February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Okay, so I’m a few days behind but I’m catching up best that I can. Please, if I missed you, don’t be upset – I apologize sincerely. My brain’s a wee bit slow but I’m attempting to not forget anyone. ^_^

MrsMM24, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife during this time. :hugs: I wish you all the best in the upcoming months!

To our sick ladies, Tigger, AmandaD, Geogem, Tiger - :hugs: Hope you’re feeling better soon!

Welcome to our new additions, like Button, Dodger, Jellybean, MrsNormie – congrats!

Congrats on your prune, Jokerette!

Congrats on your olive Tigger! I don’t like olives so no cravings for any olives this go around. ;)

Junebugs, week 11 has been pretty wonderful for me! haha. No sickness, no complaints. I was still pretty tired last week but when it’s 105 outside, it’s pretty difficult not to fatigue easily, pregnancy or not! So really, week 11 was the best thus far! Hoping 12 is a good one too! ;D Congrats on hitting the big 1-2! :dance: And you have an u/s today – eeee jealous! Though mine’s in a few days but ugh, impatience. Can’t wait to hear about it!

Redpop has her scan today too! Eeee. All my almost-twins are making me envious!!!! :p <3

Oh man Sparklez – BIG BABIES! FX for you that you’ll get a bit of a break on that…

Kelly, welcome to being a lime baby! :D

Congrats on everything going well, Suzzle!

Good luck on the upcoming scan BabyA! Can’t wait to hear all about it, and have fun telling the family! SO MUCH FUN! :D

Honey, that was wonderful – tears to my eyes. Congrats! I hope the doctor lets me record the Doppler tomorrow. I want to be able to listen non-stop…

Which speaking of, I ordered a Sonoline off ebay this weekend – praying it comes soon! I was telling hubby about them, before I said I bought it, and he said it sounded weird and neurotic. :( So um, I didn’t inform him that I bought one, yet. Sheesh. Rain on my parade, jerk! He’ll think it’s cool when we hear it whenever we want. Or he better, anyway, because I can’t return it and I got it for a steal! xD

Holy crap, did I get everyone? I hope so. Phew! Now I’m ready for a nap! :happydance:

Well that took me a while to read through lol
It's amazing how you and Kelly keep up and reply to everyone.:flower:
Too much time:coffee: lol

Today I'm a very busy housewife trying to catch up.:laundry::iron::dishes:

I'm impatiently waiting for mr. delivery man to turn up with my new phone. It's only a cheap one but I'm on contract and recently dropped my phone in the toilet and have been having hell with my phone since. So I really need a new one!!
I'm off to my mum's tomorrow for the night and I really can't wait!:happydance:
I haven't seen her since around Liam's birthday. My step-dad had a major operation back in february and has been out of work since so they are really struggling with money (He had a metal plate and screws put into his back because there was something wrong with one or two of the disks...he's a builder so NEEDS to recover fully before he goes back to work or he'll do more damage)
We've been struggling with money and I fell out with my taxi driver(my dad) for a little while so I've been unable to get to my mums.

When she see's Liam it's going to be like she's meeting him all over again. He's changed so much in the last 6 months. He was a baby but is now a toddler. A stroppy tantrumming toddler.

Summer holidays for the kids here (don't know if it's the same elsewhere?) and I'm not gna like it. 6 weeks of soft play being double the price and really packed..so we won't be going. Stay and Play is term-time only..so we can't go. Only option I have to take him to is the drop-in which I really don't like. Can't wait until september!!! Can take Liam out more AND will be closer to baby no. 2 being here. I should have a LITTLE bump by then too!!
Okay, so I’m a few days behind but I’m catching up best that I can. Please, if I missed you, don’t be upset – I apologize sincerely. My brain’s a wee bit slow but I’m attempting to not forget anyone. ^_^

MrsMM24, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife during this time. :hugs: I wish you all the best in the upcoming months!

To our sick ladies, Tigger, AmandaD, Geogem, Tiger - :hugs: Hope you’re feeling better soon!

Welcome to our new additions, like Button, Dodger, Jellybean, MrsNormie – congrats!

Congrats on your prune, Jokerette!

Congrats on your olive Tigger! I don’t like olives so no cravings for any olives this go around. ;)

Junebugs, week 11 has been pretty wonderful for me! haha. No sickness, no complaints. I was still pretty tired last week but when it’s 105 outside, it’s pretty difficult not to fatigue easily, pregnancy or not! So really, week 11 was the best thus far! Hoping 12 is a good one too! ;D Congrats on hitting the big 1-2! :dance: And you have an u/s today – eeee jealous! Though mine’s in a few days but ugh, impatience. Can’t wait to hear about it!

Redpop has her scan today too! Eeee. All my almost-twins are making me envious!!!! :p <3

Oh man Sparklez – BIG BABIES! FX for you that you’ll get a bit of a break on that…

Kelly, welcome to being a lime baby! :D

Congrats on everything going well, Suzzle!

Good luck on the upcoming scan BabyA! Can’t wait to hear all about it, and have fun telling the family! SO MUCH FUN! :D

Honey, that was wonderful – tears to my eyes. Congrats! I hope the doctor lets me record the Doppler tomorrow. I want to be able to listen non-stop…

Which speaking of, I ordered a Sonoline off ebay this weekend – praying it comes soon! I was telling hubby about them, before I said I bought it, and he said it sounded weird and neurotic. :( So um, I didn’t inform him that I bought one, yet. Sheesh. Rain on my parade, jerk! He’ll think it’s cool when we hear it whenever we want. Or he better, anyway, because I can’t return it and I got it for a steal! xD

Holy crap, did I get everyone? I hope so. Phew! Now I’m ready for a nap! :happydance:

Thanks hun!!! It seems like alot of us are feeling really good in the 11th week. I spoke to soon thou because since yesterday afternoon i can't hold anything down and i am so nauseous!!! Well it was nice while it lasted i guess!!! lol
My scan is tomorrow morning and I can't wait. Anyone else have their 12 week scan this week?

Meeeeee. Mine is on Friday and I can't wait. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until then.

And Friday evening is when we announce it to the family. For now it's just our parents that know so I'm really excited to tell my brother and SIL :happydance:

12 week scan on Thursday...very excited! last time, we really couldnt see much...hoping for more action this time. :wohoo: :yipee:
Haha Amanda, I totally understand. It is tedious when I&#8217;m behind by like, ten pages and I&#8217;m always afraid I&#8217;ll offend someone by skipping something. Pregnancy brain! But I also have the whole nosy mentality of, &#8220;Oh snap what if I missed something important like scan pics?!&#8221; Ahem. Living vicariously. ;D So I stalk diligently. Ugh, I have so much cleaning to do at home&#8230; and I&#8217;m stuck at work. >.< I&#8217;m looking forward to being home with LO so hopefully I can catch up on these things faster than I currently do!

Junebugssss you get to go for your scan soon! And I think Red is at hers now?! EEEE.

KBKB, we are scan twins!! What time is yours on Thursday? Mine&#8217;s at 7:30 am! >.< (I live in the US, though, so for all the UK girls it&#8217;s probably afternoon for them? LOL) I&#8217;m so excited :dance: except for the early factor, because I need to get up an hour earlier than usual. But I shouldn&#8217;t complain. It&#8217;s all for a great reason!
Welcome to all of the new ladies!
Congrats to the ladies that have scans this week! I cannot wait until the 3rd, I will get to go for a regular MW appt.... that means heartbeat!! <3
Haha Amanda, I totally understand. It is tedious when I’m behind by like, ten pages and I’m always afraid I’ll offend someone by skipping something. Pregnancy brain! But I also have the whole nosy mentality of, “Oh snap what if I missed something important like scan pics?!” Ahem. Living vicariously. ;D So I stalk diligently. Ugh, I have so much cleaning to do at home… and I’m stuck at work. >.< I’m looking forward to being home with LO so hopefully I can catch up on these things faster than I currently do!

HAHAHA:haha: This is your first baby right? Housework with a baby?? No chance. Then they become clingly toddlers who are dangerous when unsupervised so you can't even go to the loo alone.
I have about 3 days housework to catch up on because when I'm not puking or laying down with stomachache or a headache I'm playing with Liam to make up for the time I don't feel up to playing with him.
Can't wait to get back to being "me" again and doing loads of housework in the evening.
I usually do most things after Liam goes to bed but 1st tri has had me so exhausted that once Liam is in bed...I'm curled up on the sofa with crap TV.
OH is helping as much aspossible but he's behind on hsi coursework so has had to spend the past few days catching up.

Anyway can't type too long..just resting my hands from the soapy water or they'll go dry and itchey.
ROFL! Yup, it's my first - that obvious, eh? :haha: I keep dreaming of a clean house, even if it won't be happening. I'm going to try my darndest! xD We'll check in with me in a year, see how that is going!

QUESTION for all you ladies! Anyone get sore hips after sitting too long? I first noticed in the car, after 2 hours to my in-laws, my hips were aching, throbbing. It was awful. Now I'm at work and my hips are aching again. And the thing is, I can't not sit at work, I am an admin. at the front desk. And the only admin. at that, so I can't even work in the back for awhile and just leave things unattended. Anyone else experiencing this? It isn't sharp pain, just dull aches, but really, really annoying! I'm not even showing much, or very far along... so I kind of dread what I might feel in another few months!
I am so behind since I didn't get to read up this weekend! Going to catch up now.

Crazy weekend for me, and crazy week too! Today's a quiet day, tomorrow I have OBG appointment #2 and it'll be heartbeat time! :D :D :D Then we're going to a minor league baseball game in the evening. Insanity! Wednesday is another day of nothing, Thursday at 7:30 they're doing bloods and my second scan. :D :D :D :dance: I'm so freaking excited, this week is finally here! And I'm scared too, of course, but trying to be positive! :D

Gonna catch up on everyone else on the previous pages now, since I'm a few days behind. haha. <3 Gotta see what all my Valentines are up toooooo.

What a brill week ahead for you :yipee: & your a plum tommorow! :haha:
Haha Amanda, I totally understand. It is tedious when I’m behind by like, ten pages and I’m always afraid I’ll offend someone by skipping something. Pregnancy brain! But I also have the whole nosy mentality of, “Oh snap what if I missed something important like scan pics?!” Ahem. Living vicariously. ;D So I stalk diligently. Ugh, I have so much cleaning to do at home… and I’m stuck at work. >.< I’m looking forward to being home with LO so hopefully I can catch up on these things faster than I currently do!

Junebugssss you get to go for your scan soon! And I think Red is at hers now?! EEEE.

KBKB, we are scan twins!! What time is yours on Thursday? Mine’s at 7:30 am! >.< (I live in the US, though, so for all the UK girls it’s probably afternoon for them? LOL) I’m so excited :dance: except for the early factor, because I need to get up an hour earlier than usual. But I shouldn’t complain. It’s all for a great reason!

:wave: scan twin! it is for a great reason, of course....I think I will start telling everyone if all goes well -will be a huge relief, right???:happydance: Mine's 11 am, kind of sucks would've loved an earlier scan
Definitely a huge relief! I'm pretty excited for Thursday to just come already! :haha:

Well and it'd be super awesome if my hips would stop hurting. Yikes! lol.
Definitely a huge relief! I'm pretty excited for Thursday to just come already! :haha:

Well and it'd be super awesome if my hips would stop hurting. Yikes! lol.

sorry to hear that hon....I am super burpy. :blush: ...its soooo frustrating. :brat: made me almost puke on 2 occasions....Nobody warned you about this huh :haha: :hissy:!
Haha Amanda, I totally understand. It is tedious when I’m behind by like, ten pages and I’m always afraid I’ll offend someone by skipping something. Pregnancy brain! But I also have the whole nosy mentality of, “Oh snap what if I missed something important like scan pics?!” Ahem. Living vicariously. ;D So I stalk diligently. Ugh, I have so much cleaning to do at home… and I’m stuck at work. >.< I’m looking forward to being home with LO so hopefully I can catch up on these things faster than I currently do!

Junebugssss you get to go for your scan soon! And I think Red is at hers now?! EEEE.

KBKB, we are scan twins!! What time is yours on Thursday? Mine’s at 7:30 am! >.< (I live in the US, though, so for all the UK girls it’s probably afternoon for them? LOL) I’m so excited :dance: except for the early factor, because I need to get up an hour earlier than usual. But I shouldn’t complain. It’s all for a great reason!

OMG!!!!! I can't even hold in my excitement!! I feel like a 2 year old right now waiting for my birthday party to start!! LOL.. i can't wait to hear how Red's scan went!

BTW... as for the hip pain i get it all the time aswell. The longer i sit the worse it is.
Urghhhhh I'm feeling PANTS this week. I'm so tired, I feel sick, I'm constipated (sorry TMI)... My DH thinks it's funny when I go to bed at 8.30. hopefully illget some energy back sooooon.

Sorry to hear there have been losses and hope to see you back here soon. :hugs:

Welcome! To all the new folks.

I'm now counting down days till scan (8) and can't wait to see if my bean is ok. I think DH will really believe it's happening then!
Just came back from 12 week scan--unbelievable. There's an actual little person inside me! Baby wouldn't show its face very much but what a little cutie. Husband has scan photos but will post one as soon as I get a chance. For now, all I can say is WOW WOW WOW!
Aw... That's lovely!

It's my 13 week scan on Wednesday at 9.20am. I can't wait!

My little girl is being gorgeous... Keeps trying my Doppler and saying 'baby, mummy' so I have to use it or pretend to. Sometimes she rubs her tummy with something like a blusher pot or even the Doppler itself, too. and she keeps liftin her top to show her little belly and saying 'me baby, my baby, mummy'. Too cute!
Aw... That's lovely!

It's my 13 week scan on Wednesday at 9.20am. I can't wait!

My little girl is being gorgeous... Keeps trying my Doppler and saying 'baby, mummy' so I have to use it or pretend to. Sometimes she rubs her tummy with something like a blusher pot or even the Doppler itself, too. and she keeps liftin her top to show her little belly and saying 'me baby, my baby, mummy'. Too cute!
Your little Ilana is beautiful. It must be so much fun to already have one when you're expecting your second. You know you've done it well before so you have the confidence to do it again. I can't wait for that.
:flower: I wanted to personally thank each and every one of you for your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers during this time. I will carry them with me to TTC and hopefully you will all see me in the First Trimester Threads soon as you make your way to 2nd Trimester!

:hugs: and Thanks AMANDA, JUNEBUGS, BECSTAR, SPARKLEZ, TEQUIERO, DIANA, KELLY, GEOGEM, MRSRAGGLE, ENGINEERGIRL, TIGER, and SWAN!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy remaining 7 mos! Forehead kisses to all of your little "Love" and Leap Year babies! It has been a pleasure.
Aw MrsM :hugs: I will be watching out for you in the first trimester threads! :D <3

REDPOP AHHHHH! I am so excited for you and can't wait to see pics! and Junebugs so soon!!!!!!!! Today needs to move faster!

I'm dumb, what does it mean to feel PANTS? :) I'm learning the lingo slowly!

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