Hi everyone,
I am just back from a midwife app - took half an hour!! She couldn't find the heartbeat so rang delivery suite to send me up there. They said try a better sonicaid, so she asked the docs if they had one...much much better, found it really quickly!! Funny thing was, I could feel her kicking away whils she was on the phone!!
have got my HIP form all filled in though and will send off today, yay!!
on the second hand front, i am getting most stuff that way. I have found as I get older I am less and less precious and hate waste more and more!! Would much rather breathe life into something pre-loved as long as it is in good condition. I got a mamas and paps bouncy chair off freecycle and a m and p moses basket for £5 and a m and p playmat "lottie" for 99p, both off ebay! I have got bundles of clothes from B and B and stuff off cheapcycle too. have also been given bits by family and friend and happy to pass stuff on myself when it's finished with. Am hoping sister in laws may give back some of the stuff i've given to them over the years!!
I did let my girls buy some news clothes for baby when we first found out she was a girl and i do pick up stuff in the sales...for up to 18 months!! Have to get my head round this being a winter baby, the other 2 were April and July so much warmer!
We have finally started our redecorating - the oldest daughter's new bedroom. The 9 year old has actually been really good at painting and rollering and i could have left her to it, rather than go over it again when she wasn't looking
the 6 year old wasn't as useful but lovely that she wanted to help. Might be her bedroom left. Trouble is, i haven't got anymore holiday until Christmas and i don't want the house to be in a state for Christmas, so we'll have to see how it goes!!
is everyone else enjoying half term?!!