February Love Bugs

Had my 34 weeks appt yesterday and all was good. My fundal height has finally leveled out. I've gone from measuring 3 weeks ahead to only 1 weeks ahead now. The doctor did bring up possibly inducing at 39weeks due to how fast my last labor went. Not 100% sure how I feel about that. On one hand it would be nice to have a date and everything set up and in place (childcare for our girls etc) we live about an hour away from the hospital so there's that to consider too but I've always gone into labor spontaneously so the thought of pitocin freaks me out :haha: my body has always just done what it was supposed to. My next appt is in two weeks with my regular midwife who I trust so I'm going to discuss it more with her and get her take on it. next appt is in two weeks at 36 weeks and then weekly appt from there until baby comes 😱 It's getting so close! I feel like I still have tons to do and so little time to do it :haha:
Oh got little mans coming home onsie in the mail yesterday and wanted to share! I think I'm gonna pair it with a pair of little black pants!


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I feel like I'm so close to meeting my little man. Been taking epo and last night I was awake a lot with period like cramps and lower back ache. I'm trying to clean as much as I can but my back and ribs hurt. Just 24 days tops til he is here
It really is so close now girls. I have 2 weeks left at work so I'm counting them down first but after that I will have only 3 weeks left. 35 weeks today. Can't wait x
Hi ladies can't believe we are all nearing the end. I've been having mild contractions for a few days now but never end up anywhere. They've just started again now but I'm not believing anything until it gets worse. I'm 38weeks on Sunday so he could come anytime now. Jack was a week early and Evie was 3 days early so fingers crossed. I now have everything in need and my hospital bags are packed and by the front door! I'm so excited but nervous at the same time! Hope your all doing ok! X
Absolutely in love with my pram!! X


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Saw your buggy on Facebook hun it's lush I wish I had seen that one haha
i love your buggy. and it sounds like you will get chance to use it soon :happydance:

i got a new buggy too my last one got broken in sept, so got a new britax and i cant wait to try it when baby gets here!
Had my 34 weeks appt yesterday and all was good. My fundal height has finally leveled out. I've gone from measuring 3 weeks ahead to only 1 weeks ahead now. The doctor did bring up possibly inducing at 39weeks due to how fast my last labor went. Not 100% sure how I feel about that. On one hand it would be nice to have a date and everything set up and in place (childcare for our girls etc) we live about an hour away from the hospital so there's that to consider too but I've always gone into labor spontaneously so the thought of pitocin freaks me out :haha: my body has always just done what it was supposed to. My next appt is in two weeks with my regular midwife who I trust so I'm going to discuss it more with her and get her take on it. next appt is in two weeks at 36 weeks and then weekly appt from there until baby comes 😱 It's getting so close! I feel like I still have tons to do and so little time to do it :haha:

I'm really nervous about being induced too. I've had 3 spontaneous labours, the last two were super quick so I'm nervous to see how being induced will be different. We are 2 hours away from our hospital though so with it being twins and previous fast labours, induction is best, so hoping it goes smoothly!

We obviously had to get a new pram too as we needed a twin one, we set it up just a few days ago and I love it! Can't wait to get to use it!
So I had my growth scan. Baby is weight 6lb 6oz which is brill for 36 weeks. They discovered I have polyhydraminos, which is too much amniotic fluid. It's measuring at 29.5cm!
There are so many different things that can cause it.
They have tested me for infections and GD. But it could also mean baby has a blockage in her gut! The consultant terrified me.
We won't know about baby until she is born but from what I've read if she has a blockage something called gut atresia in babies she may have to have an operation when she born.
I'm also at a higher risk of the baby being born with a birth defect!
Because there is so much fluid if my water were to break the large amount of water could pull the cord out with the waters causing a cord prolapse!
It's so much to take in and the consultant just said "you have high fluid it's either a problem with you or baby and you could have a cord prolapse if your waters break. If you feel something come out when your waters break ring an ambulance".

This sounds crazy bit I'm hoping and praying that I have GD so there's a cause for it and that baby is okay. I've felt sick since the appointment.

Any experience in this ladies?
My friends just held me a baby shower which was fun and dh goes to get my new car in the morning exciting times
So I had my growth scan. Baby is weight 6lb 6oz which is brill for 36 weeks. They discovered I have polyhydraminos, which is too much amniotic fluid. It's measuring at 29.5cm!
There are so many different things that can cause it.
They have tested me for infections and GD. But it could also mean baby has a blockage in her gut! The consultant terrified me.
We won't know about baby until she is born but from what I've read if she has a blockage something called gut atresia in babies she may have to have an operation when she born.
I'm also at a higher risk of the baby being born with a birth defect!
Because there is so much fluid if my water were to break the large amount of water could pull the cord out with the waters causing a cord prolapse!
It's so much to take in and the consultant just said "you have high fluid it's either a problem with you or baby and you could have a cord prolapse if your waters break. If you feel something come out when your waters break ring an ambulance".

This sounds crazy bit I'm hoping and praying that I have GD so there's a cause for it and that baby is okay. I've felt sick since the appointment.

Any experience in this ladies?

Wow all that information sounds terrifying :nope: I'm so sorry, hopefully it's nothing and they were just preparing you for a worst case scenario that won't happen.
So I had my growth scan. Baby is weight 6lb 6oz which is brill for 36 weeks. They discovered I have polyhydraminos, which is too much amniotic fluid. It's measuring at 29.5cm!
There are so many different things that can cause it.
They have tested me for infections and GD. But it could also mean baby has a blockage in her gut! The consultant terrified me.
We won't know about baby until she is born but from what I've read if she has a blockage something called gut atresia in babies she may have to have an operation when she born.
I'm also at a higher risk of the baby being born with a birth defect!
Because there is so much fluid if my water were to break the large amount of water could pull the cord out with the waters causing a cord prolapse!
It's so much to take in and the consultant just said "you have high fluid it's either a problem with you or baby and you could have a cord prolapse if your waters break. If you feel something come out when your waters break ring an ambulance".

This sounds crazy bit I'm hoping and praying that I have GD so there's a cause for it and that baby is okay. I've felt sick since the appointment.

Any experience in this ladies?

Wow all that information sounds terrifying :nope: I'm so sorry, hopefully it's nothing and they were just preparing you for a worst case scenario that won't happen.

Wow that's so much information to take in at one time! Poor you, we worry enough as it is without getting news like that at this stage. Fingers crossed eveything is fine and they're just preparing you like has been said. :hugs:
sorry to hear hun hopefully its not serious, would they not just give you a section at 37-38 weeks to make sure nothing goes wrong with the cord/baby in labour ? id be demanding they take more precaution tbh.

how is everyone today? ive bad hip/pelvis pain and i had painful bh throughout the night. i really feel like my body is close.. or wants me to suffer til my section in 3 weeks!!
I had a lovely baby shower last night never had one before even though I have had so many kids my friends are so thoughtful they all bought nappies baby wipes or infant formula which are definitely the most useful gifts for a mum of six lol. A couple of them added a bottle of fizz yo the gift bag so we can wet babies head when it arrives. I feel really blessed. And finally after months of stress and searching my dh is collecting my new car today I say car it's a 17 seater minibus bus that's what we need I'm going to be a white van mam lol
I've my local birth centre this morning for my blood results and they've come back normal.
The midiwfe talked to me for aroynd 15 mins explaining lots of things to ease my mind.
She told me cord prolapse is very rare and with baby's head already being 4/5th engaged everything should be absolutely fine if my waters were to go.
I feel so much better after speaking to her now.
And thank you ladies too 😊

I've been having lots of tightenings with period cramps this morning.
And it feels like she's trying to push further down into the pelvis too.
I'm kind of hoping she'll come a little early than my section date. That way once she's here and they can check her over I won't have to worry anymore.
So I had my growth scan. Baby is weight 6lb 6oz which is brill for 36 weeks. They discovered I have polyhydraminos, which is too much amniotic fluid. It's measuring at 29.5cm!
There are so many different things that can cause it.
They have tested me for infections and GD. But it could also mean baby has a blockage in her gut! The consultant terrified me.
We won't know about baby until she is born but from what I've read if she has a blockage something called gut atresia in babies she may have to have an operation when she born.
I'm also at a higher risk of the baby being born with a birth defect!
Because there is so much fluid if my water were to break the large amount of water could pull the cord out with the waters causing a cord prolapse!
It's so much to take in and the consultant just said "you have high fluid it's either a problem with you or baby and you could have a cord prolapse if your waters break. If you feel something come out when your waters break ring an ambulance".

This sounds crazy bit I'm hoping and praying that I have GD so there's a cause for it and that baby is okay. I've felt sick since the appointment.

Any experience in this ladies?

Hey! So sorry you are dealing with this. At my scan at 34 weeks my amniotic levels were also measuring high - around 25. They didn't seem that concerned at all. They rang me back for another ultrasound at 36 weeks which I did last week. The fluid had dropped a bit but they still weren't concerned. They didn't mention anything to me about the cord coming out or birth defects. I had the same thing with DS#1 - too much fluid and then induced me on my due date. He ended up being totally fine.. I wouldn't make yourself worry (I know, easier said than done). Will they give you another scan to follow fluid levels?
I've my local birth centre this morning for my blood results and they've come back normal.
The midiwfe talked to me for aroynd 15 mins explaining lots of things to ease my mind.
She told me cord prolapse is very rare and with baby's head already being 4/5th engaged everything should be absolutely fine if my waters were to go.
I feel so much better after speaking to her now.
And thank you ladies too 😊

I've been having lots of tightenings with period cramps this morning.
And it feels like she's trying to push further down into the pelvis too.
I'm kind of hoping she'll come a little early than my section date. That way once she's here and they can check her over I won't have to worry anymore.

Didn't see this when I replied to your last post! Glad you a feeling more at ease!
PaiytonsMummy- so happy the midwife was able to ease your mind!

I'm at work today and my back is killing me :brat: I'm pretty sure I've been feeling a lot of BH, especially at night. I never got them in my previous pregnancies so that's all new. My mom is convinced baby will try to come early.
Hoping to get my section date in 3 weeks at my 37 week appointment. i started putting a hospital bag together last night. I swore I wouldn't over pack but I want to bring all the clothes I have for her because girl clothes are just too cute! :haha:
Nothing else very exciting going on here. Just a waiting game now!
Thanks ladies.

My hospital bag is done. I think. I just need to add the things I can't put in until last minute like my charger and Kindle. I've got two large bags to take with me but I don't think I'll have enough baby clothes so hubby will have to bring up more supplies if needed.

16 days until section! Seems so surreal.

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