So, thankfully we didn't get the snow they said we would get, we only got about six inches! And no baby, so that was nice. haha. My mom finally went home, so now I can check online without feeling so guilty! I appreciate her thoughtfulness in staying with me and loved having the company, but I felt bad because she's coming back for two weeks when baby COMES, so I didn't want my poor dad without his spouse for three or more weeks!
She went home for his birthday and now I'm back to just me and DD during the days.
Sharing my 38 week bump pic -- I made it to my second milestone! Now he can come anytime and I'd consider things a huge success this pregnancy!
Midwife says all looks good, prodromal continues to actively give me non-stop contractions so next Wednesday if I've not gone yet, we'll be starting some natural labor methods since sleep is not coming easily any more due to the contractions and pains they cause. But I am praying he comes on his own before that because I truly want him to be ready... I'm just beginning to get very drained from the contractions' refusal to stop.
JMAndrews, you made it until hubby's return! Hooray!
I'm so sorry you've been in such pain, Melly. Sciatica is no joke!
All the food posts... totally making me hungry!
I've been trying to keep up with cooking and freezing meals, but am slacking lately. But my house is impeccably clean, so that's something. I have to keep my mind busy somehow. xDDDD
Pens I have a sports bra (maternity one) to wear in the tub if I decide I want one, since none of my bikini tops fit and I'm not sure where to find one this time of year. lol. But I may just not wear anything, usually in the heat of the moment in labor I just throw all cares to the wind.
I'm glad to check in here and make connections with who's on FB having babies and who they are here. I'm having issues keeping track, and checking the file just makes too much sense.
I feel like we have had so many already, way more than my last February group did in January!
Congrats Imp! You look great!
Shelly that is crazy! I'm so glad everything worked out and that the boys are home and healthy and all.
My goodness though, that's just mind-blowing! So glad they're growing well and all at home with you, too.
Congrats on making it as far as you did Melly, how exciting -- and impressive!
And good luck with delivery, am thinking of you and can't wait for updates!
Pens, I get some swelling too, especially when I'm on my feet a lot. My only swelling has been minor swelling in my hands if I'm dehydrated and minor around my feet and ankles if I'm on my feet too much and/or dehydrated. With my DD, I had major swelling and pitting, but no pre-E or anything. Just was swollen all the time. I would mention it to your doc, maybe just ring them and see if they want to check it, but it very well could be just typical pregnancy swelling too. I usually find it's easier to call and confirm they're not concerned than to question it. But that's just me.
Feronia that is so strange. I've never heard of that before! Find anything out about it? And how was your acupuncture session? Interested to hear!