February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

So jealous of all you limes! Three more days for me!

DH cracked me up last night. I took him out to dinner to thank him for being so supportive (only our 2nd dinner out since BFP since I'm always SO TIRED) and we had quite a large meal compared to what I usually eat. When we got home I changed into PJs and his eyes got HUGE when he saw how far my stomach was sticking out with big-meal bloat. In a quiet voice he asked: "...is that normal?"

HAHAHA. Oh, men. They have no idea the physical changes we go through! :dohh:

me too , me too! OH was like 'ummm, isnt it lime right now? it looks like walrus'...haha, fortunately i was in the mood for laughs, else he would get a proper progesterone bashing :grr:
Re: constipation - I got a prenatal from my doctors with Colase in it. It's meant a world of difference (and is on my "safe" meds list from the doctor also). Highly recommend it, plus of course fiber and plenty of water. With a stool softener you're supposed to drink even more fluids because that's part of how they work.

Congrats on your scan, Guppy. And congrats to the "new week" ladies. I hit raspberry today!

Question for all you ladies who have experienced morning sickness longer than I have (only coming up on 2 weeks of the pain now, since I'm due at the end of Feb) - how do you get stuff done around the house with it? I'm usually sick in the mornings and have in the past few days added the joys of sickness after work too. Poor DH is getting tired of making dinner and doing dishes and I really want to be able to do stuff, but standing in the kitchen for too long makes me feel hideous. Any suggestions? I haven't found anything to ease the sickness once it starts - not ginger, not lots of carbs, nothing!

:flower: to you, hope you feel better real soon.
What i did when i was dying of MS those two weeks-I found a time of day I was relatively OK (for me it was just after I came home from work) and did the cooking and a bit of washing IMMEDIATELY after gobbling down 3 crackers. I held my breath sometimes since food smells were killing me while cooking and banned all irritants from the kitchen i.e. peanut butter, garlic, onions etc. I moved my washing machine into the open and my ironing board as well, so i could get air which makes it easier than being in a closed space. but above all, :thumbup: DONT feel guilty about making OH tired. I was too, but realized its better for him to share the load, because this is really really hard on your body.You're not eating, and you have no energy,you're only passing the burden because of that!
Congrats on prune-hood Kelly! I turned limetastic today! :D :happydance:

Thankyou & Congrats on being limetastic :yipee:

Ditto on the constipation. My doctor recommended Colace and I've started taking it every-other day. It hasn't made me want to "go" any more often, but things seem a little "softer" overall. (Good god, 3 months ago I never thought I'd talk about this! :haha:)

Trust me ~ You will be talking about some really dodgy stuff as time goes on! :haha::blush::haha:

hi everyone!!!

im gunna be a February mummy too :D im due on 7th of feb and im super exited

heard smushies heart beat yesterday and it was amazing!!! got the 12 weeks scan next friday but time is dragging because i am so exited i want it to go faster <3 xxx

Hello :wave: Welcome & good luck with your scan :cloud9:

I really can't get over how many people are due in February.... is it like this every month?

Every months has loads of members join, however not all of them are regular posters :coffee:

When I was in my last group, toward the end, you had about 10 people that were pretty regular & you got to know them well :flower:

Hello everyone...
Didn't realise there was a february 2012 board..So I'm coming in!
Due valentines day and very excited, scan a week monday.
Good luck everyone and sticky happy babies to us all

Welcome :wave:

Hi Everyone, I'm due February 6. So excited for 12 week scan next week I can hardly contain myself. Starting to gain quite a bit and bought my first maternity clothes last weekend--still wearing most of my own clothes though. I'm so glad to find this group and happy to be here with all of you!

Welcome :wave: Good luck with your scan :cloud9:

Well the hospital scheduling NEVER called me back (like they were supposed to :wacko:) so i just called them. My appt. is scheduled for TODAY at 4pm :dance:
I have to drink 32 oz of water at 2:30...i forgot about that fun part! :dohh: but at least i'll get to see the peanut! :wohoo:

:wohoo: Howd it go?

You guys should both feel lucky. I only get the 18-20 gender scan, so I have to wait until September.

Thats such a shame ~ So long to wait :hugs: Why dont you get an earlier scan? :nope:

Im due 12th! so excited its my first!

Welcome :wave:

Aww ~ Congrats on your 'Koala' :cloud9: You will have to put that in your signature now 'waiting for my koala' or something along those lines ~ Too cute :kiss:

And congrats to the "new week" ladies. I hit raspberry today!

Yey :yipee: To raspberry

RE: MS, i have just been apologizing a lot to my husband and trying to give him extra love and attention. I feel bad for not getting anything done...it is tough having MS and being a SAHM though! But he is okay with it. He understands. Sorry not much advice, just try to express your gratitude and give him lots of lovins :winkwink: and remind him it will be over soon.

.....Eeek, I must try harder :blush:

Keep being moody & snappy to mine! :growlmad:
RE: MS, i have just been apologizing a lot to my husband and trying to give him extra love and attention. I feel bad for not getting anything done...it is tough having MS and being a SAHM though! But he is okay with it. He understands. Sorry not much advice, just try to express your gratitude and give him lots of lovins :winkwink: and remind him it will be over soon.

Your OH is lucky.

My OH has been doing almost all the housework..and getting nothing in return. The thought of getting intimate in any way makes me gag. We've only "got close" 3 times since my morning sickness kicked in...and one of those times I had to run off half way through to get something to eat!
RE: MS, i have just been apologizing a lot to my husband and trying to give him extra love and attention. I feel bad for not getting anything done...it is tough having MS and being a SAHM though! But he is okay with it. He understands. Sorry not much advice, just try to express your gratitude and give him lots of lovins :winkwink: and remind him it will be over soon.

Your OH is lucky.

My OH has been doing almost all the housework..and getting nothing in return. The thought of getting intimate in any way makes me gag. We've only "got close" 3 times since my morning sickness kicked in...and one of those times I had to run off half way through to get something to eat!

I know just where your coming from :thumbup:

But I did have to laugh at.....:sex: :munch: :rofl:
RE: Getting things done in house. Use the OHs at this stage and don't feel bad about it. YOU feel like sh1t, he's fine. the MS doesn't last forever and you can get back to "normal service" soon enough. If he complains remind him how he got the easy/fun part of this baby making lark so he should just be quiet and get on with it. :haha:

I did HALF my ironing last night before sickness hit again, (hubby had made dinner earlier), he came down and praised me for getting that half done, rather than pointing out there was still a small mountain to do! He's learnt, bless him, between last time and this, that I WILL get there eventually, and it's much easier all round in the long run if he helps out. (With no repayment :sex: or otherwise - he knows even thoughts of naughtiness are off-limits :smug:)
I need to start working out again. >.< I finally ordered a few pre-natal workout DVDs because everything I have at home (like um, P90X...:haha:) is a bit too challenging seeing that I haven't worked out in well over two months and all. UGH. I think that I'm so moody lately partially because I don't work out or eat as well as I used to anymore. So I need to get my shiz together. Grrr.

Sounds like BabyAngelic needs a post-lunch nap! ;D I'll join you for a pre-breakfast nap!
Oh and if anyone enjoys playing the "find a good middle name" game, I'd love anyone's insight!


We're not 100% set on Nevin yet, but trying to think of options. I know it's not a lot of people's favorite for a boy's name, but it's a family name and I actually thought it was kind of cute. So I'm looking for any and all suggestions on a pairing for it, since I'm stumped. :3 I so thought this would be easier than it's proven to be!
I've come to moan... I feel so down and I don't know why. Last two days, I've felt so hormonal, tired, tearful. Everything. I have no energy, no appetite and I'm 99 percent convinced I'm losing weight. My sickness isn't THAT bad, once every few days so can't even use that as an excuse! I just can't shake this feeling of feeling like poop. Not in a sense that something's wrong, more in a I feel low in myself! :(

Just me? I hope not :(
I've come to moan... I feel so down and I don't know why. Last two days, I've felt so hormonal, tired, tearful. Everything. I have no energy, no appetite and I'm 99 percent convinced I'm losing weight. My sickness isn't THAT bad, once every few days so can't even use that as an excuse! I just can't shake this feeling of feeling like poop. Not in a sense that something's wrong, more in a I feel low in myself! :(

Just me? I hope not :(

Nope, not just you :flower:

Its harder when you already have a LO to take care of :hugs:

Im feeling a bit emotinal too, its tiredness, im sure ~ I feel like im not myself at the mo' & I know that DH looks forward to me getting back to myself :winkwink:

It wont last, these early weeks are tough on us :hugs:
Aw Natasha, you're not alone! I feel very emotional and moody lately. Exhausted, too, but just really struggling with reigning in my emotions. It seems that almost anything can set me off to tears, for essentially no reason whatsoever. I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes!
I've come to moan... I feel so down and I don't know why. Last two days, I've felt so hormonal, tired, tearful. Everything. I have no energy, no appetite and I'm 99 percent convinced I'm losing weight. My sickness isn't THAT bad, once every few days so can't even use that as an excuse! I just can't shake this feeling of feeling like poop. Not in a sense that something's wrong, more in a I feel low in myself! :(

Just me? I hope not :(

I feel the same way! I was upset yesterday early for no reason. Then my Drs office called and said that they want to do a colposcopy to make sure that I have no abnormal build up of cells, my pap came back with some abnormal cells... and they couldn't tell me what!! That is enough to make you feel even worse! I hope that it is nothing, I don't know if I could handle finding out that it some kind of cervical cancer or something.... I think that would really drain me. Hopefully it is just that the test was wrong! :( So I held that in all day yesterday (only my mom knew until DH got home) and I cried when I was talking with him about it, this is the first time anything has ever been wrong with a test.

On a lighter note, I haven't felt terribly nauseous, just still not eating much.
soo hungry and nauseated today!! wouldn't change it for the world tho lol

is it just me or is February way too far away ?

H&H pregnancies to all :hugs:
I've come to moan... I feel so down and I don't know why. Last two days, I've felt so hormonal, tired, tearful. Everything. I have no energy, no appetite and I'm 99 percent convinced I'm losing weight. My sickness isn't THAT bad, once every few days so can't even use that as an excuse! I just can't shake this feeling of feeling like poop. Not in a sense that something's wrong, more in a I feel low in myself! :(

Just me? I hope not :(

I feel the same way! I was upset yesterday early for no reason. Then my Drs office called and said that they want to do a colposcopy to make sure that I have no abnormal build up of cells, my pap came back with some abnormal cells... and they couldn't tell me what!! That is enough to make you feel even worse! I hope that it is nothing, I don't know if I could handle finding out that it some kind of cervical cancer or something.... I think that would really drain me. Hopefully it is just that the test was wrong! :( So I held that in all day yesterday (only my mom knew until DH got home) and I cried when I was talking with him about it, this is the first time anything has ever been wrong with a test.

On a lighter note, I haven't felt terribly nauseous, just still not eating much.

:hugs: I hope that everything's gonna come back just fine hun. You're in my thoughts
I need to start working out again. >.< I finally ordered a few pre-natal workout DVDs because everything I have at home (like um, P90X...:haha:) is a bit too challenging seeing that I haven't worked out in well over two months and all. UGH. I think that I'm so moody lately partially because I don't work out or eat as well as I used to anymore. So I need to get my shiz together. Grrr.

Sounds like BabyAngelic needs a post-lunch nap! ;D I'll join you for a pre-breakfast nap!

Now that sounds like a plan :happydance: Just a little nap will do :) An hour more and I'll be leaving work. I can't wait to get home and unwind.

I've also been reallllllly moody the past few days. I feel like I'm not myself anymore.

I freaked out this morning when I got out of the shower and looked at my boobs. They have gotten much bigger than they normally are, looks like they have road maps running through them and OMG my nipples shocked me. They used to be small and perky and have now become big and dark....I'm horrified, lol. Will they ever go back to the way they used to be? :wacko:
You guys should both feel lucky. I only get the 18-20 gender scan, so I have to wait until September.

Thats such a shame ~ So long to wait :hugs: Why dont you get an earlier scan? :nope:

I'm not entirely sure, but I'm using a birth center. We tried to convince her that we aren't entirely sure of the dating because I have rather long cycles and my AF starts and stops and starts again, but she felt my uterus and said she thinks we're on track. Oh well.

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