February Love Bugs

eeek we are getting so close now! my son will be here in 29 days!!
I can't believe how close we all are! I can't wait to know my section date! Probably won't know for another month or so though 👎🏻 Can't wait to see all these beautiful babies!
Had growth scan today. Baby slightly smaller than average but within normal range (about 30th centile I think) normal fluid index, placenta and cord dopplers. Was worried that baby might have to make an emergency appearance this afternoon! Fingers crossed midwife will also be happy with results and I can stick with plan a!
Section booked for 1st February! 22 days you guys, that's crazy!

We're kinda back tracking on the name we have now. I still love it so much but I love another name too.
We've also told all friends and family the name we wanted to so would it be weird to change it when she's actually here?
I guess we'll just see which name she suits better.
Hi all, it's all go round here, baby girl is lying transverse/breach with her bum where her head should be, back on the 23rd to see where she is and discuss options but will most likely be a section if she is still that way. Which is terrifying as I've had 3 natural births but as long as she gets here safe! OH will have to take extra time off though as we have no family support.
We have also changed her name again, the thinking at the moment is phoebe grace, that may change by the time she is here though! Can't believe we are having babies this and next month!!!
Did anyone ever do a Facebook group for this month?
Hi all, it's all go round here, baby girl is lying transverse/breach with her bum where her head should be, back on the 23rd to see where she is and discuss options but will most likely be a section if she is still that way. Which is terrifying as I've had 3 natural births but as long as she gets here safe! OH will have to take extra time off though as we have no family support.
We have also changed her name again, the thinking at the moment is phoebe grace, that may change by the time she is here though! Can't believe we are having babies this and next month!!!
Did anyone ever do a Facebook group for this month?

Love the name! Fingers crossed she turns for you!
Not much to report over here. Just kind of chugging along. Next appt is Thursday. I'm pretty exhausted these days. Getting through a full day at work is pretty challenging. I've resorted to sleeping on the couch now as it's the only place I can semi get comfortable and not feel like my hips are breaking. I've been in nesting mode lately. I just have this constant urge to clean clean clean. My coworkers surprised me and are throwing me a baby shower on the 20th which is super sweet (I wasn't planning a shower since it's our third) but other than that nothing super exciting going on here. Hope everyone is doing good and can't wait to start seeing some babies being born!
My midwife 34 week appointment was today. Measuring bang on 34 weeks. Head down and 3/5 engaged. Next appointment is 2 weeks time at 36 plus 3 x
ladies my little boy was so quiet compared with normal.. can dropping cause this?

this is last week and today, hes abit more active but still quieter than usual. im hoping change in position has caused this. please excuse my hair in the second pic was pre shower pic haha :haha:

its my birthday today so im off out to dinner tonight as i said i aint cooking lol


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Happy birthday!
I'm not sure about movements when baby drops, sorry.

Lots and lots of braxton hicks today some enough to take my breath away.
I have midwife again tomorrow for measurement. I've been measuring 2 weeks ahead all pregnancy. Kinda wish they'd do a growth scan but they say she's on track.
I'm having lots of braxton hicks hopefully it's not real labour as they seem quite strong.
ladies my little boy was so quiet compared with normal.. can dropping cause this?

this is last week and today, hes abit more active but still quieter than usual. im hoping change in position has caused this. please excuse my hair in the second pic was pre shower pic haha :haha:

its my birthday today so im off out to dinner tonight as i said i aint cooking lol

I'd mention it to your midwife/doctor just to be sure. But I believe they say they slow down a bitas thwy start running out of room. If your still feeling movement I think it's at least 10x in an hour is normal. You definitely seemed to have dropped.

Anyone else getting lots of pressure down there? I'm 34 weeks tomorrow and I don't remember feeling it this early with my son. I can't even walk without it hurting.
Yeah still getting movements just a bit slower now. Like rolls etc rather than jabby moves. And less often, my 36 week appt is Monday so I'm hoping they will scan me so if any issues they will see it. I can't sleep this even I've got restless legs In my whole body!

Andi yes I feel he's so low it's causing so much pressure, it seems way more this time! I find it scary to sit on the toilet I'm terrified my waters will go with the pressure!
Hi ladies!! Today I have my 37 week apt and I'm hoping to find out the date of my c-section! I have a feeling it will be within the next two weeks! I will be super bummed if the date isn't confirmed today. We found out at the last scan that baby has moved into a transverse position. Not the reason for my elective but made the decision a bit easier. Right now both me and DH are sick with bad colds and my DS is getting over a terrible cough. I hope we all get better before the LO makes his appearance! Hope all you ladies are feeling good!!
Everyone is so close now!

I got my induction date for the twins today, 30th January! So providing they are growing ok at tomorrow's scan and don't appear any earlier of their own accord, just over 2 weeks to go!!!

Lots of bh and pain when walkin my over here too! Not much longer to go ladies! :)
Got my date at the apt! January 23rd! Feeling nervous and excited now!
It's so exciting getting an end date!
I'm also feeling lots of pressure especially when I get a braxton hick.
So I had midwife today and baby is complete breech! On Monday she was apparently starting to engage.
Tbh I think she's always been breech. I've not felt her turn and constantly feel like there a hard lump under my rib. Growth has slowed a little since last measurement too so I have a scan on Friday!
I've never had a late term scan befire so I'm excited to see her again :)
Ahh I can't believe so many are getting end dates already! I feel like I have so far to go but in reality I only have about 5 weeks which feels so soon!
Oh wow! Some of you ladies have dates not far away!! How exciting and terrifying at the same time :haha: can't wait to start seeing some birth stories!
Your all making me jealous. I want to meet my baby but still got 5 weeks to go xx

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