FEBRUARY HEARTS Due in February 2015 , open group all welcome!

Wednesday 14th January 2015... headed to the hospital for my 'elective' c-section, i say elective in inverted comma's as i really wanted a natural deliver however position of babies were not good. I arrived at the hospital at 7am and was given the checks that were needed. My urine had protein and my blood pressure was very high (i put that down to the worry of the surgery). The Ob came to see me, and it was one i had seen before and she would be delivering my babies. They were a little worried by my blood pressure and started asking all the pre-eclampsia related questions, but my blood test on the monday had been fine... except for my platelets being lower than they had been.

I was first on the surgery list and the Ob wanted a scan to make sure position was still poor because she knew i wanted a natural delivery. Scan confirmed both breech - no question, a c-section was the only option. All set to go to theatre when the Dr arrived with the anaesthetist and several others.... they explained they were worried about my platelets and that i needed to have them retested before surgery because if they had dropped below 75 (they were 122 on the last test 2 days before) i would need a general anesthetic... I cried!! :cry: My worst fear was a general and i would end up missing the birth of the babies i'd waited so long for! The hour long wait for the results to come back was torture, I was sitting in the scan room on labour and delivery jut pacing around. The ward sister allowed my mum to come in and wait with us as she was outside the theatre waiting for me to come out, she had come over as i was going down first. Finally at 10.30am the results came back still at 122 and all was fine to carry on as planned with the spinal. *gulp* now it was time... then an emergency forceps was rushed in and i was left hanging around again for a free slot. Finally at 12pm they came in and said they would be back in 2 minutes for me! *gulp* NOW it was my turn.... then they came back and said actually they would have lunch first then come back for me at 1pm :doh: The anticipation was awful lol

FINALLY.... 1pm and they came for me and i walked round the corner to the theatre where my babies would be born!! Lots of people in the room and i was prepped for the spinal. Trying to curl over my belly with 2 heads in my lungs was not easy! DH had to leave the room, he doesn't do needles lol The dr did the first attempt... caused a pain in my right bum cheek so was taken out... went up a space in my spine, caused huge shock down my left leg - ouch!! So that was taken out! He then started talking general anesthetic again!! NOT HAPPENING!! Told him to keep going til he found a space that worked, i don't care how sore it was! Finally the 3rd one worked! It began working and it was all systems go! They went a fetched DH from the day room - he was worried they had started without him as it had taken so long to get the spinal in!

So many people, yet it was so calm and everyone knew where they should be and it was all about me and if everything was ok with me. they triple checked the spinal levels and wouldn't let anyone start until they were sure i was numb. Literally took 10 minutes once they had that in until they began.

I had made my wishes of delayed cord clamping and skin to skin clear from the outset.... Baby A Samuel Stuart (6lb 5oz) was born at 14.04 and he was very closely followed 26 seconds later by baby B Oliver Michael (5lb 2oz) who had flipped head down once Samuel was out of the way! They were born in the same minute! They both has a good delayed cord clamping, DH was able to look over the sheet to see them, both still attached to me being held up i the air - magical!

They were both crying and making a right old noise - i cried so hard on that table! They were taken to the warmers and were examined and DH got to cut the cords. Sam was the first to be brought to me and although wrapped in a towel he was placed on my chest, i was able to hold him, kiss him and cry like a baby when i looked at him lol. They then brought ollie over to me - it was then i realised just how tiny he was! he was very scrawny and so so tiny. Both stayed with me and DH while they finished the surgery, all of which went very well, no complications thankfully.

I was moved onto my bed and they put both boys in with me and we went into recovery. Once in there they immediately did skin to skin with both boys, and both were rooting looking for food, so i asked them just to get them latched on and see what happens, they both latched and fed - AMAZING!! My blood pressure was still misbehaving (and did so for over a week afterwards) DH also did skin to skin in the recovery room and everyone was totally cooing over it lol They had never seen a dad do it before - i had all the staff in there with me because they were so excited to see a mum breastfeeding twins, dad doing skin to skin, they were loving it.

I was eventually taken back to the ward and i had a private side room (thank god!) The midwives were amazing, I was monitored every 15 minutes, they helped me latch babies on every feed, the passed me babies and supported me while i had no feeling from the chest down.

At 5.30pm i expressed concern at ollies grunting, midwives called the pediatrician up and she decided they needed to go to SBCU for monitoring. I hated that,, because i was still numb and i wasn't allowed to go down with them :cry: DH went down with them and then came back to let me know what was going on. Thankfully they were only down there 3 hours and at 9.30pm the brought them back to me ready for feeding.

Over the following 48 hours Ollies jaundice was getting worse and worse and eventually needed treatment. He had several days of phototherapy over the coming days, then it was Sams turn. It was a very emotional week. They both lost so much weight (went down to 5lb 7oz and 4lb 10oz) Ollie was so weak he could no longer breast feed and both had to be given formula to build him up. I mixed it with expressing some for ollie and offering the breast which eventually lead to him latching for a few minutes - to half an hour depending on his energy levels. Sam continued to breastfeed and have a top up of formula. I have to continue formula feeding top ups until they have gained enough weight, currently being weighed every 2 days.

My recovery from the surgery has been fantastic! Better than i could ever have wished for! by day 3 i was much more mobile and able to do everything for myself and my boys. I stayed on top of pain medication even if i felt well, if i let it slip i could feel the difference. My wound is clean and healing well, apparently very small neat. I take things steady, but i can do daily tasks no problem and getting on with being a mummy :)



our first night at home xx
So perfect shells! Loved hearing your birth story and seeing your wonderful pics!
Lovely birth story Shells. Those photos of the boys in bed together at the end are just beautiful :kiss:
Awe such a great story Shells :)

Surprise- I just read because contractions are harder with pitocin the water keeps baby cushioned better, so its less likely to be in distress. Plus, once waters break there is a time limit to get baby out and I don't want to "not progress" and end up with an emergency c section.
Thanks for sharing, shells, and those pics are super cute!

The FB group is closed so nobody on your list will see that you're in it or what you post.

I'm not saying it's good for your water to be broken, but if it does break, there doesn't need to be a time limit on labour. You can just avoid baths, sex, and putting anything in your vagina, and take your temp several times a day to make sure you're not developing an infection. It's a totally safe alternative and you can go weeks that way.
The FB group isn't just closed, it's secret so none of your FB friends can see what you post or even that you're in the group. We can't see each others' profiles either except for what is public. All we get is your real name and you don't have to tell us your BnB username or post if you don't want to, you can just read! :thumbup:

Lovely birth story Shells, hope you're enjoying being at home!
Thanks all i'm very blessed with my boys xx

Re the Fb group, it's so much easier to post pictures as you don't have to resize them and when your on mobile it's much more accessible on the go x
lovely birth story shells your boys are beautiful :)

any one else so ready to meet baby yet doesn't want this special time to end I love being pregnant, feeling baby kick never being totally alone in the way that I always have my little baby kicking away safe and snug inside me, im gonna miss my bump going to miss having him all to myself having to share him for the rest of my life with everyone else, watch my two boys grow up and all I want to do is freeze time stay this way forever where my 2 year old tells me he loves me shows me in hugs, kisses(sometimes a few slaps and kicks but few and far between) C is my best little buddy and im really going to miss our time together just the two of us its going to be so weird and hard to spilt myself 2 ways will he resent me for his baby brother will he hate me for not having our days alone together anymore,will he hate me for being away from him and staying in the hospital with the baby while he goes home with daddy, will baby get enough attention cuddles and alone time with me too these are all running through my head im starting to get anxious about baby coming the possible csection trying to get everything done my course work appointments its all getting on top of me and I just want to scream!
Shells - Thank you for sharing, I just love how they like to cuddle up with each other!

BounceyBoo - :hugs: I can totally relate! I feel so ready and so excited to meet my little girl but part of me doesn't want this time to end! I've noticed the last week or two that when I wake up in the morning she'll be completely still, but when I start to stretch and move around, she does too! It's like she's waking up with me every morning. It's become one of my favourite things in this whole pregnancy and makes me feel so close with her! It's weird spending nine months preparing for a baby only to now feel like this!

As for your little one, I'm sure he's going to love his new little sibling and will adjust just fine :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes ladies! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back on and say so -- my mom came out for the weekend since we were due for snow and she hasn't left yet since we're due for like... 14 inches in the next 36 hours and she's worried if she leaves, I'll go into labor. :rofl: So I've been nesting like mad, cleaning and shopping and decorating the house and just going crazy. Feeling a lot better, but also was admitted again late Thursday night for what we thought was the real deal of labor. Once again, just prodromal. Still 4/5 cm and nada. So, now I'm hoping he waits for this storm to pass!

Oh Captain, I LOVE leggings. I never wore them with my DD, but I've lived in them this go-around. They are the BEST. lol.

Great story Shells! <3 I love the pics of the boys. SO adorable!

I admit, I spend more time on the FB group because it's easier to access mobile. But I try to check in here when I can. My phone hates this site, so it makes it tough since I don't have a computer atm and my husband often has his at work. xD
I like being pregnant and having baby to myself too :)
I'm finally okay with the stretch marks too. I really had the mindset I wouldn't get any, because my mom didn't.....stupid me :( So it had me really bummed out about it, but it will just be my constant reminder throughout life that I made a beautiful little person.
I also feel like I know baby and its personality already. It freaks when I'm having NST's done! My belly looked like a tidal wave today with him/her trying to escape the monitor.
Congratulations shells! Your doing a fantastic job! Two little ones must be such hard work!
I am pretty firmly in the WANT BABY OUT NOW category at this stage. I feel fine, but just cannot stand the worry and waiting. The only thing I still enjoy is feeling her move. we bought a musical giraffe today- i have been trying to use it to lure her out ;)
captain, after you mentioned the tights I went out and bought a few pairs -- you are so right! I wish I bought these earlier in my pregnancy! :haha:

I was feeling pretty impatient for baby to come but now I've sort of relaxed and I don't mind the wait. Maybe that will change soon though, who knows! I've definitely been nesting and have filled my freezer/fridge with tons of food to eat during labour and after the birth.
What a lovely story shells, thank you for sharing, I'm a bit teary now! And the photos are gorgeous. I'm hoping mine get to good weights like yours.

Swan, do try to avoid going into labout during a snowstorm if you can. :lol: My worry is to avoid having to go to the hospital in rush-hour LA traffic!

I'll stick with B&B for now, it works fine on my iPhone! And just hope that we get some updates here too :D
Are you getting much sleep shells? Do they tend to wake at the same time?
Morning all. Still no baby here, looks like we might make our section date on Weds :) I am also firmly in the get this baby out of me category. I am in pretty much constant pain and discomfort now. I certainly don't think he is going to be a 6lb 4oz dinky like his sister lol.

On the other hand I can totally relate to the worries about how dd will react. We have tried to prepare her as best we can but she really doesn't get that there is a baby coming. Being blind it's not like we can show her a dolly or a picture book sso for her it will literally be Mummy not being here for a couple of nights and then showing up with a screaming thing! I feel guilty already as she is such a Mummy's girl and I don't want her to feel left out or resentful of her brother but also worried I will drawn to comfort her and then not give him everything he needs. Guess we'll know by the end of the week though as hoping the hospital will let us home by Friday.

Only 2 more sleeps until we meet our little guy :D
Thanks everyone xx I am truly blessed with prefect boys! They are on the same schedule and only occasionally get out of sync. They eat with in half hour of each other if I'm on my own but with daddy still home they are roughly the same time. They go down to nap straight after feeding no fussing and wake when it's feeding time again. I know that will change but it's made things so easy for me so far too stay on top of everything. I'm very very lucky. During the night I get around 2 and a half hours sleep between feeds by the time feeding is done but it's good solid sleep (no pregnancy pains Yay).

Being a mummy to two babies is amazing... After the 7 am feed I'm just lying here with them both skin to skin on my chest while daddy snores beside us... I just love it x

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