***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

hey ladies how are we all...you can add me on facebook if you like search Rachel 'Mummy' Maher (my pic is of paiyton with a cheesy grin :) )
Ley and 1sttime, really hope your not in pain much longer :(
mummymadness hope you LO is deciding to move :)
i have consultant tomorrow for an antenatal and to check if baby is still breech!! Really hope he has gone head down (don't think so tho) or they will decide if i need a c-section or not :(
Will update you when i get back tomorrow wish me luck :) xx

Good luck :):)
LOL eve, that made me laugh about the cat. I did wonder if it could be thrush..........ive had nothing more since. It wasn't like cottage cheese though. lol. Last time I had thrush I didnt get that much more discharge. But I guess every time might be different. I'll keep an eye on it.

Good luck with tommorrow Paiytonsmummy. Fingers crossed for you. x
ok so i had thrush and they gave me these 3 massive tablet things to put up myself for 3 nights in a row... afterwards it seemed to disapear but a few days later and it seems to be back but worse than before? :( seeing my midwife on tues so will ask her but soooooo frustrating!
ok so i had thrush and they gave me these 3 massive tablet things to put up myself for 3 nights in a row... afterwards it seemed to disapear but a few days later and it seems to be back but worse than before? :( seeing my midwife on tues so will ask her but soooooo frustrating!

are you on anti biotics wine for your water infections ? mine is caused by them dr said my thrush prob wont go till i stop taking them and as soon as i stop taking the anti biotics i get the uti back so i cant win. i can either have thrush or a uti ..both options are equally as shit !
nope eve they still can't 'isolate' the infection!!!! i took another sample in last week so waiting to see what they think it is... i was told they are getting worried as an infection can spread to the baby but htey dont know what it is?!?! i wish this pregnancy was like my last one - nice and uncomplicated until the last week lol xx
heres my FB add if anyone is interested :D

nope eve they still can't 'isolate' the infection!!!! i took another sample in last week so waiting to see what they think it is... i was told they are getting worried as an infection can spread to the baby but htey dont know what it is?!?! i wish this pregnancy was like my last one - nice and uncomplicated until the last week lol xx

god ...

i dunno if mine care what mine is they just give me antibiotics when it comes up infected on their little dipstick :dohh:

my last 2 pregnancies were smooth but not this one - nevermnd i keep thinkng there are people that have t worse than me plus not long left to suffer then we get our babies to munch yay!
@winegums: Is thrush a yeast infection? If so I have been getting them quite often as well. The DR has given me oral diflucan which is one pill and has worked GREAT!. It seems like the symptoms go away almost immediately. She asked if I want the ones that go up in me and I said no way! Hope u are feeling better!
@winegums: Is thrush a yeast infection? If so I have been getting them quite often as well. The DR has given me oral diflucan which is one pill and has worked GREAT!. It seems like the symptoms go away almost immediately. She asked if I want the ones that go up in me and I said no way! Hope u are feeling better!

Lucky...my doctor just tells me to buy Monistat 7...I HATE that stuff, and it HURTS to stick that little thing up me to push the nasty cream up there...UGH
I'm going to look for the dreaded OP on my notes then!

Franki, I am the opposite too! I have been constipated for the whole of this pregnancy and since going on iron tablets, thinking I would get worse, I have gone the other way. I go all the time! But I do prefer it this way then being consitpated.
Well done on the no pain relief. Was that your 2nd?

Misznessa, are your feet swollen? Is that why they hurt?

1sttimemom & Ley, I'm really feeling for you. It must be so tiring on you. I wish something could be done to help you.

I have been for a walk today on the beach, it was lovely, really unmotivated to go first thing, but now really glad I did. The sun makes me so happy :) And Evie! She loved it too.

(TMI)I have also noticed some change in my discharge. Last two times I have wiped I have noticed lumps. I know its not a show, cos I can remember what that looked like as if it was yesterday, but I was wondering could it be from my cervix area or could it be just normal discharge? x

Hey hunnie, yes, the no pain relief was with my second, lol. born at 38+3. and he is now 4yrs old bless him, lol.
my daughter i was meant to be induced as i had obstetric cholestasis. but when they went to give me the pessary to dilate me, i was already 4cm, but regardless, the next morning i still had the epidural in and waters broken.
number 3 though, aaaargh! i am sat wide awake now, because i am fed up of the bloody itching, discomfort etc. i am going to ring the doctors today to see if my blood test from the 5th Jan is back. when i showed my midwife the scratches where i have drawn blood from stratching myself so hard because of the itching, she took bloods again just incase i have OC again. grrrr. in a horrid way i hope i have as i know i will be induced. its horrible to say but this pregnancy, last 2 weeks mainly is driving me up the wall. this is deffos the last! lol. But he is fully engaged now apparently, my tummy has waaaay dropped so hopefully wont be long! iv not carried full term yet.
Finally tonight i have got rid of my mother in law too, who was staying with us over xmas period. she was sleeping on the couch. so i couldnt even come downstairs to relax or chill out when i have this annoying discomfort insomnia. I have my house back! woohoooo!
Advice wanted girls, am i over reacting, or do i have justification for being worried do you think?
my hubby is on about going to Wales and picking her up again when i am due to give birth. so she can be here for kids etc if need be whilst in hospital.
but she is baby mad! i know i wont be able to get any proper alone time with my family unit if she is here and she would always be in my face.
when the advert was on the TV for one born every minute, (newborns on the conveyor belt) she was screaming in a soppy voice that she wanted one! my daughter got a DS for christmas with a baby game where you have a newborn that kinda grows up and you have to do everything with, even talk to it... she basically hijacked the game off my daughter, as she is that baby mad!
i have told my hubby that friends have offered to watch the kids etc, who are willing to step away once i bring baby Ben through the front door. so we can have our few days settlement as a family, even the school have said they have no problem with the kids being off that day as they understand the children getting minded etc. but he thinks i am being daft.
this is his first child, my 3rd. he does not know how important them first couple of days are.
Also when she is here, she brings her frigging insane stupid dog, i swear it has no brain! we have 3 dogs already, but ours are lovely and well trained. he is just frigging nuts and also barks all the time and also likes to puke on the carpet.
plus when she is here, i am constantly cleaning more than usual because she is a frigging slob! i have so much cleaning i have to do today to get my house back to my comfort zone.
am i being selfish for saying i really dont want her here for birth time etc? i just dont think i could handle the bloody stress of it all.

sorry for ranting girls, but as you can probably tell from time of my post, i am sleep deprived, stress to hell thinking of next couple of weeks, having to get everything ready on my own again cos hubby is as helpful as chocolate fireguard. oh, and i am really dreading the 3 trips a day to the school, as its literally only at end of road, but the ice is soooo bad. im scared i am going to have a frigging fall.
Virginia, my doctor had me do the same thing when I had an infection... It was the first time I've ever had one, and I'm hoping I don't have to deal with it for a VERY long time!!!

Franki, personally, I don't think it's selfish at all. I think it's perfectly reasonable. Granted, I'm having my first and am VERY glad that the only 'grandmother' I have to deal with is my mom!! hahaha no MILs to deal with.. yay!

Anyways, I live with my parents right now and already had a talk with my mom, asking her to just kind of back off a little bit the first couple of days. I told her that while I appreciate the help and everything, and I know I'll appreciate it even more later, I have a very strong feeling that I'll want a couple days of not really 'sharing' my child. She understood, and was I think a little shocked. But I started getting kinda....protective?... when she kept talking about being able to hold her in her chair all the time, and putting her to sleep... I told her and my sisters to just back off a little bit for me. Not that I want to be rude, and I want them to hold her and enjoy her, too.... but I know I'll be protective at first.....

On another note, my little sister moved out today!! Woo hoo! I'm so happy for her. Her and her fiance have moved into a place bigger than the one my parents and I are in, and took 4 of the dogs with them! So now we're just left with our small ones! YAY! All the dogs I was worried about are gone. I have a room separate from baby's, and she'll have a room where her crib actually fits!! Granted, I will have her bassinet in there at first. But my mom and I are excited to decorate a nursery for her! My mom never got to decorate a nursery for any of her 4 kids, and didn't get to be around the entire pregnancy of or growing up of any of her 5 grandkids until now, so she's just beyond ecstatic!! :D We even have my crib sitting in our garage, waiting for space to set it up!!! :D
Aaaw thats sweet 1sttimemom! doing the nursery is always a good time. are you painting or putting up a wall paper? reason i ask, is because i learnt a lesson the hard way, lol, i spent 12quid a roll on a gorgeous winnie the pooh wallpaper for my daughter,. only for her to stand up in her cot and rip it off the walls.... i was not impressed, lol. little fingers pick and get curious, lol. so with Jacob, i happily painted and used stickers and stencils. much easier, much cheaper and also better to wipe clean too incase of grubby fingers playing, crayons etc etc etc.

The thing about my mom in law is the fact of, my hubby is her only child. she is baby mad. i know for a fact that if baby was crying, even though i know baby is fully content and just making a noise etc, n just crying for the sake of it, i would leave them a few minutes to settle down. she wouldnt, i know she would build that rod for my back by picking him up all the time at the slightest squeak. or hold him constantly, so he would have to be held constantly to settle, instead of moses basket etc. plus, she wouldnt just come for a day or two, it would end up being another 3 fricking weeks. most probably 2 actually as hubby would pick her up n then drop her off at the end of his paternity leave.
i think im going nuts, i have scrubbed my kitchen counters spotless! Emily's packed lunch is made for school, now i am just bloody bored, lol. not allowed to hoover this early or i would wake the kids up...
god i hate insomnia!!! lol
Franki I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. I think its important to have those first days together to settle as a family, plus it sounds like she will do things how she wants and not the way you want, like you say, leaving the baby getting used to being handled whenever crying, which will make it harder for you in the long run.

1sttimemom, it sounds great about the extra room now for when baby is bigger. I never done a nursery with my first and it was really exciting this time.
How many dogs did you have? x
hi all! im glad to see this subject bought up about having time alone as a family, iv been a bit emotional about it this weekend, i remember there being a bit of a tiff with oh's family when my sister in law was pregnant, where a member of oh's family walked in before she had delivered the placenta, and they just walked in and picked up the baby! I will go absolutely balistic if that happens, and its really worried me, i know what im like and i want oh and I to have our family time and bond with our baby before other people get involved, including our mothers. I feel quite selfish but we are going to tell everyone now NO visitors until we let them know we are ready, as i dont want the pressure of knowing people are waiting outside to meet baby, i want us to have no stress-bonding with our baby. Do you know what i mean? as much as i love our families, especially our mothers, they WILL try and take over and say 'you should do this and that' , they are both the same in that sense, to the point we've had to almost push them out a bit during pregnancy so they dont get ahead of their selves. We obviously appriciate they want to help but its our baby, our new little family and we would like to make our own decisions!
sorry about the rant but its really getting me down because i know no matter how much we drum it into them they are still going to turn up and i will be very angry and im worried it will ruin what should be one of the best days of our lives! anybody else feel the same?
hope everybody is well! xxx
@franki ...there is no way i would have anyone stop with me the 1st few weeks of having my baby . ill let my mom , my dad and the mil come for 1 hour each in the 1st week thats it but then they are local so not too bad.
i know what you mean about them picking them up at the slight niggle cry etc drives me mad . im also on my 3rd and you realise not to go running to them straight away ..often you cant anyway with other kids about.
we have been known with the last 2 babies to unplug the phone and ignore the door if it rings unless its the midwife and when people say oh we came to see you we said oh we must have all been asleep lol .
i want my 2 boys to get to know their little sister before the rest of the family and with my eldest at school he is not gonna get much time with her at 1st i dont think it fair that mil and co get to spend more time with her than he does - not that he will prob be that interested as pink is yukky apparently haha
and as for anyone coming in and just picking up the baby ..by god help them if they do that ..id be mad if it was hubby let alone anyone else lol .
How are we all girls ?. Iam feeling really hot today so in bed resting any one else real sweaty hot or is it just me lol ?.

On a positive note whoooo i am on last box on pregnancy ticker now so only labour to go whooo .

Good luck with decorating nursery xxx
congrats on the last ticker lol
cant believe how fast.
in 2 weeks you will be full term!!!!!!!!
Eek I'm really worried about living situation! A few months ago me and my partner moved in with my dad and we rent 2 bedrooms in his house, due to money reasons and my dads health and stuff

The only problem is we're not really happy here but we can't afford to move out and in september i'll be starting uni so it will be even tougher with money - but he really does like to get 'involved' and i know i'm not going to get any space when the baby is born :( he also hardly ever goes out - just to the supermarket or whatever so i'll never get any alone time etc

Sort of dreading it tbh i have a feeling i'll end up spending half of my time stuck in one of the bedrooms

on a better note we FINALLY got a car seat today so that's a weight off of my mind :)

How are we all girls ?. Iam feeling really hot today so in bed resting any one else real sweaty hot or is it just me lol ?.

On a positive note whoooo i am on last box on pregnancy ticker now so only labour to go whooo .

Good luck with decorating nursery xxx

i keep getting hot , especially at night , my poor hubby thinks im ill cus i am never too hot i sleep with my quilt in the height of summer ! past week ive been walking round in vest tops .

Eek I'm really worried about living situation! A few months ago me and my partner moved in with my dad and we rent 2 bedrooms in his house, due to money reasons and my dads health and stuff

The only problem is we're not really happy here but we can't afford to move out and in september i'll be starting uni so it will be even tougher with money - but he really does like to get 'involved' and i know i'm not going to get any space when the baby is born :( he also hardly ever goes out - just to the supermarket or whatever so i'll never get any alone time etc

Sort of dreading it tbh i have a feeling i'll end up spending half of my time stuck in one of the bedrooms

on a better note we FINALLY got a car seat today so that's a weight off of my mind :)


hmm thats tough , could you not get him involved in something like perhaps asking him to help you by taking your other son to the park or to school (if he goes ) so that you get time with the baby ?
glad i aint the only one i am sweating in bed no quilt on resting with window open so glad OH having kids today so i can slob lol. xx

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