lb) a week. So even though he is big, gaining 1/2lb a week, I'm still only looking at 8.5-9lb at 40w. Looking to be induced at 39w, so 8-8.5lb.
Try not to stress, MrsLemon. The scans are so inaccurate! And your body was designed to have this baby. :D
Had my growth scan this morning.. it has`nt put my mind at ease.. according to the scan my baby boy currently weighs 5.9lbs and is predicted to weigh just under 11lbs at birth if his growth continues at the same rate another growth scan booked in 4 weeks and if situation is still the same inductions will be discussed...

Desperately hoping Its a case of growth scan inaccuracy.. its my first and the thought of an 11lb baby is petrifying me...

That looks like a serious over estimation of both current fetal weight and also birth weight if it were correct to me.

And if someone had told me ds was going to be over 10lb I'd probably have freaked out but he popped out just fine.

Don't worry! Xx
Melly i'm so sorry to hear about your friends baby :cry: This happened to a girl in another group i'm in and the results were confirmed as edwards syndrome (T13) and she had some agonising decisions to make, I hope they made a mistake, i really do.

It really does make you very thankful to have belly full of healthy babies xx
Hope there was just a mistake with your friends scan Melly, really is a terrible time of the year to hear that.

Did some early morning grocery shopping today then stopped off at McDonalds for breakfast on the way home. We bumped into my OB at McDonalds which was kinda weird.. like oh hey, you're the man that gave me a pap smear enjoy your egg mcmuffin. It was like being a kid again when you saw your teacher outside school!

Edit: Posted this pic to FB this morning (on our way out shopping!) and it was pointed out that it's the first picture I'd shared during this pregnancy, so I thought I'd post it here too!

Well we're back from our trip to San Diego! Today is DD's second birthday and we're having a few kids over. :) I asked her what she wanted to do, and she wanted to eat cupcakes with her friends, so that's what she's doing!

Our vacation was a great reminder about why we live 2,200 km away. :haha: It came out that my mom revealed our chosen girl name to other people even though she swore she wouldn't. She and my brother spent one meal criticizing the name and trying to talk us out of it, and my mom lied and said I never told her not to reveal it, but I have the entire facebook conversation. We really should have not told ANYONE like we did with our daughter! Stupid, stupid!

Then we had to be on constant vigilance over FIL and forced affection since he kept picking her up, kissing her, etc. when she didn't want it. It made me sooo angry. I have a huge problem with forced affection but the in-laws get offended pretty easily (we stayed with them). It was exhausting. DD isn't allowed alone with them even for a second since FIL abused both boys growing up and I don't trust him. I'm so glad we're back!

Try not to stress, MrsLemon. The scans are so inaccurate! And your body was designed to have this baby. :D

Exactly! :thumbup: Don't trust the scan, especially the extrapolation. Unless you have something like uncontrolled GD or a pelvic structural problem, chances are well, well in your favour that you can birth this baby vaginally and that size wouldn't be an issue.

Melly, fingers crossed for your friend! Was this the AFP blood test? Did she receive high odds for something? Remember that they're just odds and don't mean something is necessarily wrong, and more often than not baby is just fine. Still, what a stressful time to worry!

I hope everyone else is doing well -- I can't believe it's almost January!
UGH Feronia, that would drive me nuts. My ILs love to try forcing everything on my DD and it peeves me. I don't force her to give hugs/kisses when she isn't feeling it. I don't force her to eat a snack if she's not feeling it. Not worth the meltdowns! And they're always on her case. I know they mean well, but... yeah. :| I'm glad you're home!

Our name has changed and I believe it will be Joel Lucas. Long story short but two weeks ago there was a cookie exchange and my inlaws (aunts and all, the whole bit) gave me a few little mom-gifts, which is their family tradition apparently for second babies. It was very sweet and thoughtful! But they asked the name and I said we were leaning toward Lucas but "nothing is definite yet" and my MIL decided to make a big production how that's the name of my SILs ex-husband (backstory: not close with SIL at all, haven't seen her in three years and that's all on her), etc. etc. It made me really upset since she made a big thing of it and had never mentioned it before... and it bothered me. Glad it was said to my face before he came, but I just couldn't think about having his first name be Lucas and having her look at him thinking of the ex all along. Grrrr.

Thankfully we weren't 100% sold on Lucas and had no middle name chosen. So we discussed over the past two weeks and agreed that we like using Lucas as a middle with Joel as a first name. Joel and Lucas were the two names we bantered between for months, so it seems fitting. :) We haven't told MIL or FIL yet and I'm dreading when they ask why we changed it. :| I doubt she meant to make me feel badly, but it was as though she kicked me since it was in front of everyone!

Anyone else in major nesting mode? I have been deep cleaning my bedroom today to a disturbing degree. The other day I did my daughter's room and have been purging in the basement for a few weeks now. I have the intense urge to clean and clean and clean... just losing steam on getting it all done as fast as I want it! :rofl:
Feronia, they saw a heart defect on the 12-week scan that indicated trisomy 13, so they are having genetic testing (a blood test or an amniocentesis, I'm not sure) today and will get the results on Christmas Eve.
swan, I'm the same way -- I'm not into forcing toddlers to do things like that. Especially at an age when they're learning about their own bodies and autonomy. I want her to know she has the right to control the way she gives and receives affection and that nobody has the right to force these things on her. Plus, he wouldn't force an adult into a hug or a kiss (I'd hope at least), so why is that suddenly okay to do to a kid?

How frustrating about the name comments! I don't think your SIL's ex would be brought up if you revealed the name at birth though. If he's not in their lives anymore, your Lucas would be the important one in the family and the one remembered. So I wouldn't change the name based on that! I so regret telling my mom our name choices, though. We didn't tell anyone our name choices with DD, which was awesome because we only got positive comments about her name after her birth. I'm sure it would have been different if we told ahead of time though!

I have no idea about the accuracy of the 12-week scans, Melly, but my thoughts are with your friend. Amnios aren't usually done before 15 weeks, so if she's earlier than that it's most likely a blood test. Keep us updated! What an awful thing to go through, especially at this time of the year... :(
Melly, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends baby :( I actually have a friend carrying a trisomy 18 baby right now. She's about 25 weeks now. Very sad they aren't giving her good odds. Praying for a miracle. And adding your friend to my prayers.

Feronia, very glad you're back! What a cute bday for your dd! That's so crappy your mom told your name :( I'm sorry. Forced affection drives me nuts too! Some relatives don't get it!

Captain you're glowing! :)

Swan I'm sorry you had to change your name! But Joel Lucas sounds great! hopefully no one gives you anymore of a hard time. I've been in super nesting mode for about 2 weeks now. It's exhausting lol! I certainly sympathize with the not being able to get everything done fast enough! Have you cleaned anything bizzare? I HAD to clean each individual bathroom tile. It was making me nauseous not to do it. haha!

I had my ultrasound today at the perinatalogist office. They were happy with his brain scan. This little one is still breech. I go for my growth scan next Monday and the perinatalogist said we'll discuss delivery plans! They said it's likely (though not certain) they'll want to deliver him by 37 weeks! So I've got a lot to get done if that's the case! Tomorrow I'll see my OB so I'm curious what she'll say about everything :) Getting so close!

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