FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Firstly, Pens, try not to panic! Have you done anything that could have irritated you internally or done lots of activity today? Are you sure it was vaginal and not from your back passage?

There's so much blood in that area at the moment that it could be anything or nothing but, if you're worried, give the labour ward a ring and ask for some advice. :hugs:
I haven't DTD for a few days and I've barely moved at all today, only time I really have is to cook dinner and such. A couple of days ago and today I've been having a bit of an achey feeling along where my hips are but it hasn't been like it all day, it will come and go, although I'm experiencing it right now.
I'm such an anxious person I get nervous about texting my midwife or ringing l&d, especially if I'm not 100% sure on the situation :(
Just ring them and tell them exactly what you've told us! They're used to mums ringing up for advice and would rather you did even if it turns out to be nothing! x
:sad1: I just went to the toilet and when I wiped I seemed to have some blood. It wasn't just bright red blood it was sort of mixed in with watery looking stuff. I did two wipes and it was there both times but now there's nothing. I don't know what to do!!!

Could be a bit of mucus plug, could be an irritated cervix from something as simple as straining on the loo. Could be from rectum.
I'd be inclined to give midwife/l&d a phone call.
Back from a nst and u/s. Baby is in an incomplete breech position, so I get to go back for another u/s in 10 days. He is measuring 5lbs 4oz (+/- 13oz) so says the chart. nst went well, though they had to feed me to get him to move!
SHELLS!!! They are perfect. Welcome Sam and Oliver! Wow, a full pound difference between them, was there any indication of that on the scans? Congratulations, you must be totally beat. Yayyyyy mumma!

Have you had any reduced movement from baby, Pens? :hugs: It's definitely unnerving when things change down there!

Raspberry, sounds like some productive nesting taking place ;)

SurpriseBub, sorry to hear about the placenta calcification. Fingers crossed it doesn't mean baby has to come too early!
Pens, as Raspberry said, it could be the start of your bloody show, could be minor irritation, and also could be from straining. Don't be shy about giving your doctor/midwife a call, especially when it comes to blood.

SurpriseBub, so sorry to hear about the calcification. I'm glad you'll be monitored with NSTs and that they caught it in time!

That's great that you had a positive appointment, swan!

Shells, I'm so curious, do you think your boys might be identical? From the first picture I was guessing fraternal but I can't tell from the second. How exciting! :D Did you name them in utero while they were baby A or baby B or did you guys decide "first one out is X second one out is Y?" Anyway, best wishes for a speedy recovery and lots of newborn snuggles!

Well, she said today that because I'm on preeclampsia watch she doesn't want to test my luck. She said "say I get really sick at 40 weeks...it will be silly to still have me pregnant"
I'm not sure if I can decline really because I'm on sick leave and it could mess up my benefits not following DR's orders....
I'm open to any natural induction suggestions! :)

I'm on sick leave, too. My midwife just signed my EI form a few days ago so I don't have to look for a job while I'm pregnant. No, you do NOT have to follow your doctor's orders to stay on sick leave. Receiving those government benefits has absolutely nothing to do with the decisions you make for your own maternity care. Do you have symptoms of preeclampsia? Is she seriously wanting you to give birth early in case SHE gets sick or did I read that incorrectly?

Natural induction methods won't work unless your body is ready, but I've heard really good things about acupuncture induction. Most practitioners will want a note from your doctor, though. Sex and nipple stimulation are great at getting you to start labouring if your body is ready, and clary sage can help keep contractions strong.
Thanks, ladies. I guess I will just be on edge from now on. I am glad to get extra monitoring, and this has hit home the importance of monitoring movement- if we didn't do a quick last minute scan I would not know to be extra vigilant. Hoping I get induced/go into labor/have a c section in the next couple of weeks.

Your boys look lovely, shells! I would guess fraternal... but they might also look different because of the weight difference? I am guessing your smaller man was the one with too much fluid etc at one point? Hope you are all thriving!

So happy for all of your good news, swan. Go easy on the hubby now you have been cleared for sexy times again!

I also had my group b swab today. I thought it was a blood test... so was pretty surprised when she was stabbing my butt (heads up on that one!)
And pens- so sorry about the bleeding... I agree with the call your doc or go right in to L&D advice. Hopefully it is nothing- but can't hurt to be checked. My notes from my dr also say any bleeding should be investigated. :hugs: don't feel guilty about calling- you are meant to and they understand!

Glad your nst went well, river!! :hugs:
Swan - Good to hear the appointment went so well, I also had be Strep B test today!

SurpriseBub - Sending you hugs! Good to hear you are being monitored well, though. I'm sure everything will be fine! :hugs:

Melly - I can't believe you are still working!!

Pens - Don't be afraid to give them a call!
I'm on sick leave, too. My midwife just signed my EI form a few days ago so I don't have to look for a job while I'm pregnant. No, you do NOT have to follow your doctor's orders to stay on sick leave. Receiving those government benefits has absolutely nothing to do with the decisions you make for your own maternity care. Do you have symptoms of preeclampsia? Is she seriously wanting you to give birth early in case SHE gets sick or did I read that incorrectly?

Natural induction methods won't work unless your body is ready, but I've heard really good things about acupuncture induction. Most practitioners will want a note from your doctor, though. Sex and nipple stimulation are great at getting you to start labouring if your body is ready, and clary sage can help keep contractions strong.

Okay, I'm getting my sick leave through work and one of the questions on the form was whether I'm following the DR's orders...so that's why I thought that...
She took me off work at 33 weeks because of high blood pressure and ONE bad blood result. The highest it got was 145/90...but since being home its remained lower than 130/80, and lab work has been fine. She's worried I'm testing my luck and baby is fully developed and big by now anyway....she doesn't want me to get sick at 40 weeks when we could prevent it by getting baby out sooner.
I tested negative for the group B strep though! :)

DH and I took a long walk today and I could definitely feel more pressure happening....
I'll see how the next couple weeks go and will press my Dr a bit more in terms of induction.

Congratulations Shells! You're boys are beautiful!! :)
Hope all is well Pens and Surprisebub!
Oh okay, I'm getting EI medical leave. Even so, an employer can't force you to follow all of your doctor's orders to give you benefits. :) Feeling pressured isn't good, so hopefully you can balance your options and make an informed decision without too much backlash. That's great that your blood pressure has been good! Plenty of people get one or more high readings that don't mean anything at all.
Pens: I would give a ring in... Better safe than sorry. Hope all is well!

JM: I have been losing mine over the last 2 days... I can reach my cervix and can tell that I am dilating (IDK how much tho), and that it has started to shorten, but no consistent contractions here. :nope: I have an appointment tomorrow, so I am going to have her check to see how much I am dilated, etc. I can feel Alex's head too, which is freaky. lol.
The dr said I wasn't dilated today, but she could feel the head down low when checking me. Does that mean she can feel the head (ie. Something hard) through the soft cervix? (Is that what you mean too, mmmy2missr? Or can you feel it through your dilated cervix?) just curious!
The dr said I wasn't dilated today, but she could feel the head down low when checking me. Does that mean she can feel the head (ie. Something hard) through the soft cervix? (Is that what you mean too, mmmy2missr? Or can you feel it through your dilated cervix?) just curious!

Well my cervix has started to shorten, so on either side of my cervix, I can feel his head.

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