February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Hey ladies. I didn't have such a great time at my mum's. My symptoms left me alone other than tiredness which I'm greatful for...
but next time I visit my family I will NOT be sleeping at my sisters.

I could easily have gone to sleep at 8:30 but my sister wouldn't go into her bedroom so I could go to sleep. She finally dissappeared at 11:30..when Liam woke up so she had to leave the room so I could get him back to sleep. Me OH and Liam were sleeping on my sisters 2 sofas pushed together to make a "bed." I was so uncomfortable and had about 4 hours sleep at the most. Liam was woken up at 5:20 by my sisters OH going to the toilet.
Then the next day she was moaning that I was tired and stressed...even though it was her fault that I had to stay up 3 hours later than I wanted to then deal with an uncomfortable bed and a wriggley toddler.

But the worst thing about it was my sister and her OH were smoking weed all night!!!!
When we got there it was agreed that they would only smoke it in the bedroom...then when the evening came they just sparked up where ever they wanted. I do hope it hasn't effect my little growing bubba at all :cry:
Oh and the 2 blankets Liam has had since he was a newborn are now ruined because her dog pissed on them, so I've had to chuck them. He has slept with at least one of those blankets every night since the day he came home from hospital. recently he's been taking them both to bed using 1 as a pillow and 1 as a cuddly. I'm GUTTED!! They're just cheap blankets from primark...but that's not the point. They were HIS blankets.

Today my sickness is catching up on me big time. I've been vomiting loads and can't wait to go to bed!! I've put Liam down for an early night because he was getting fussy and I can't stop running to the bathroom. He gave me a massive cuddle before bed :cloud9: He really knows how to make mummy feel better!!! x

Oh hun, I am so sorry that it was so bad! I know that it is nice to spend time with family, but you have to take care of you, OH, and Liam... so next time stay where you will be comfy! :hugs:

I just bought my doppler, hopefully it will be here within the next 2-3 weeks.
Hey guys, Just had a nice though - We are staying team yellow - and I cant remember where I seen it but, Instead of the doc announcing "its a _____" I am gonna have my husband announce it :) I think that would be neat! Don't need a doc to distinguish between boy/girl bits then! Well I hope not LOL :D

With Ilana we asked for them not to tell us. When she was delivered they put her straight on my tummy and I saw her and said 'it's a girl, it's a girl! It is a girl, isn't it?'
Thanks ladies! I’m very pleased with the scan results. Looks like a happy baby and healthy too! The sonographer slipped and called the baby a female once, not sure if that was subconscious or just a slip of the tongue. We will see! haha. She talked to the baby the whole time, so can’t be too shocked if she slipped. =) She was lovely, so wonderful.

I agree with Becstar, because I’m leaning toward girl. Actually I posted a thread in first tri and nobody suggested boy yet. :haha: I’d be stoked either way, but I originally really wanted a girl so that would be loads of fun. :shrugs: But like I said, a happy and healthy baby is what counts!

Awesome, Jokerette! I am awaiting my doppler’s arrival from eBay. No tracking number! =( So I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for it to arrive from Chicago. Getting impatient!

Amanda, I’m so sorry you had a rough time on your break away from home. So frustrating when people can’t be sensitive to your LO! But I think you’ll be alright. :hugs: I’d definitely stay away as much as you can in the future, if nothing else but for your own peace of mind!

Congrats on becoming a plum, JP! What do you do for a living, if you don’t mind me asking. Recording artist?! Haha. I’m just inferring from what you wrote above, and I’m nosy. ;) Clearly, I’m trying to procrastinate on work. xD Have fun at the Museum!

Hope you can hear the HB soon, Kelly!

Aw, cute scan Lilrojo!

Thank you Laidee – how are you feeling?
:flower: I wanted to personally thank each and every one of you for your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers during this time. I will carry them with me to TTC and hopefully you will all see me in the First Trimester Threads soon as you make your way to 2nd Trimester!

:hugs: and Thanks AMANDA, JUNEBUGS, BECSTAR, SPARKLEZ, TEQUIERO, DIANA, KELLY, GEOGEM, MRSRAGGLE, ENGINEERGIRL, TIGER, and SWAN!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy remaining 7 mos! Forehead kisses to all of your little "Love" and Leap Year babies! It has been a pleasure.

I am so sorry for your loss hun big hugs and kisses
Hello ladies hope your all well, its going to take me a while to catch up so im off to read x
How inconsiderate of them! I know it had to be a horrible position to be in - say something? Stay quite? Just go to bed in front of them? - but at least you're home now. I hope you feel better!!
Amandad how inconsiderate of her i would of just fallen a sleep she would of got the hint then (i fall alseep all the time now when wr have guests, how bad is that but i am always tired and i dont have children at home so i can imagine how tired you were feeling)
Thanks everyone who replied to my rather long rant.
We thought we'd be better staying there because my little sister has a fear of sick and has what I can only compare to a tantrum I some says they feel sick. Completely forgot my sister smoked weed all the time...and considering she has a 2 year old I'm shocked she does it in the house!
Diana and mumanddad I would love to have been able to go to sleep right there but she had the TV on..It's a massive..i think...50 inch screen and was flashing right in front of my face. We had no proper duvet and no pillows so there was no way I could just doze off.
defo staying at my mums next time we visit, no way I can deal with all that again.

I really can't wait until OH is driving..then we can make it a day trip instead of having to stay a night or 2. (It's an awkward situation because my dad lives 5 minutes up the road from me....but his girlfriend lives 5 minutes up the road from my mum...so he goes to stay at his girlfriends when I'm at my mums.)
Hello Everyone!
All I can say is WOW...this thread is moving FASTTTTT!

Here is my info:
Name: Therealme :)
Due date: Feb 16
Age: 26
Location: Seattle, WA - USA
SO details: husband of 6 years, we've been together for 10 years
Other children: this is our first!
Profession: Project Manager at a leading Wireless company :D
Other fun facts: I LOVE photography and to travel! I have been to 13 countries in the last 7 months!

Besides that......I am patiently waiting for my appointment with the Midwife tomorrow. Am not expecting a lot out of it. They said they will schedule my 12 weeks scan at that time, so looking forward to that.
My nausea is slowly getting better but still not 100%. I officially dont fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I went to target and bought a BBand and its been helpful. I am trying to hold off buying maternity clothes for as long as possible!
I have a question....for some reason I can not see everyone's pictures of scans...i can see some of them as they are attached at the bottom of their posts but I can not see most of them...do i need to click somewhere to see them? Please help!
Amanda- I am sorry for your &^%* night.... really if she has a child you would think she would understand not to smoke weed around you :( . I am sure you will be ok thou.... as long at it wasn't ALOT and wasn't for a long time.

Jokerette- YAY for the doppler.. i love mine. I am sure you will fine the HB just have patience if you don't. You will get it eventually :)

All the rest of the girls i hope everyone is feeling good and i love all the scans! Keep them coming :)
Wow, amandad192 I'm sorry your stay was so crummy:hugs: I get really cranky when I don't get to sleep when I want to (especially now that I have a good excuse:haha:)

Thought I would add a little more about myself:
Name: Kayla
Due date: Feb 29
Age: 21
Location: Lake Havasu City, AZ
SO details: Hubby of 2 years and been together for 7 years
Other children: none, unless you count those with 4 legs!
Profession: I manage a natural pet food store
Other fun facts: I have a talent for making really cool cakes, and I'm a huge animal person
Hi ladies,

I notice we have some fab scan pics!! I am soo jealous!! I want one!! lol

Well everone now knows our news!! I just did the big facebook announcement!! yay

hope everyone is well, I have read all the posts but dont seems to remember everything that was in them!! (slightly losing it I think!!)

got home from work today feeling awful, so hubby sent me for a bath and a nap and he sorted the kids and made the dinner and bathed Blake so when I came down (2 hours later) everything was all done!! feel so refreshed now (love him lots at the minute!! lol)
Hi ladies,

I notice we have some fab scan pics!! I am soo jealous!! I want one!! lol

Well everone now knows our news!! I just did the big facebook announcement!! yay

hope everyone is well, I have read all the posts but dont seems to remember everything that was in them!! (slightly losing it I think!!)

got home from work today feeling awful, so hubby sent me for a bath and a nap and he sorted the kids and made the dinner and bathed Blake so when I came down (2 hours later) everything was all done!! feel so refreshed now (love him lots at the minute!! lol)

AWW sorry you werent feeling good, that wad lovely of your hubby x
Hello Everyone!
All I can say is WOW...this thread is moving FASTTTTT!

Here is my info:
Name: Therealme :)
Due date: Feb 16
Age: 26
Location: Seattle, WA - USA
SO details: husband of 6 years, we've been together for 10 years
Other children: this is our first!
Profession: Project Manager at a leading Wireless company :D
Other fun facts: I LOVE photography and to travel! I have been to 13 countries in the last 7 months!

Besides that......I am patiently waiting for my appointment with the Midwife tomorrow. Am not expecting a lot out of it. They said they will schedule my 12 weeks scan at that time, so looking forward to that.
My nausea is slowly getting better but still not 100%. I officially dont fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I went to target and bought a BBand and its been helpful. I am trying to hold off buying maternity clothes for as long as possible!

Hi and Welcome! :hugs:
Just got home (er, to work) - baby looks great! Took awhile to do the nuchal measurements because baby was being stubborn - uh oh, already takes after mommy! But the measurements came back normal, bloodwork #1 is done and I get bloodwork #2 in a month. Then they'll tell me the results based on the measurements + blood. :shrug: Things looked good so I take that as a positive sign. And my uterus is fine, thank you doctor for getting me all paranoid for nothing. :haha: So, the waiting game begins, as my next appointment is just a general pee-in-a-cup, get weighed, heartbeat on 8/24. I am pretty much on cloud 9.

I know nothing about nubs but if anyone has guesses, you are welcome to propose them. :) haha. She gave me 8 photos total, but this was the clearest photo of the baby in its entirety. Some are just feet, just hands, etc.

aww your baby looks adorable!!!! Congrats on a great scan! :happydance:
How's everyone doing today?? It's ALMOST FRIDAY!

Im much better than yesterday (took a couple of painkillers before bed last night~Didnt like taking them,but just had to, wasnt even functioning properly last night :nope:)

Just been to get a few grocerys & it was soooo hard to resist the cakes & desserts! :dohh: Did buy some huge choccie cookies though! :munch:

This is so me! I am always cravings cakes and cookies, and donuts! ugh lol.
Hey ladies.. so just wanted to share a pic of my scan from yesterday..

just need to decide if im doing the early scanning or not.. think i might.. but not 100 percent yet.. next appt is Aug 17th.. so i cant wait for the next 3 weeks to pass..

Very sweet scan pic!!!:happydance:
Hey ladies. I didn't have such a great time at my mum's. My symptoms left me alone other than tiredness which I'm greatful for...
but next time I visit my family I will NOT be sleeping at my sisters.

I could easily have gone to sleep at 8:30 but my sister wouldn't go into her bedroom so I could go to sleep. She finally dissappeared at 11:30..when Liam woke up so she had to leave the room so I could get him back to sleep. Me OH and Liam were sleeping on my sisters 2 sofas pushed together to make a "bed." I was so uncomfortable and had about 4 hours sleep at the most. Liam was woken up at 5:20 by my sisters OH going to the toilet.
Then the next day she was moaning that I was tired and stressed...even though it was her fault that I had to stay up 3 hours later than I wanted to then deal with an uncomfortable bed and a wriggley toddler.

But the worst thing about it was my sister and her OH were smoking weed all night!!!!
When we got there it was agreed that they would only smoke it in the bedroom...then when the evening came they just sparked up where ever they wanted. I do hope it hasn't effect my little growing bubba at all :cry:
Oh and the 2 blankets Liam has had since he was a newborn are now ruined because her dog pissed on them, so I've had to chuck them. He has slept with at least one of those blankets every night since the day he came home from hospital. recently he's been taking them both to bed using 1 as a pillow and 1 as a cuddly. I'm GUTTED!! They're just cheap blankets from primark...but that's not the point. They were HIS blankets.

Today my sickness is catching up on me big time. I've been vomiting loads and can't wait to go to bed!! I've put Liam down for an early night because he was getting fussy and I can't stop running to the bathroom. He gave me a massive cuddle before bed :cloud9: He really knows how to make mummy feel better!!! x

omg honey sounds like a horrible visit! :hugs: Hope you get some much needed rest!
Question for the crowd-
Is anyone else having a horrible time eating meats? Chicken, beef, you name it. I have to practically force it down. The smell of it cooking is disgusting and the taste of it is just so.... bleh. Any suggestions? I want to make sure the babes is getting enough protein![/QUOTE]

I saw a TV show the other day regarding this and they were talking about how during pregnancy mothers seem to think they need to eat more protein and try and force it down. They stated that most women eat less meat during pregnancy and that it is perfectly fine to do so.

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