Hi ya,
Joise that did make me laugh about Lily's little knickers! It always happens with me.
Scan went well! Now I know what nub theory is I was having a good look while she was doing the scan and I do think girl! I'm convinced. I do have moments of doubt when Jay gets excited because he wants a girl. So I would feel really bad if I was wrong! Scan put me a couple of days earlier so baby is now due 6th November. I'm feeling so much better now too. No nausea and enjoying food again.
I thought I would try potty training Lennie this week as I have 5 clear days to try. I actually now don't think he is ready. lol.
He sat on potty first thing for 5 minutes and got off. I assumed he really didnt want to go. A minute later he pee'd on the floor! Tried again 15 minutes later and nothing. Tried 15 minutes after that and just before I was going to put him on he pee'd on the floor. Agaist the sofa actually.
Then he asked for a drink and I left him to it and then he came back in living room bringing a trail of poo! Normally he can poo easily when I put him on potty and considering he was on the potty 10 minutes before he must have needed to go then but didnt? After that he didnt like to sit on it and would just winge. Was I too keen? I'm thinking it was too soon and I don't want to put him off and make him hate the potty :-S
I ask him what he has done in his nappy and he normally tells me poo poo when its always wee! But he did tell me yesterday he had done a wee wee when I asked him. Also last night he kept saying poo poo which I thought he was just saying because its a fairly new word with him and he had done a poo a couple of hours earlier (he is normally once a day) so didnt think anything into it. Then he went to bed and when I checked him later he had done a poo in his nappy so I am not sure if he was telling me thats whats he needed? I'm so confused. After this morning I didnt think he was ready....but it's not going to be easy is it? I don't know if I am giving up because of him or me? I was thinking of trying again in a month. Sorry I have gone on so much about it!
Anyway I have my VBAC appointment this week and I am now in two minds whether to have a section. Basically I am worried I have somehow caused Lennie's development delays because I gave birth to him naturally. I know I was pushing a couple of hours and I worry thats why. I want to ask Lennie's paedatrician if that could be a reason for his delays but the appointment isnt until July so I am going to go to the appointment not knowing what I am doing.
I don't want a repeat section because its going to be so hard with a newborn and Lennie following that! But I really am struggling with the guilt that its my fault.
Lennie had a development assessment again from the health visitor a couple of weeks ago and he basically scored 0 in more things
0-5 meant delays 5-10 was need work and 10-15 was ok I think. He scored 3 in social communication but still delayed. I think it means he has global development delay now
Anyway she is now going to refer him to a specialist Health Visitor who is experienced in Development delays. She said they will do more detailed tests and possibly blood tests. She said there may still be no reason for any of it but the extra tests will rule things out.