** February Testing 2022**

@ehjmorris your hcg is going up nicely and that line wow how amazing xx

Afm 2dpo nothing to really report except I don't thing we have done this month :cry: he wasn't in the mood for it, so we dtd the day before o and couple days before that, I no I'm only 2dpo but really not feeling it, my gut is saying I'm not xx

Sorry to be a downer:cry: xx
The pill I was taking was called Desogestrel its a mini pill.
I googled how long it can take to leave he system and got this.
I'm 42 tho classed as a older womon so it may take longer.
Mind u when stooped it when i was 40 to ttc my youngest I had 2 wonky cycles then all was back to normol. Think I stopped taking it and had a bleed then ovulated on cd13 then started bleeding again on cd24 which is really short for me. My cycles are norrmoly 28 to 32 days. It was only the first month off the mini pill I had that 24 day cycle but after that it went to my normal length. I stopped the pill in Feb 2020 and fell pregnant in April' June' July and October but I lost the pregnancy just b4 5 weeks.
Then fell with my youngest in jab 2021 aged 41.
42 not tho so I know my chances will be slim and the miscarriage rate is supper high. Sometimes I feel so positive and get so excited. But other tines I get worried and think it won't ever happen again.
All depends if I still have some good eggs in there.
Hope so.
How are ure OPKs today?

Oh hon this is good. Ure tests are still getting darker and a 2-3 on a digital means ure levels are rising not decreasing.
I don't think ure bleeding is a loss. I think it cud be a erosion or there is another thing some womon have that causes bleeding in pregnancy. Heavy bleeding too.

With all 7 of my losses my bleeding was very very heavy. I was changing a Pad lots because it completely drenched it.
I have everything crossed so tight that all will be ok.
Come on little one stick stick stick[-o<

So so sorry sweetheart.
@ehjmorris your hcg is going up nicely and that line wow how amazing xx

Afm 2dpo nothing to really report except I don't thing we have done this month :cry: he wasn't in the mood for it, so we dtd the day before o and couple days before that, I no I'm only 2dpo but really not feeling it, my gut is saying I'm not xx

Sorry to be a downer:cry: xx
I know the feeling. OH wasn't in the mood either, and struggled to finish so I only got -4 and -5 days in successfully. I am completely shattered already and trying hard to stay positive.
Today is 9 dpo, and feeling less than optomistic. Haven't tested yet at all.
You still have a good chance, apparently the day before O offers the BEST chance at a 42% success rate.
So stay hopeful. -xxx-
The pill I was taking was called Desogestrel its a mini pill.
I googled how long it can take to leave he system and got this.
View attachment 1106321
I'm 42 tho classed as a older womon so it may take longer.
Mind u when stooped it when i was 40 to ttc my youngest I had 2 wonky cycles then all was back to normol. Think I stopped taking it and had a bleed then ovulated on cd13 then started bleeding again on cd24 which is really short for me. My cycles are norrmoly 28 to 32 days. It was only the first month off the mini pill I had that 24 day cycle but after that it went to my normal length. I stopped the pill in Feb 2020 and fell pregnant in April' June' July and October but I lost the pregnancy just b4 5 weeks.
Then fell with my youngest in jab 2021 aged 41.
42 not tho so I know my chances will be slim and the miscarriage rate is supper high. Sometimes I feel so positive and get so excited. But other tines I get worried and think it won't ever happen again.
All depends if I still have some good eggs in there.
Hope so.
How are ure OPKs today?

Oh hon this is good. Ure tests are still getting darker and a 2-3 on a digital means ure levels are rising not decreasing.
I don't think ure bleeding is a loss. I think it cud be a erosion or there is another thing some womon have that causes bleeding in pregnancy. Heavy bleeding too.

With all 7 of my losses my bleeding was very very heavy. I was changing a Pad lots because it completely drenched it.
I have everything crossed so tight that all will be ok.
Come on little one stick stick stick[-o<

So so sorry sweetheart.
I was on that same pill ive got pregnant exactly 3 months later. Technically 2nd true cycle as they say your first month is a withdrawal so i read lol xxx
I know the feeling. OH wasn't in the mood either, and struggled to finish so I only got -4 and -5 days in successfully. I am completely shattered already and trying hard to stay positive.
Today is 9 dpo, and feeling less than optomistic. Haven't tested yet at all.
You still have a good chance, apparently the day before O offers the BEST chance at a 42% success rate.
So stay hopeful. -xxx-

It's so so hard to stay positive tho isn't it I'll be rooting for you all the way xxx
If I had bright red bleeding and clotting, I would go in right away not wait! If you are pregnant, you are putting yourself and your baby at risk. Focus on the children you have right now! PLEASE JUST GO IN. You do not deserve another child, you don't care...

Sorry ladies but good luck to you all, I cannot continue being here watching everyone freak out over positive tests, negative test; those types of things. I feel really bad for some of you that are already parents....you all freak out way too much about things.

I'm out!!!!!

Holy Hormones! I really hope you are simply in a really bad place, as TTC can bring us ALL in a dark place, and you truly don't mean these incredibly hurtful words. I actually had to STOP and read...and reread because my brain couldn't believe what I was reading. It seemed more plausible I misunderstood than reading such hate, here of all places.
Regardless of the pain you feel, I would recommend not spewing your hate so much.
You cannot presume to understands everyone's motives, thinking, feelings, decisions.

I am sorry you are so hurt that lashing out seems like the only option.
But, we don't need that attitude here, most of us are fragile enough. And I think I can speak for everyone here, when i Say we ALL deserve the child we so long for. You are not in a position to tell anyone they don't deserve a child. I can only assume, you've never had to deal with a pregnancy you couldn't tell was viable or not.
The stress, the pain, the double edged hope.

I also know, from experience, that my dr won't see me if I am bleeding in early pregnancy unless I am past a certain point or experience pains or other symptoms.

All I can say is Be kind.
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@KitteyKat2010 holy shitballs someone has pissed on your cornflakes :shrug: this lashing out is not nice what a nasty thing to say I might get backlash for this bit what a nasty human, hiding behind your keyboard, this stuff is hurtful what this forum is for is to help and suposrt ladies if you can do that do one bit no need to be nasty, no matter how many children each and everyone of us have we are still longing for another, my gp/emergency care won't see me until later on in pregnancy with it being early they won't see her, so kindness and research on your part wouldn't go a miss, and guess what kindness don't cost anything.

Sorry ladies for the ranting or the harsh some people just don't get it obviously xx
Jeez, what really nasty things to say!! I'm disgusted.

A lot of hospitals won't see you early on for bleeding and they don't do hcg blood levels here either. it's just wait and see. So calm down, keep your clearly wrong opinions to yourself.....you won't be missed!!

@ehjmorris i hope you’re doing ok after reading that horrendous comment above. Please ignore it.

@KitteyKat2010 you clearly have never experienced bleeding after getting a positive test. It is a heart wrenching vulnerable time in which your whole soul is aching to hope but you’re too scared of the heartbreak. You likely caused more pain in an incredibly painful time. A part of me wants to throw back insults to you, but I won’t as to date all I have ever experienced on this site is support and love from other women and I refuse to bring it down to your repulsive level.
Woooahhh not sure if ure having a bad day @KitteyKat2010 but ure comment was really harsh.
I had 4 early losss in 2020 and when I fell with my son and started bleeding at 6 weeks I was absolutely terrified. I did seek help and did go in to get checked out but if i wud of been under 6 weeks they wudnt want to know.
Just like all the losses I had in 2020 were never put down on my pregnancy paper work when i eventually did fall.
Only my other 3 losses from the past was put down.
But because those 4 losses back to back happened just b4 5 weeks they were completely disregarded.
They don't do HCG bloods here either so all we have is hope.
I don't know if u meant to be so insensitive but I feel so bad for @ehjmorris seeing that. That is extremely hurtful.

Everybody in this group are a tower of support to everyone.
Sorry if ure feeling angry and was lashing out but this isn't the right place to write things like that.

I hope ure OK @ehjmorris.
@ehjmorris I am so sorry you are going through this. I went through this and it's not something I would wish on anyone.

Is it at all possible to go in for an early scan where you are? The last thing I want to do is scare you, but I think it's worth sharing that even though this bleeding may be completely normal and your bean is getting nice and snug (which I am praying he or she is) it could also be something else. Just to share my own experience - when I had my ectopic I was bleeding off and on, some days heavier than others, some days no blood at all.. my tests were getting darker, my hcg was over 12000 in week 5 and doubling. They only located the baby in my tube at 5+6 with a heartbeat and everything. I was being scanned daily since 5 weeks. With my son we saw a yolk sack at exactly 5 weeks gestation.

The worst part of it really was not knowing and being in limbo. It was the longest 2 weeks of my life. I really pray it's not the same for you, and maybe if you could go in to your doctor or hospital to get checked it may ease your mind and heart to get answers. Also checking your Hcg is doubling correctly at this point would also be helpful. Big hugs lovey, I hope you get answers soon and take comfort in knowing we are here for you.
@ehjmorris id like to apologise for the cruel words Iv just read.. there is no justification.
If you are still bleeding you should be able to get a scan done to locate where the bleeding is coming from I had one at 5 weeks with my son, they search for possible reasons as apposed to scanning for a baby. Mine was a cyst the first time and I haemorrhaged the second but baby was perfectly fine.
Fx all is ok :hugs:
If I had bright red bleeding and clotting, I would go in right away not wait! If you are pregnant, you are putting yourself and your baby at risk. Focus on the children you have right now! PLEASE JUST GO IN. You do not deserve another child, you don't care...

Sorry ladies but good luck to you all, I cannot continue being here watching everyone freak out over positive tests, negative test; those types of things. I feel really bad for some of you that are already parents....you all freak out way too much about things.

I'm out!!!!!
wow seems you need to get off the internet and look after your children, cuz you got too much time on your hands shouting at vulnerable women, she already said she cant go in because her partner has covid, which you would know if you actually read her posts. now go away with your high horse judgement
This is my absolute final posting....that's right I can't post because I have COVID! \\:D/That's the best one yet...can't go in for me miscarrying (blood clotting, bleeding, etc.) because my husband has COVID; so I'd rather just pass my baby in the toilet. =D>

Those of you who are 40 or over!! Move on, you don't deserve kids at the age of 40; you'd be dead by the age your kids turn 20.

Those of you who have had 7 miscarriages or any for that fact...morn the baby you lost, not just spread your legs open again and have several more; good job! You don't care to be a parent at all....you won't be able to carry a child, FACE THAT FACT! Your not healthy, you can't produce any kids!

For those of you who are making more babies who have living children: support them! Not buy a bunch of tests and post day after day after day! Last time I checked HCG levels double every 2-3 days after 1 child you should've figured that one out :)

Last but not least to the girl who decided to post your vagina bloody pictures on here...grow up! You had a baby who was born sleeping and you just decide to have two children plus try for another after that happened! Come on...you didn't care whatsoever about that baby who you delivered sleeping (DEAD!).

GOOD BYE LADIES!! WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK AND POSTING TESTS, AFTER TESTS, AFTER TESTS.....there are some real issues people have if they can't figure out 2 lines versus 1 line.

Unlike so many of you, I have not had any difficulties trying to conceive any of my children (no miscarriages, no still births, nothing!). I was able to stay healthy, and not have medical problems. If I had any of those, I would definitely morn my child that didn't make it on earth, not spread my legs open the next month. I'm pregnant with my 5th child...here's a picture for those of you who will never ever see any ultrasounds; I'll post it here! <3

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people are suppose to isolate when they have covid, where have you been the last 2 years, maybe you need to get some mental health instead of becoming a baby machine? i feel sorry for your kids with you as a mother
What in lord's name is wrong with you child?
And yes, I say child, because you are clearly acting like one.

I hope you get banned and we never have to hear your ridiculous banter anymore.

I am grateful that you have never lost a child, never experienced a difficult TTC journey. You truly have been blessed in that sense. However, what you have in fertility you lack in maturity and humility.

On a personal note, I hope you learn to interact with your peers better sooner rather than later. Your children will need you too. Unfortunately, they can't decide what you teach them, and you really are a hateful woman who is probably teaching them the same kind of things.
The higher you place yourself above everyone, the further you fall darling.

and also....F*** you! (sorry couldn't hold that in too many personal attacks on ME and the women here i truly appreciate)
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This is my absolute final posting....that's right I can't post because I have COVID! \\:D/That's the best one yet...can't go in for me miscarrying (blood clotting, bleeding, etc.) because my husband has COVID; so I'd rather just pass my baby in the toilet. =D&gt;

Those of you who are 40 or over!! Move on, you don't deserve kids at the age of 40; you'd be dead by the age your kids turn 20.

Those of you who have had 7 miscarriages or any for that fact...morn the baby you lost, not just spread your legs open again and have several more; good job! You don't care to be a parent at all....you won't be able to carry a child, FACE THAT FACT! Your not healthy, you can't produce any kids!

For those of you who are making more babies who have living children: support them! Not buy a bunch of tests and post day after day after day! Last time I checked HCG levels double every 2-3 days after 1 child you should've figured that one out :)

Last but not least to the girl who decided to post your vagina bloody pictures on here...grow up! You had a baby who was born sleeping and you just decide to have two children plus try for another after that happened! Come on...you didn't care whatsoever about that baby who you delivered sleeping (DEAD!).

GOOD BYE LADIES!! WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK AND POSTING TESTS, AFTER TESTS, AFTER TESTS.....there are some real issues people have if they can't figure out 2 lines versus 1 line.

Unlike so many of you, I have not had any difficulties trying to conceive any of my children (no miscarriages, no still births, nothing!). I was able to stay healthy, and not have medical problems. If I had any of those, I would definitely morn my child that didn't make it on earth, not spread my legs open the next month. I'm pregnant with my 5th child...here's a picture for those of you who will never ever see any ultrasounds; I'll post it here! <3

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seems like its only you spreading your legs :lol::lol::lol:](*,) people with glass houses eh good luck love you gonna need it with your mental issues...
@KitteyKat2010 I see on top of having no class, you are also a liar.
No last post then?

Just bugger off, or did your momma not teach you how to be a decent human being?

You don't need to point out love, that I've had 7 miscarriages. I am well aware.
But guess what, I also have a son. One who is sensitive, caring and top of his class.
So no, I will not give up, because contrary to your simple mindedness, nothing is wrong with me.
My body is healthy, and yes I mourn my angels, but my mind is also healthy. Which is more than what I can say for you dear.
You telling me to stop spreading my legs is rich coming from you, how do you suppose you got pregnant 5 times without doing the same?
I am absolutely disgusted at what I am reading, god forbid anything you spew comes back on your children.. it is a sad sad world when we can’t come to a safe place and not be trolled! I’ll be reporting you!

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