February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Jokerette: I'm so sorry you got involved in such a bad accident :hugs: That would have shaken me up a lot too. DH blew our tyre out on a curb in our rental car while we were in the UK and THAT shook me up, I'm paranoid about getting into an accident nowadays ANYWAY..

Don't stress too much over your emotional state, I was very up and down with my first pregnancy and never really felt SUPER excited. Just try not to have any expectations of how you 'should' feel... Take it as it comes. I was so preoccupied with the belief that I would fall in love with DD at first sight, that when I didn't it just kick started my PPD... I'm much more relaxed this time around, emotionally, just feeling what I feel and not stressing over those times that I don't feel like I think people would expect. Everything will fall into place :)

On the subject of placenta previa... Your womb still has a LOT of growing to do, so don't worry about that yet either. I believe my mum had that issue further on into her pregnancy (I THINK that's why she had extra monitoring with me...at least one reason) and her placenta still moved out of the way in time for delivery :) As Guppy said, it's very rare that it doesn't move out of the way.

AFM: Having heartburn, lots of movement and needing to pee a bunch! We went to a family wedding last night and danced with Evey (got to slow dance with my hubby too <3) had a good time... Got up SUPER early this morning because my damn cat started banging the door (he's very needy at times and around 5am starts meowing and clawing the carpet/trying to get into our room) so I'm kind of tired now... Evey is being fussy at bedtimes since our trip to the UK... DH is grumpy because he's sick (cold)... Think I might organize to have a family member take E next weekend for a few hours!!!! A break would be lovely! :lol:
thanks ! lol i didnt know any of that ! protein is a iffy one at the moment, i cant stomach any sort of meat :sick:
ahh ur bump was awesome !

yours was too hun! love it! I can't believe how we were pretty much equally overdue and yet we both carry so differently! Beautiful though! I have soooooo many stretchies now :( If i only had a couple, i wouldnt mind, but my stomach looks like a tiger :rofl:

i agree. Im still having trouble stomaching things. But when your able too its very very important. Like if you eat an orange (or any whole piece of raw fruit/veggie) there is like 1-2g of protein in it. It def. is a lot, i had trouble getting used to it last pregnancy, but once you can increase you will feel much better :D im hoping to be able to get to that point by 20 weeks...but idk. im just now getting rid of the MS and i want a break from feeling icky lol so totally understand!
thanks ! lol i didnt know any of that ! protein is a iffy one at the moment, i cant stomach any sort of meat :sick:
ahh ur bump was awesome !

yours was too hun! love it! I can't believe how we were pretty much equally overdue and yet we both carry so differently! Beautiful though! I have soooooo many stretchies now :( If i only had a couple, i wouldnt mind, but my stomach looks like a tiger :rofl:

i agree. Im still having trouble stomaching things. But when your able too its very very important. Like if you eat an orange (or any whole piece of raw fruit/veggie) there is like 1-2g of protein in it. It def. is a lot, i had trouble getting used to it last pregnancy, but once you can increase you will feel much better :D im hoping to be able to get to that point by 20 weeks...but idk. im just now getting rid of the MS and i want a break from feeling icky lol so totally understand!
yeh i have many stretchies - a few popped up on the front of my belly after i had him :saywhat: but they pretty much faded completely.... and then i got pregnant again and they are starting to go red again :dohh:

nightkd Jokerette: I'm so sorry you got involved in such a bad accident That would have shaken me up a lot too. DH blew our tyre out on a curb in our rental car while we were in the UK and THAT shook me up, I'm paranoid about getting into an accident nowadays ANYWAY..

Don't stress too much over your emotional state, I was very up and down with my first pregnancy and never really felt SUPER excited. Just try not to have any expectations of how you 'should' feel... Take it as it comes. I was so preoccupied with the belief that I would fall in love with DD at first sight, that when I didn't it just kick started my PPD... I'm much more relaxed this time around, emotionally, just feeling what I feel and not stressing over those times that I don't feel like I think people would expect. Everything will fall into place

On the subject of placenta previa... Your womb still has a LOT of growing to do, so don't worry about that yet either. I believe my mum had that issue further on into her pregnancy (I THINK that's why she had extra monitoring with me...at least one reason) and her placenta still moved out of the way in time for delivery As Guppy said, it's very rare that it doesn't move out of the way.

AFM: Having heartburn, lots of movement and needing to pee a bunch! We went to a family wedding last night and danced with Evey (got to slow dance with my hubby too <3) had a good time... Got up SUPER early this morning because my damn cat started banging the door (he's very needy at times and around 5am starts meowing and clawing the carpet/trying to get into our room) so I'm kind of tired now... Evey is being fussy at bedtimes since our trip to the UK... DH is grumpy because he's sick (cold)... Think I might organize to have a family member take E next weekend for a few hours!!!! A break would be lovely!

im with you on the heartburn :sick:
Well I was trying to post an updated bump pic but that will have to come tomorrow I just got a call from my vet, my cat was brought in after being hit by a car and has pass away. So DS and I are heading to vet now.

Hope everyone else has had a much happier day.
Jokerette: Give yourself time, you have just had a shock :hugs:

:wave: Welcome

and thankyou :blush: i seem to have a new weird craving everyday lol

Mmmmm....Iced coffee :cloud9: Now im craving it too!! :haha:

Sorry about your Dads friend :hugs:

Good news on meeting yourself a fellow mummy ~ The kids look like they had a great time :bunny:

You look lovely in your wedding dress :kiss:

Oh & I was a young Mummy, many years ago now...But doesnt feel so long ago, time flys! :dohh:

YAY MY SCAN IS ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!

Tiger- What date is your scan? Also, you and your family are beautiful!!!!

Who else has a scan this week, i think it's a big week for allot of us. I know Swans is on Monday next week.....

:dance: My scan is the day after yours :yipee:
Wow to the bumps ~ 'Old' & 'new' ones :kiss:

also - strong braxton hicks.... are they normal this early ? because im having some bloody strong tightenings !

Its more common with the more LO's you have....Mine have started already with this one :dohh: Hate to tell you, the afterpains are worse too! :dohh: Just keep the painkillers flowing! :hugs:
Well I was trying to post an updated bump pic but that will have to come tomorrow I just got a call from my vet, my cat was brought in after being hit by a car and has pass away. So DS and I are heading to vet now.

Hope everyone else has had a much happier day.

:hugs:So sorry to hear your sad news :hugs:
Missed out on lots being away this weekend, so catching up now. If I miss someone, I&#8217;m really sorry! xoxo

Oh wow Guppy, I know right where Danville is! I was in Paxinos for the wedding reception this weekend, actually &#8211; Danville&#8217;s pretty much blockaded in right now! I hope your family is alright though; this freakin&#8217; rain. My in-laws live in Dalmatia, just south of Sunbury. So right in your dad&#8217;s neck of the woods, really! I&#8217;m very ready for a dry spell. Hope you had a good weekend!

Holy crap Jokerette &#8211; you poor thing! I&#8217;m so sorry about the accident, but I&#8217;m really glad you and baby Kenny are both okay. :hugs: Hope you had a restful, relaxing weekend! And :hugs: on the change of emotions. I&#8217;m going through days where I spend them worrying that the second half will be worse, worrying about SIDS &#8211; all these crazy things that I consider &#8220;irrational&#8221; because I can&#8217;t control them, but they&#8217;re making me panicky either. I&#8217;ve also gotten to the point where now everyone and their mother (IRL not here lol) decides to share their horror stories and it&#8217;s frightening to me. I&#8217;m trying really hard not to be neurotic and panicked but it&#8217;s not always easy!

Amanda, I haven&#8217;t had leaky nipples yet but coincidentally, I did have a dream last night that they were leaking non-stop &#8211; and it was ridiculous. LOL. The strange things about which I dream, I swear it!

Welcome Elissa!

I&#8217;m sorry to hear about your dad&#8217;s friend Tiger! That&#8217;s so awful. :hugs: Thoughts and prayers with his family, and yours, at this time. And oh, your Jesse is just adorable; he&#8217;s just a darling. Lovely photo of the three of you and looks like he had a fun playdate! :)

Aww everyone&#8217;s bump photos are great! I&#8217;ll post one of mine when I get home tonight. :D I&#8217;m at work right now, so it&#8217;s a little hard to maneuver getting a new photo done. LOL.

Night, I&#8217;ve been getting loads of heartburn too. ACK. So annoying. :haha:

Aw RJ, I&#8217;m so terribly sorry about your kitty. :( :hugs:

Mmm an iced coffee sounds amazing right now.

As stated by others, my scan&#8217;s exactly a week from today! :dance: :happydance: I can&#8217;t wait! And I&#8217;m so excited we have a ton of scans this week. More updates to our colors, and it&#8217;s so fun seeing what everyone else is having versus what predictions have been made. :D

Wedding went well this weekend, busy busy busy weekend indeed, but we had a blast. And now&#8230; I&#8217;m at work. ONE WEEK until I see baby again, and I cannot wait. :D I may explode with excitement.
Please take a look at my thread & poll lovely Ladies :kiss:

RJ, I am sorry for your kitty!

Ladies, those are some beautiful bump pictures!! There are days were mine is bigger, but in the last week it really popped out!!
I have been having some REALLY strong BHs for the last week or so, some have been to the point of having to stop what I was doing for a minute or two! Hopefully these strong ones won't last long for any of us!!
ON the note of stretch marks, I didn't have many after DS1, but after DS2 I had a lot of them (he made my belly huge!) but as of right now they are mostly skin color.
Today is the day we find out if Baby C is a boy or girl!!! Only 9 hours to go! I can't wait! I don't think I'll be much use at work today as I've only got one thing on my mind!!!
@RJ2- I am so sorry about you cat hun :hugs: I hope today is better for you.
I bet you have one amazing bump since you are almost 20 weeks!

@ KellyC75- Your scan is very soon! :dance: what fun!
I voted on your thread! :D

@swanxxsong- im glad the reception was able to still go on. My cousin and is wife/baby are in Danville. He was supposed to come to central PA for the Guards, but i think they didn't allow him to leave D-ville bc of the flooding :shrug: anyways, hope everyone gets high and dry soon! I know Scranton is really flooded and i hope that dries up and it doesn't rain because i have to travel through there to get back home to New Hampshire seacoast.
& Your scan is in a week too! :yipee: I am living vicariously through all of you girls until i get mine :blush:

@KjConard- EKKKK!!! :wohoo: Have fun and be sure to let us know what team youre on!!! :happydance:
WOW, its hard to keep track of all you ladies!!! :D
Loving all the bumps!!! We are almost half way ladies!!! WOOHOOO
Keep up the good work!

I have my next obgyn appointment tomorrow - and anatomy scan is Wed 28th, So 2 weeks wed!! Can not wait!! :O :O Maybe my ob might give us a sneek peek tomorrow.... prob not though :( Dont know why they cant just do it!! The machine is RIGHT THERE! Grrr. Oh weelm just the quad screening blood tests this time etc. feeling twinges in my tummy more and more and a lil stronger but no "kicks" as yet! Really want them to come so hubby can feel baby!

Hope everyone is doing well. Jealous of everyone finding out babys sex. We are staying team yellow :O But looking forward to surprise! :D
I was thinking of starting a "2 under 2" club. I have asked the mods/admins if this already exist (bc i dont want to replicate any groups). But if its not already a group, would any of you be interested? I think it would be great to have a place to chat about life with 2 under 2! What do you think? Would anyone want to join this new (or preexisting) group?
I was thinking of starting a "2 under 2" club. I have asked the mods/admins if this already exist (bc i dont want to replicate any groups). But if its not already a group, would any of you be interested? I think it would be great to have a place to chat about life with 2 under 2! What do you think? Would anyone want to join this new (or preexisting) group?

Count me in :thumbup:

I am currently running a thread for ladies that are pregnant with a young lo already ~ Love to have you join us :hugs:
I was thinking of starting a "2 under 2" club. I have asked the mods/admins if this already exist (bc i dont want to replicate any groups). But if its not already a group, would any of you be interested? I think it would be great to have a place to chat about life with 2 under 2! What do you think? Would anyone want to join this new (or preexisting) group?

Count me in :thumbup:

I am currently running a thread for ladies that are pregnant with a young lo already ~ Love to have you join us :hugs:

Nice! I will totally join! Do you have link?

The admins said there wasn't an actual club for 2(or more) under 2, so i did create one (was before i knew about yours :dohh:) but you all can join there too if youd like. Ill def stop into yours! We should be "sister threads" That would be a great transition from being pregnant and having a young one to physically having both babies there. Lovely idea on your part!

If anyone is interested:

I was thinking of starting a "2 under 2" club. I have asked the mods/admins if this already exist (bc i dont want to replicate any groups). But if its not already a group, would any of you be interested? I think it would be great to have a place to chat about life with 2 under 2! What do you think? Would anyone want to join this new (or preexisting) group?

Count me in :thumbup:

I am currently running a thread for ladies that are pregnant with a young lo already ~ Love to have you join us :hugs:

Nice! I will totally join! Do you have link?

The admins said there wasn't an actual club for 2(or more) under 2, so i did create one (was before i knew about yours :dohh:) but you all can join there too if youd like. Ill def stop into yours! We should be "sister threads" That would be a great transition from being pregnant and having a young one to physically having both babies there. Lovely idea on your part!

If anyone is interested:


Link to my thread:

Will have a look in on yours later, just gotta go pick up DS2 from a playdate :winkwink:

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