Hello Ladies.. how are you all doing? We are almost all to the end of our TTC month! Tests will be flying left and right soon!
Clo_mid... I see you are about Oing... good luck TTC lady!
Struth.. sorry for AF arriving so soon into LP. As for the B6 dosage... I think it shoud be no higher than 100mg from what I researched. I am taking 50mg in my B Vitmain mix.. which also has 1000mcg (1mg) of Folic Acid (another B Vit), 125mcg of Vit B12, and 33mg of Calcium. I also take Inositol which is a B Vitmain recommended for PCOS patients.. I ake 2000mg per day... my pills are 500mg each (I take 2 pills twice daily with meals). I heard the B6 is better taken with other BVits.. some people take the B Complex. Also, all of what I take is also in my Prenatal vitamin.. I don't know all the dosages however.
Sorry to all the ladies who AF caught! Good luck next cycle.
Sparklymum... I agree with Clo_mid.. try OPKs and temping.. they usually helps alot to pinpoint!
KatiKitty..your chart is looking so awesome... I feel good about it.. your LP is very long this time around!! Go eggie go!
Jennifaerie.. how are you tonsils feeling lady? I know how it feels.. I had my own removed before.. because I kept getting severe tonislitis every two weeks. Would finish antibiotics and then the following week, it would be back again.
LittlePilot... congratulations!!!! Have a H&H9M!!
Angelcake.. good luck!
MrsPTTC... not sure if I quite remember it correctly...but when I was taking Viex Chasteberry (Angus Castus)... I believe I was told not to take it past O because it will mess with progesterone. It helps progesterone supposedly when taken in the beginning of the cycle because it helps mature the egg and give a strong O. But I think it messes it up during the rest of the cycle... could be why you are spotting. I have a luteal phase defect.. and I used to spot like that due to progesterone levels weren't high enough. I could be wrong though, so maybe you might want to just research it on the net.
Huggles... did you test?
MrsTurner.. congratulations!! H&H9M to you!
Gueyilla.. sorry about your cousin's baby... it's a very hard thing to deal with. My prayers are with her and the rest of your family.
Hulahoop... congratulations miss! woohoo!
9babies... Good luck on a darker line! How long have you been taking maca and how much do you take?
Rachael... You are about Oing again soon... wow! Time flew for you!
Navywag.. I agree with PTR.. find a doctor that does what you would like... one that makes you feel comfortable and who is proactive!
NDH... good luck lady.
qwk... I say that sounds just like O pain. Are you temping and charting? And that's definitely a +OPK! It even appears slightly darker than the control line! BD girl.. BD.. and keep on for at least 5 days I say!
gilmore.. congrats on Oing.. good luck lady.
Daisy... Happy Bday and congratulations on your BFP! What a great bday present!
AFM... I took a couple of HPTs.. just because I have some ICs and

.. I know I shouldn't have... it's too soon.. I normally don't get a + until CD 13 at least. And because I think I O'd two days after FF said I did, I should really only be a 7dpo.. so what the heck was I thinking! But I had like 10 tests sitting there... and said.. hey .. why not go ahead and test

... because why am I holding on to them.. I'm only going to get more in the next kit I buy... or hopefully I will not have to buy anymore if this cycle is a go! Boobies are a bit sore though.. but that's normal for week before AF. Gonna try to wait for testing until the 20th.. okay.. who am I kidding, I'm probably going to test tomorrow again.. LOL