February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

Monkey, that is how our LO was too... I have the anterior placenta this time too.... which my Dr said makes it harder for me to feel the movement.

Mumanddad, I can't remember if you have already had your 20 ish week scan.... but if you have did they say where your placenta was in relation to the baby? I know that I don't feel a lot of movement when I am moving a lot during the day..... so you may not be noticing it with your extra moving due to moving.
Im a little worried... Ok alot!! I havent felt baby move for a few days i know its still early days but i wqs feeling between 2 and 8 kicks a day.. I have got a little bigger but im not sure if i have over done it maybe.

Thing is im by my self till thursday night :(

:hugs: try not to worry friend (i know, tougher said then done), i know you said you were feeling between 2-8 movements per day, but you are correct, it is still very early and its likely that everything is fine and normal. :hugs: I have felt baby since 14 weeks and i can honestly say some days this baby is throwing a dance party! other days, not so much, but i know everything is fine and good. if there's no bleeding and no cramping, i say try to relax and take it easy :hugs:

Thanks hun i might go open a few boxes and find my headphones and put them on my belly see if that will get us some movements x
Im a little worried... Ok alot!! I havent felt baby move for a few days i know its still early days but i wqs feeling between 2 and 8 kicks a day.. I have got a little bigger but im not sure if i have over done it maybe.

Thing is im by my self till thursday night :(

:hugs: try not to worry friend (i know, tougher said then done), i know you said you were feeling between 2-8 movements per day, but you are correct, it is still very early and its likely that everything is fine and normal. :hugs: I have felt baby since 14 weeks and i can honestly say some days this baby is throwing a dance party! other days, not so much, but i know everything is fine and good. if there's no bleeding and no cramping, i say try to relax and take it easy :hugs:

Thanks hun i might go open a few boxes and find my headphones and put them on my belly see if that will get us some movements x

thats a good idea something that worked very well for more was FRIDGID ICE watter or OJ. Sometimes even ice chips would work :hugs:
Monkey, that is how our LO was too... I have the anterior placenta this time too.... which my Dr said makes it harder for me to feel the movement.

Mumanddad, I can't remember if you have already had your 20 ish week scan.... but if you have did they say where your placenta was in relation to the baby? I know that I don't feel a lot of movement when I am moving a lot during the day..... so you may not be noticing it with your extra moving due to moving.

I think your right, my scan is a week today i cant wait c
Monkey, that is how our LO was too... I have the anterior placenta this time too.... which my Dr said makes it harder for me to feel the movement.

Mumanddad, I can't remember if you have already had your 20 ish week scan.... but if you have did they say where your placenta was in relation to the baby? I know that I don't feel a lot of movement when I am moving a lot during the day..... so you may not be noticing it with your extra moving due to moving.

With DS my placenta was antierior and i didn't start feeling him until 3 weeks after i did with this one. (if that makes sense). I hoping for a non anterior placenta this time because isaiah was sunny side up and i was told anterior placentas are NOTORIOUS for causing posterior babies, apparently the baby likes to face the placenta :wacko: now that doesn't mean you cant have a regularly presenting baby, but chances are very high of a back to back one :( And i did EVERYTHING related to good fetal positioning (swimming, yoga, chiropractor, etc) it just didn't work, but maybe someone else would have better luck :thumbup: It wasn't fun, but i do want to tell you ladies you CAN birth sunny side up beany. I did, unmedicated no less, so you can too. and besides it may not even be a problem :flower:

i really hope i didn't scare anyone lol. i was just being up front bc if someone would have told me i had a chance of that happeneing, then i would have better prepared and learned coping techniques specifically for back labor :hugs:

if you're interested my birth story is in my siggy :thumbup: no pressure though.
Monkey, that is how our LO was too... I have the anterior placenta this time too.... which my Dr said makes it harder for me to feel the movement.

Mumanddad, I can't remember if you have already had your 20 ish week scan.... but if you have did they say where your placenta was in relation to the baby? I know that I don't feel a lot of movement when I am moving a lot during the day..... so you may not be noticing it with your extra moving due to moving.

With DS my placenta was antierior and i didn't start feeling him until 3 weeks after i did with this one. (if that makes sense). I hoping for a non anterior placenta this time because isaiah was sunny side up and i was told anterior placentas are NOTORIOUS for causing posterior babies, apparently the baby likes to face the placenta :wacko: now that doesn't mean you cant have a regularly presenting baby, but chances are very high of a back to back one :( And i did EVERYTHING related to good fetal positioning (swimming, yoga, chiropractor, etc) it just didn't work, but maybe someone else would have better luck :thumbup: It wasn't fun, but i do want to tell you ladies you CAN birth sunny side up beany. I did, unmedicated no less, so you can too. and besides it may not even be a problem :flower:

i really hope i didn't scare anyone lol. i was just being up front bc if someone would have told me i had a chance of that happeneing, then i would have better prepared and learned coping techniques specifically for back labor :hugs:

if you're interested my birth story is in my siggy :thumbup: no pressure though.

:wacko: I'm in a serious panic right now.
Liam was back to back and the one thing I'm really hoping for this time is that this LO ISN'T!! My labour with Liam was quiet traumatising mostly because of him being B2B.
I've just checked my notes from my 20 week scan and my placenta is anterior!!:cry::cry:
I was really hoping for a normal delivery this time, even planning a homebirth..but now I don't think that's gonna happen.
Monkey, that is how our LO was too... I have the anterior placenta this time too.... which my Dr said makes it harder for me to feel the movement.

Mumanddad, I can't remember if you have already had your 20 ish week scan.... but if you have did they say where your placenta was in relation to the baby? I know that I don't feel a lot of movement when I am moving a lot during the day..... so you may not be noticing it with your extra moving due to moving.

With DS my placenta was antierior and i didn't start feeling him until 3 weeks after i did with this one. (if that makes sense). I hoping for a non anterior placenta this time because isaiah was sunny side up and i was told anterior placentas are NOTORIOUS for causing posterior babies, apparently the baby likes to face the placenta :wacko: now that doesn't mean you cant have a regularly presenting baby, but chances are very high of a back to back one :( And i did EVERYTHING related to good fetal positioning (swimming, yoga, chiropractor, etc) it just didn't work, but maybe someone else would have better luck :thumbup: It wasn't fun, but i do want to tell you ladies you CAN birth sunny side up beany. I did, unmedicated no less, so you can too. and besides it may not even be a problem :flower:

i really hope i didn't scare anyone lol. i was just being up front bc if someone would have told me i had a chance of that happeneing, then i would have better prepared and learned coping techniques specifically for back labor :hugs:

if you're interested my birth story is in my siggy :thumbup: no pressure though.

:wacko: I'm in a serious panic right now.
Liam was back to back and the one thing I'm really hoping for this time is that this LO ISN'T!! My labour with Liam was quiet traumatising mostly because of him being B2B.
I've just checked my notes from my 20 week scan and my placenta is anterior!!:cry::cry:
I was really hoping for a normal delivery this time, even planning a homebirth..but now I don't think that's gonna happen.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: it doesnt gurantee that you will have another posterior baby! So try not to worry yet, but you can always prepare! And you do NOT need to cancel your homebirth sweetie :flow: seriously, i think HBing a posterior baby is actually better than birthing a posterior baby in the hospital (because everything is routine, and you have to lay strapped to a bed, they dont like you up way too much, etc, etc) so i actually believe a potentially posterior baby is better off at home than in the hospital. plus i MW will have seen this sort of thing much much more than OB because a lot of OBs send you off to theater for a section, (due to failure to progress, or "you cant birth a sunny side up baby" sort of thing) and then they cut ya open and "hey oh thats why :dohh: baby was posterior" when in fact, the majority of the time, we just need perseverance and patience! Dont think you're baby will be in this position! but do prepare. Prepare by talking to your MW about the potentials, prepare by seeing if you can hire a doula, prepare by reading books (Ina May Gaskin is amazing!)) there is so much you can do in preparation and it is possibly to have an unmedicated/intervention free birth with a posterior baby!!! you can do it,and you know you can because youve done it once before! but the good news is you MAY not have to do it! this baby very well could arrive in the correct postion, free of back labor :hugs:
Probleam is I didn't do it before. I ended up in theatre with Liam being born via ventouse as I was prepared for a c-sec.
Going to TRY and talk to my MW at my next appointment, but I doubt she'll be much help. She was running 45 minutes late last time and didn't have time to answer all my questions.

I really really hope this birth is "normal." I felt like such a failure last time.
:hugs: i have a doppler, would love to send it to you, but the UK is a bit far :(
Do you get to hear the HB soon at an appt? Maybe that will help ease your mind :hugs:

unfortunately I dont see my midwife now until 34 weeks, I have my scan on the 14th october so will have to wait until then. But I am thinking of being sneaky and booking another mw app anyway even though they said i dont need to and come up with an excuse of why i wanted to see her.
holy cow!! did i miss something? why arn't you seeing anyone until 34 weeks? :shrug: or was that just a personal choice not to?

Probleam is I didn't do it before. I ended up in theatre with Liam being born via ventouse as I was prepared for a c-sec.
Going to TRY and talk to my MW at my next appointment, but I doubt she'll be much help. She was running 45 minutes late last time and didn't have time to answer all my questions.

I really really hope this birth is "normal." I felt like such a failure last time.

im not sure i see how that makes you a failure? :shrug: you birthed a baby that was in a not-so-easy position! To me, you are a super hero!!! There's not shame in what you did. you did GREAT, in fact i would go as far to say that you did better than someone with a "regularly" positioned baby! thats a HUGE sucess in my book! We both birthed babies that they say is just not possible to birth in that position, so we both did GREAT jobs and we should BOTH be proud of ourselves. it IS a BIG accomplisment and not too many women can say that :winkwink:

you could totally do it again. You DID do it that last and you will do it this time (and you may not even have to bc baby may be in a good position!) If someone would have suggested an assisted delivery, i may have jumped but no one did and i pushed for 6 hrs. there is NO shame in what happened, and actually i think it makes you stronger than the next lady! :bodyb:

ps can you get a new MW??? Im not sure how it works where you live, but i would be asking for a different one...but thats just me.
wow ladies, you lot can talk!! lol

I think that by listening to you ladies I am a very lucky lady when it comes to my kids!
DS1 slept from 2 days old 12 hours a night and he's 11 next month and I have only ever had 5 or 6 nights up with him since!!
DS2 slept through 10-11 hours from being 2 weeks old and now at just turned 2 he sleeps from 19.30-08.30am pretty much everyday. thought he might have a few routine issues when we got back from our holidays but he got straight back into it.

Lets hope this little one follows suit!!

Wow :sleep:~ whats the secret? :shrug:

to be honest I have always been quite strict with the sleeping thing. Once my boys were in bed they stayed in bed no matter what and always went to bed awake - they learned pretty early on that once in bed that meant sleep. Even now my 2 year old knows as soon as he's in bed and he's had a story he goes straight to sleep. But to be totally honest I think maybe I am just lucky, although I do believe a stict routine from the start helps alot!! I watched my friend (who had a baby 6 months before I had my 1st) cuddle her baby to sleep every night and the problems it caused made me realise I would never do the same - turned out she did it until her little girl was 4 and she slept in her bed until she was 6!! I wasn't having that!! lol
You guys are so chatty... And young!!! I am 28, this is our first baby and I am still with my HS sweetheart. We got married at 23 and I wanted kids right away. DH wasnt ready yet. Then we were having so much fun that we thought maybe we'd just stay DINK's (dual-income-no-kids). It also got the grandparents off our backs. Everytume they'd ask we'd say "were not sure if we ever will". Deep down I always thought we might but it took the stress off us for sure and we had a great 4 1/2 years of marriage before we decided to come of birth control and then eventually start officially TTC. I'm so happy to be here now with all you ladies. We are all so different and I'm really enjoying getting to know each and every one of you :)
Probleam is I didn't do it before. I ended up in theatre with Liam being born via ventouse as I was prepared for a c-sec.
Going to TRY and talk to my MW at my next appointment, but I doubt she'll be much help. She was running 45 minutes late last time and didn't have time to answer all my questions.

I really really hope this birth is "normal." I felt like such a failure last time.

I know how you feel hun, my 1st was b2b and I ended up with a ventouse delivery and felt like I had failed. My 2nd was sooo different, The labour was sooo much easier and I gave birth with no complications (and I had anterior placenta)

read my birth story from Blake (my 2nd) here https://https://www.babyandbump.com/birth-stories-announcements/161306-blake-ethan-lamberton-09-07-09-updated-more-pics-page-2-a.html
holy cow!! did i miss something? why arn't you seeing anyone until 34 weeks? :shrug: or was that just a personal choice not to?

ps can you get a new MW??? Im not sure how it works where you live, but i would be asking for a different one...but thats just me.

I went for my 16 week appointment and was told that as I am on my 3rd and I have a scan at 20 weeks and my gtt at 28 weeks that should be sufficient and I dont need to be seen until I am 34 weeks. to be honest I was so shocked I didnt take it in until I had left! The appointment I had at 16 weeks wasnt so great -all she did was check my bp and sent me on my way - my usual mw was off sick and it seemed like she just didnt want to be there. hence why I am thinking of going back to see my usual mw and see if I can get her to losten on the doppler.
that is VERY encouraging!!!!

We are ALL awesomesauce in my book! seriously! its a TON of work to birth a baby sunny side up! We should be proud, not ashamed of it!
You guys are so chatty... And young!!! I am 28, this is our first baby and I am still with my HS sweetheart. We got married at 23 and I wanted kids right away. DH wasnt ready yet. Then we were having so much fun that we thought maybe we'd just stay DINK's (dual-income-no-kids). It also got the grandparents off our backs. Everytume they'd ask we'd say "were not sure if we ever will". Deep down I always thought we might but it took the stress off us for sure and we had a great 4 1/2 years of marriage before we decided to come of birth control and then eventually start officially TTC. I'm so happy to be here now with all you ladies. We are all so different and I'm really enjoying getting to know each and every one of you :)

I am 28 too hun, feel alot older than when I had my 1st but not old my any means!! I too am enjoying getting to know all of you. x
that is VERY encouraging!!!!

We are ALL awesomesauce in my book! seriously! its a TON of work to birth a baby sunny side up! We should be proud, not ashamed of it!

totally agree. its not easy but its all soo worth it!
i love this group too :hugs: i dont know what i would do without it
ahhh 19 weeks :dance:
i have a sick little man this morning :nope: slept horrible last night but from 6-815am this morning (its 915am now )
he feels like fire :( i wanted to go to the dr about my cervix problem thats worrying me but they could only fit one of us in so i cancelled my appt and booked in jesse

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