February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Ugh. I was doing so well with telling myself, only four more weeks, be patient.

I got a postcard today from a place that does 3-D and 4-D scans starting at 80 bucks.


Sudden temptation has struck. But I'm resisting, since I paid a LOT of bills this month and really cannot afford that without guilt atm. :(
gosh u ladies talk alot when you get chatting ! its so weird being in different time zones, you're all chatting away while im sleeping lol !
its 9am here at the moment!
anyway, i FINALLY got an email from the 3D place i want a scan with but all it said was ' i will get lucinda to give you a call " :grr: ive been waiting 3 darn weeks and thats all i get ?!?!?!? :grr: she didnt call yesterday so when will she ? they arent a great company at all !!!!! but they are the only 3D place in my area, and they come to you , so bonus !
silly question.... :blush: how is everyones boobies going ? i had absolutely no change at all, and then suddenly, ive got sore, tender, heavy and hot boobs ! and they ache so bad :nope: i dont remember this last time.
im really hoping to BF this time, i couldnt with jesse due to his poor latch, not seeing him for hours, no help from anyone and no one told me how to express correctly. so this time im going in to it prepared!!!!
anyone who wants to breastfeed: i suggest buying LOTS of nipple cream, and nipple shields! and the knowledge thats its really hard !!
also......14 WEEKS FOR ME TODAY !!!!!!!!!! 2ND TRI :dance: :happydance: :dance:
Had my 15 wk appointment today.. the u/s pictures were crap, but we did find out that twin A is a girl. Not sure on twin B, she thinks maybe it's a girl, but it was too hard to really tell, so we'll have to wait another 4 weeks on that one. It's enough to know half for now. My mom was kinda disappointed that they might be both girls (we have 4 nieces on my side and my parents are really hoping for a grandson).

I did get a lecture on my water intake (I guess I'm not drinking enough), so I promised I'd be good and drink more water.. chug chug chug..
gosh u ladies talk alot when you get chatting ! its so weird being in different time zones, you're all chatting away while im sleeping lol !
its 9am here at the moment!
anyway, i FINALLY got an email from the 3D place i want a scan with but all it said was ' i will get lucinda to give you a call " :grr: ive been waiting 3 darn weeks and thats all i get ?!?!?!? :grr: she didnt call yesterday so when will she ? they arent a great company at all !!!!! but they are the only 3D place in my area, and they come to you , so bonus !
silly question.... :blush: how is everyones boobies going ? i had absolutely no change at all, and then suddenly, ive got sore, tender, heavy and hot boobs ! and they ache so bad :nope: i dont remember this last time.
im really hoping to BF this time, i couldnt with jesse due to his poor latch, not seeing him for hours, no help from anyone and no one told me how to express correctly. so this time im going in to it prepared!!!!
anyone who wants to breastfeed: i suggest buying LOTS of nipple cream, and nipple shields! and the knowledge thats its really hard !!
also......14 WEEKS FOR ME TODAY !!!!!!!!!! 2ND TRI :dance: :happydance: :dance:

Lol, I haven;t even looked into 3D ultrasounds, I cannot really afford them at the current moment!! Mine have been extremely sore for the last 3 weeks or so... and they have been so sore they have been bruised.

I had a few problems the first time nursing, but my hospital has lactation consultants to assist with the whole situation. So, KMFX that it will go easier for you this time, and if you need help you always have us to ask for more info or support!! :friends:

And when you posted this it was 7 PM here! it is currently 1010 PM :haha:
wow lol midday tuesday here!!!
we are getting the 3D because in australia, there is no such thing as a private scan, they wont give u one unless something is wrong. only the 20 week one, and im just too excited !!!
Ive had my scan today too!!

Baby was dancing away, giving us a wave, sonographer put me slightly ahead of my dates so Im a week ahead now.

got to be monitored bit more with me having em section but they have said they would like me to try for a vbac this time too which Im happy about xx

Attached a piccie what do you think, girl or boy? xx

I'm getting a girl vibe too....going mainly by the lovely delicate chin.Beautiful!
hi ladies,

finally got my scan today yay!!

View attachment 253864

it all went well and they were pleased with baby's progress etc and kept me at the same date.

they made a bit of a cock up tho and only did half of the measurements they were supposed to so we had to go back in!! oh well, got to see bubs dancing away again!!

LO was sleeping on its front when fiest scanning but jumped over onto its back after a couple of seconds!!

just cant wait for my next scan in october now!!


Gorgeous scan , feels like another young man on his way !
gosh u ladies talk alot when you get chatting ! its so weird being in different time zones, you're all chatting away while im sleeping lol !
its 9am here at the moment!
anyway, i FINALLY got an email from the 3D place i want a scan with but all it said was ' i will get lucinda to give you a call " :grr: ive been waiting 3 darn weeks and thats all i get ?!?!?!? :grr: she didnt call yesterday so when will she ? they arent a great company at all !!!!! but they are the only 3D place in my area, and they come to you , so bonus !
silly question.... :blush: how is everyones boobies going ? i had absolutely no change at all, and then suddenly, ive got sore, tender, heavy and hot boobs ! and they ache so bad :nope: i dont remember this last time.
im really hoping to BF this time, i couldnt with jesse due to his poor latch, not seeing him for hours, no help from anyone and no one told me how to express correctly. so this time im going in to it prepared!!!!
anyone who wants to breastfeed: i suggest buying LOTS of nipple cream, and nipple shields! and the knowledge thats its really hard !!
also......14 WEEKS FOR ME TODAY !!!!!!!!!! 2ND TRI :dance: :happydance: :dance:

My boobs have been terrible since about 10 weeks. They've literally doubled in size, my boobs are sore and hot and my nipples are so sensitive it hurts. I have to cuddle the duvet when I sleep to keep my boobs where they should be or they ache even more. They're starting to get a bit better now..but they're still off limits to OH.
I'm hoping to BF. Liam was FF from birth out of choice and it's the only parenting decision I've ever made and regretted. I'm going to try my damn hardest to succeed, but I'll also have Liam to look after and will be studying so if I do give up at least I can say I tried.

:hapydance: welcome to 2nd tri!!:happydance:
gosh u ladies talk alot when you get chatting ! its so weird being in different time zones, you're all chatting away while im sleeping lol !
its 9am here at the moment!
anyway, i FINALLY got an email from the 3D place i want a scan with but all it said was ' i will get lucinda to give you a call " :grr: ive been waiting 3 darn weeks and thats all i get ?!?!?!? :grr: she didnt call yesterday so when will she ? they arent a great company at all !!!!! but they are the only 3D place in my area, and they come to you , so bonus !
silly question.... :blush: how is everyones boobies going ? i had absolutely no change at all, and then suddenly, ive got sore, tender, heavy and hot boobs ! and they ache so bad :nope: i dont remember this last time.
im really hoping to BF this time, i couldnt with jesse due to his poor latch, not seeing him for hours, no help from anyone and no one told me how to express correctly. so this time im going in to it prepared!!!!
anyone who wants to breastfeed: i suggest buying LOTS of nipple cream, and nipple shields! and the knowledge thats its really hard !!
also......14 WEEKS FOR ME TODAY !!!!!!!!!! 2ND TRI :dance: :happydance: :dance:

My boobs have been terrible since about 10 weeks. They've literally doubled in size, my boobs are sore and hot and my nipples are so sensitive it hurts. I have to cuddle the duvet when I sleep to keep my boobs where they should be or they ache even more. They're starting to get a bit better now..but they're still off limits to OH.
I'm hoping to BF. Liam was FF from birth out of choice and it's the only parenting decision I've ever made and regretted. I'm going to try my damn hardest to succeed, but I'll also have Liam to look after and will be studying so if I do give up at least I can say I tried.

:hapydance: welcome to 2nd tri!!:happydance:

im the same. i regret not being able to stick with bf'ing. going to give it my all this time though
Lovely scans ladies :baby:

emmadaisy: :pink:
Geogem: :blue:


amandad: Millie :winkwink:


mumanddad: Congrats & good luck :wedding:
Had my 15 wk appointment today.. the u/s pictures were crap, but we did find out that twin A is a girl. Not sure on twin B, she thinks maybe it's a girl, but it was too hard to really tell, so we'll have to wait another 4 weeks on that one. It's enough to know half for now. My mom was kinda disappointed that they might be both girls (we have 4 nieces on my side and my parents are really hoping for a grandson).

I did get a lecture on my water intake (I guess I'm not drinking enough), so I promised I'd be good and drink more water.. chug chug chug..

:) the commonest frat twins are boy girl ones...FX you get your wish:hugs:
Great scans girls! I am rubbish at guessing gender, I was convinced my daughter was a boy until they laid her on my tummy and I saw girl bits! But then there hadn't been a girl on husband's side in about 5 generations, so you can understand me thinking boy, right? He already had a son, too.

This time round I veer from absolute certainty that this one is a boy to being pretty sure it's a girl. A girl I met at antenatal classes last time said she thinks boy based on the one picture she's seen but said obviously it's only one picture, and she could be wrong... All but one people on the in-gender forum said boy but one pointed out a shadow on the scan that could make it look like a girl picture so again I am undecided! We were so set last time on a surprise but this time we are leaning towards asking if they can find out at the 20 week scan and if they can't tell then taking that as fate. We would quite like to start passing on the girl clothes if they are not needed, we have vacuum bags everywhere!!
Oh, and breastfeeding... I said to people last time round that I was going to try and if it didn't work out, then ok... But actually it turned out that what I meant was 'I am bloody well going to do this no matter what' because I am a stubborn old cow at heart :blush: Also I had to be induced rather than try the homebirth I wanted and I felt like, I didn't get the birth I want... I am bloody well going to feed her the way I want.

The early days were very hard. I was lucky and she latched beautifully straight after birth, but she was then basically on the boob most of the day and night for at least 3 days. I had had a handful of hours sleep in 72 hours and was shattered. She was on the boob on day 2 from 5pm til at least 3am and would fall asleep on the boob, but when I took her off and put her in her basket she would scream and scream. I kept nodding off holding her, I was terrified of smothering her by falling asleep on her.

I called the midwives at 3am crying my eyes out. They came the next day and were so great. They showed me how to feed her whilst lying down so I could doze (I stupidly didn't do this for months as I was too scared - I wish I had done it sooner, it would have saved me weeks of tiredness.) They also got me to express a small amount to give her so I could get a few hours sleep, which worked... just as a short term measure. They promised that each day it would get easier. At the time a day felt like forever, but they were right...

My boobs got sore, my nipples bled... They kept checking her latch but said it was fine. It lasted a few days but got better so fast with lots of Lansinoh cream and being topless!

After a few weeks my milk started to flow so fast that she would latch poorly to avoid being choked... with help from the breastfeeding group at the hospital and a breastfeeding counsellor who came to the house, we got past it.

It might sound like a lot of hard work, and you know what, it was, at first. But for us it was absolutely right. I didn't have to get out of bed to feed her, just popped her on the boob and drifted back off. I never had to sterilise bottles, wait for the bottle to cool enough, worry if we were stuck somewhere that I didn't have enough milk with us etc. I didn't have to spend a fortune on formula (lordy, that stuff is pricy!) I didn't have to worry about which brand to choose or if/when to change to the next stage. I went back to work at 4.5 months full time and was able to pump and keep feeding her myself, which for me helped because I felt so awful at having to go back that it was important to me to still be the one to do that for her. Also, the baby weight fell off me very quickly!

I've rambled enough. I just wanted to say that it can be very tough (although lots of women have no problems, lucky cows!) but there are few problems that can't be overcome... often the help isn't offered though, you have to really push for it, so be prepared for that. I totally understand how hard it can be to get that support and how at 2am with a screaming baby and a shattered mummy it seems hopeless. The breastfeeding section on here is great for advice and support, and the KellyMom website, Dr Jack Newman's website and videos on there and youtube (especially 'the latch trick' on there) are all really helpful. I got phone advice from La Leche League and NCT lines too.

Anyway, that is my story, hope it helps someone. :hugs:
Yayyyyy, scan day for me. 2 more hours before I see my little sweetpea again :happydance:

I really want to BF also and hope it goes well...FX'd
Amanda, I too am a big fan of the 'ie' ending.

Lovely scans to those who have posted! BabyAngelic, have a great scan day!

mumanddad, hope your wedding day is lovely, memorable, and a time of joyous celebration.

Kelly, still thinking of you and your loss.

Well, I'm finally 13 weeks today. The past two nights I've woken up with a numb left hand. I was starting to worry about blood flow and then I started reading about pregnancy induced carpal tunnel. Since I'm a software engineer whose whole job is typing/using the mouse I've been trying to avoid RSI for years and years...and now it strikes? DH is great about giving me wrist rubs, but ah! I'm going to call in to the nurse line at my OB to ask about it today. I can't imagine 27 more weeks of waking up every night numb.
Today I work a half-day and change, then I leave early to attend a funeral. :(

Tomorrow, I get to book my anomaly scan! :dance: And we'll get to hear the heartbeat again... even though we did last night on our own doppler. :haha:

Mixture of emotions this week, I tell you what!
Hey Ladies, I'm so glad to see you guys are doing well! I can't believe we are already getting close to gender scans! We had a prenatal appt yesterday and heard the heartbeat and booked our gender scan for three weeks! I'm so excited! DH knows 100% its a boy and I'm still not sure what I think it is, but I leaning towards a girl! I can't believe how fast time is going all of a sudden!!! What an exciting time! Before we know it, we will be half way there! : )
My boobs have been kind of tender again recently too! Expecially when people hug me!

So, many of you know I am doing the blood DNA test to find out the gender. I paid quite a bit extra for the speedy service and overnight shipping of the lab tests and processing so that I could find out by Friday rather than wait an extra whole week. So.... yesterday the lab supplies were supposed to arrive. I was to prick my finger in a sterile environment, fill some circles with blood and return the package to UPS the same day so it would be sent out right away.

Well... the UPS truck driver did not show up at my door until 7:15pm, which was TOO LATE to bring the package to shipment facility for overnight service. Well, that didn't stop the pregnant crazy lady in me. I did the test, drove the closest UPS place hoping that there might be somewhere there. There was! A nice lady opened the door and I started tearing up about lab tests and the driver coming late and how I was pregnant and really wanted it shipped out that night. She took the package from me, called her friend at the warehouse, and got special approval to drive it over herself and get it on the next shipment out! Can you believe it?!!? I even checked the status online and she was successful!

I am planning on stopping over there today with some flowers for her :flower: The great news is... we find out on Friday :blue: or :pink:!!!!

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