***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

Hi ladies how are we all ??.

On subject of wet pants i keep coghing and weeing myself i am actually wearing sanitry towel tonight not a good look i can assure you lol oooo the joys lol.

My hospital bag is packed i have a big holdel like a small suitcase and remembered everything luckily lol. xxx
oh dear mummymadness , i completely wee'd myself in a coughing fit a few weeks ago have never even leaked before i couldnt stop coughing i was really ill tbf hubby just looked on in horror as a puddle appeared lmao
i can laugh now but it was far from funny at the time. !

i have a largeish holdall with not a lot in it yet ..i suppose i prob should make an effort.
good afternoon everyone.

things are really getting close now for some of you, this time next month there may even be a few babies born already.

how 'ready' is everyone?

we have got to go buy a holdall yet then just a few bits for the hospital bag and planning on doing that this weekend just in case.

the only things left to buy for when he arrives are: monitor, terry nappies and think thats it to buy.

we have another scan @ 34 weeks then midwife @ 36 weeks to do birth plan.
that really got me thinking when we booked it yesterday how close things are getting.

now, as for wet knickers i dont think kim has as of yet but we are due at end of feb so still time for it.
she read last night she should be doing pelvic floor exercises???
no one has said anything and wouldnt know what or how???
OMG it's all happening isn't it?!

You're right kns, some of us will have our babes next month....arghhhhh! Not at all ready yet, though have at least packed some overnight toiletries so that's a start.

I have been really busy over Christmas having various people over and I now think it was perhaps a bit too much! It is so lovely to just have our little family again :) Did tell hubby's sisters that this would be the last year they would both be able to stay over with their kids and one was like, oh your baby will be nearly 1 by then! yeah, right. we have lost our spare room for baby and i just couldn't cope with the noise of all the children this year, let alone with a baby trying to sleep! we'll see.

I have also been having this sickness thing with belly cramps etc since 13th December on and off. i don't know if i'm ill, am intolerant of all the christmas food or if it's pregnancy???? Will ask midwife when I finally see her next week (7 weeks since last appointment as it's my 3rd!)

Have also had some really disappointing news, was to have baby in a midwife unit but they rang to say that they are not letting women out of the area (i'm in next county) go there as there are staff shortages :( i really don't want to go to hospital, and its 35 mins away so am erring on side of home birth but hubby's not convinced and I don't know where my girls would go :shrug: it is a shame. What do you think girls?
OMG it's all happening isn't it?!

You're right kns, some of us will have our babes next month....arghhhhh! Not at all ready yet, though have at least packed some overnight toiletries so that's a start.

I have been really busy over Christmas having various people over and I now think it was perhaps a bit too much! It is so lovely to just have our little family again :) Did tell hubby's sisters that this would be the last year they would both be able to stay over with their kids and one was like, oh your baby will be nearly 1 by then! yeah, right. we have lost our spare room for baby and i just couldn't cope with the noise of all the children this year, let alone with a baby trying to sleep! we'll see.

I have also been having this sickness thing with belly cramps etc since 13th December on and off. i don't know if i'm ill, am intolerant of all the christmas food or if it's pregnancy???? Will ask midwife when I finally see her next week (7 weeks since last appointment as it's my 3rd!)

Have also had some really disappointing news, was to have baby in a midwife unit but they rang to say that they are not letting women out of the area (i'm in next county) go there as there are staff shortages :( i really don't want to go to hospital, and its 35 mins away so am erring on side of home birth but hubby's not convinced and I don't know where my girls would go :shrug: it is a shame. What do you think girls?

im booked for a home birth , however i am still ok to go to hospital as well.
basically if im on my own or hubby is at work and cant get back ill have baby here , if hubby is here and kids are sorted ill go to the hospital . midwife is coming round in next 2 weeks to give me a box - dunno what it is supplies for them i guess and im covered for a home birth from 37 weeks. i basically ring up and they send 2 midwives to me and the gas and air haha.
midwife said apart from an epidural they can supply everything else i might want ..guess that leaves pethadine then lol .
if i choose to go to hospital i just give the box back when they come to visit me after the baby is born.

as for my boys , well ds2 is always here ds1 may be at school etc , i have a friend a few minutes down the road hopefully she will come pick them up and amuse them for a few hours then when im done hubby will pick them up.
worst case scenario they will have to go watch a dvd really loudly in their room till someone gets here ! i have the same issue if i go to the hospital i will have to leave them with a neighbour or something until my mom or dad get here to pick them up , i am gonna pack them a little overnight bag just in case they need it.
Have also had some really disappointing news, was to have baby in a midwife unit but they rang to say that they are not letting women out of the area (i'm in next county) go there as there are staff shortages :( i really don't want to go to hospital, and its 35 mins away so am erring on side of home birth but hubby's not convinced and I don't know where my girls would go :shrug: it is a shame. What do you think girls?

That's a bummer Lucky :( I would say definitely go for the homebirth, but I may be a bit biased *wink* hahaha. In truth though being 30 min away from our hospital made me want a homebirth as well. It scared DH a bit being so far away if anything goes wrong, but the midwife assured him that the ambulance would get to me super quick.

And regarding your girls, have you thought about having them there with you? They both seem old enough to understand not to get in mommy's way. And it's a very natural thing you're doing so it would be good for them to see but of course you would have to be comfortable with that. What were you planning on doing with them if you were to go into the the birth centre? Do you have family that could come and pick them up?

Not sure if you're already over there, but you should pop over to the homebirth and natural forum. :thumbup:
the only things left to buy for when he arrives are: monitor, terry nappies and think thats it to buy.

OIY!!! A monitor! I knew I was forgetting something. :dohh:

I didn't buy a monitor (For crying...I bought one for breathing). Do you think its neccesary if we keep our bedroom door and baby door open. We can't be more than 30 feet bed to bed (when she no longer sleeps in my room) so I should hear crying. Is it just for crying? or is it for other things like coughing and fussing where i won't hear it?
i have one even though with both doors open i am about 15 foot lol , its useful for when you put baby to bed but you are downsair or for afternoon naps if you are in another room imo.
hello ladies!

hope everyone is well.
also wishing everyone a safe and happy new year.
How are we all, Monitors i knew i forgot something too lol good job we can have a thread to remember everything lol.

Still keep peeing myself when i cough i am so embarrassed :(.

Good luck to all having home births i wanted one but not alowed because i use to have epilepsy and they like to monitor me wich is a bummer i am sure i will be fine havent had a fit in 4 years but i guess its better to be safe than sorry xxx
mummymadness same here kim has severe epilepsy well had as her last fit was 5 years ago but risk of her fitting when going into labour. also getting monitored alot as she has to stay on medication throughout pregnancy as on topiramate??? causes growth and lung defects so having 6 scans up to now.
Hey girls just checkin in :wave: Hope everyone is feeling well. Can you believe in a couple days we can say we are having a baby next month? This is my first pregnancy and I can't believe how fast it is going. Just a little update We are both doing very well baby is growing properly and such I'm getting huge eeek! I have put on 25 pounds :dohh: But it is worth it :) Take care ladies!
Evening All,

We finally have internet! woo hoo. I'm not using my brothers btfon which disconnected me every 5 minutes. I wrote a big message twice earlier and then the stupid thing went offline.

1sttimemom, how come you are being induced? Have I missed something?

Lucky3, isnt there a birthing centre near Diss somewhere? I'm sure I have heard it come up at work before.

How far is everyones babies heads engaged? Mine is still "floating freely"

I did buy a monitor, a real cheap one though off ebay that cost about £15. I do have the breathing pad things too because someone lent me them. I'm going to keep the door shut when the baby is in his room because of my cats. I don't want them to go in his cot. I have already caught one asleep in his cot and it scares me!

As we have internet again I decided to watch one born every minute on 4od and now I am shitting myself about the birth :-O

Is anyone elses OH not cutting the cord? It never occured to me that he wouldnt want to but he has said he wouldnt want to and looked squemish. lol. Would I need to write that in my birth plan? x
Rachael, It's mainly just because she is so healthy anyways and it wouldn't hurt anything. That way I can take off work and not worry that I'd be sitting for two additional weeks with no pay before she comes, and have to add time off to the end of my leave. I will only get about 6-8 weeks total, so I want every day to REALLY count. I figure if I have the option, I might as well. If I go into labor earlier than that, it's fine because I can put in those exact 8 weeks or so. But if I put in for days and it took longer, I'd be screwed financially hahaha

And Cerrie, don't feel bad.. I've gained over 40 lbs so far (went from 112 lbs to 156 lbs so far) and still have at least 4 1/2 weeks to go!!! hahaha And this is my first pregnancy, also... :)
I woke up this morning at 4am (Well when I say woke up what I mean is finally got fed up laying in bed without sleeping!) with horrid heart burn and sweating like a maniac. So now I'm bumping while catching up with my Sex and the City. :nope:
I woke up this morning at 4am (Well when I say woke up what I mean is finally got fed up laying in bed without sleeping!) with horrid heart burn and sweating like a maniac. So now I'm bumping while catching up with my Sex and the City. :nope:

I've been avoiding going to bed (it's 10:30 here) for an hour now because of bad heartburn/fear of my room being too hot (as always).. so I know how you feel kinda lol I usually wake up sweating up a storm, since the rest of my house freezes and turns on the heater, my room becomes a furnace every morning... No fun (esp. since I'm already hot as it is thanks to pregnancy) :( I wish we could get the stupid heater fixed.. it keeps sticking on and is driving me CRAZY lol

Hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:
lol yep i'm also awake and catching up on desperate housewives. I hate going to bed now just because I know I am going to get a rubbish nights sleep. DD came into bed this morning after having a nightmare, I tried to tell her that her hamster would look after her, but she wasnt having any of it, so she climbed into bed, and I was stuck sweating in the middle. x
Evening All,

We finally have internet! woo hoo. I'm not using my brothers btfon which disconnected me every 5 minutes. I wrote a big message twice earlier and then the stupid thing went offline.

1sttimemom, how come you are being induced? Have I missed something?

Lucky3, isnt there a birthing centre near Diss somewhere? I'm sure I have heard it come up at work before.

How far is everyones babies heads engaged? Mine is still "floating freely"

I did buy a monitor, a real cheap one though off ebay that cost about £15. I do have the breathing pad things too because someone lent me them. I'm going to keep the door shut when the baby is in his room because of my cats. I don't want them to go in his cot. I have already caught one asleep in his cot and it scares me!

As we have internet again I decided to watch one born every minute on 4od and now I am shitting myself about the birth :-O

Is anyone elses OH not cutting the cord? It never occured to me that he wouldnt want to but he has said he wouldnt want to and looked squemish. lol. Would I need to write that in my birth plan? x

mine baby is floating away freely apparently its common with babies after number 1 though my 2nd engaged around 30 weeks iirc.

one born every minute - yes i watched that and i watched eastenders (how funny was tha the babies were all bathed and a few weeks old by the look of them ) and now ive realised oh shit i gotta do that again soon lol

oh and cutting cord , mine doesnt want to , he tries to stay away from the business end if possible lol though the birth of ds2 the midwife was look dad heres the head and more or less made him cut the cord but he wasnt keen on it , i havent mentioned it really this time ill see if he wants to at the time , im really not fussed whether he does or not tbh.
How are we all, Monitors i knew i forgot something too lol good job we can have a thread to remember everything lol.

Still keep peeing myself when i cough i am so embarrassed :(.

Good luck to all having home births i wanted one but not alowed because i use to have epilepsy and they like to monitor me wich is a bummer i am sure i will be fine havent had a fit in 4 years but i guess its better to be safe than sorry xxx

Aw hun totaly sympathise wit u i have a bad caugh and i keep peeing myself its sooooo embarrassing also got sore throte terrible head ache and can't stop sweating wat a way to c in the new yr lol.
I put the last few bits in my hospital bag but can't help thinking I've forgotten something. Errrrrrr! Also took all Xmas decs down sorted and cleaned house now just waiting for baby to come really hopw i dont have to much longer to wait really don't want to go over like last time. Feeling v fed up now I'm soooooo ready x x

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