February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!


My husband says are you like 80% 100% she said how about 110%?:cloud9:
I can't right now I can't. I am so excited!!!
Shopping tonight!!!!!!!

So very pleased for you :cloud9::dance::pink: Fantastic news!

thanks! Can't wait! just to bed soon, then take dh to work, go to gymnastics with DS, then drop DS off at my friends, pick DH up from work, then my ULTRASOUND!!!!!!!!! :wohoo: i hope the time doesn't drag on forever!

:wohoo: This is so exciting :yipee: ~ Hurry up time! :haha:
Have fun BabyC!

-twiddles thumbs- I keep checking back for updates from Guppy... lmao. Clearly I'm distracted at work today. ;)
Have fun BabyC!

-twiddles thumbs- I keep checking back for updates from Guppy... lmao. Clearly I'm distracted at work today. ;)

Me too! Work? What work? Yay Guppy!! So excited for her!!

I went and started my registery last light with DH...its all I can think about. I didnt register for nearly enough. I have 3 showers! I feel so lost when it comes to some things...bottles. Bottles seem easy enough, but not when there are 5 brands, and each brand has different kinds! Ahhhh!!! So much more overwhelming than when I registered for my wedding.

How did you ladies do it? Get a few different kinds of bottles and see what works? I plan on breast feeding, but pumping too...
Off to my 20 week scan!!!
We are staying team yellow but very excited to se ethe little one :D :D :D :D :D

My favorite part was when the tech would pause to take a measurement, and we could just watch baby girl move...wiggling fingers, legs, and arms...Ahhh so great. :cloud9: ENJOY!!!
Ahhh registry; I feel your pain Junebugs! I am having three showers as well (or I guess I could say, there are three being held for me, I have nothing to do with any of them, other than being told I am to attend :haha: I guess I'm lucky I'm being told that much) and I feel as though I've definitely not given enough options yet. I'm using two places (Babies R Us and Target) and just feel overwhelmed at times.

Though I know from attending other showers, not everyone (perhaps not even the majority) follow the shower registry much. I know the last one I went to, the girl wanted one Moby and got three, and a lot of clothes when she specifically asked for none, as her friend had given her a ton (and I mean TON) of passdowns. lol. She ended up doing lots of exchanges, sadly.

I've spent countless hours working on mine (2 of the 3 are in November... crap, time's going too fast!) reading reviews and stuff. I've registered for a few different types of bottles and figure I'll see what works, iykwim, since from what I've been told, every baby's partiality varies. xD
Ahhh registry; I feel your pain Junebugs! I am having three showers as well (or I guess I could say, there are three being held for me, I have nothing to do with any of them, other than being told I am to attend :haha: I guess I'm lucky I'm being told that much) and I feel as though I've definitely not given enough options yet. I'm using two places (Babies R Us and Target) and just feel overwhelmed at times.

Though I know from attending other showers, not everyone (perhaps not even the majority) follow the shower registry much. I know the last one I went to, the girl wanted one Moby and got three, and a lot of clothes when she specifically asked for none, as her friend had given her a ton (and I mean TON) of passdowns. lol. She ended up doing lots of exchanges, sadly.

I've spent countless hours working on mine (2 of the 3 are in November... crap, time's going too fast!) reading reviews and stuff. I've registered for a few different types of bottles and figure I'll see what works, iykwim, since from what I've been told, every baby's partiality varies. xD

I'm not Junebugs, but I know this was intended for me. Hehe

Our situations are very similiar! I'm being given 3 showers, my family, DH's family, and friends. My first is the end of October, and I'm also registering at Babies R Us and Target. I started at Babies R Us last night, and am starting Target tonight. Luckily, my sister in law did a TON on research for things for her little girl she just had on 9/16. So I bummed a lot off of her registry.

My mom said the same thing, a lot of people will stray from the registry, or may just see what I asked for and buy me something similar else where, which is ok with me. I didn't register for any clothing except onesies. I know people will still get her clothing...frilly dresses are too hard to resist!!

Well I registered for a few different types of things, all across the board. It's so exciting. It made things more real for me picking out her carseat and stroller. Knowing she'll be using them made me smile as I scanned them. I had to keep reminding DH we cant do everything pink (like he wanted to) because lots of things need to be gender neutral in case we have a boy in the future. So if we registered for 4 blankets, 3 were greens and blues, and 1 was pink and purple.

Good luck as you continue your registry Swan! All your research will certainly pay off. :)
Have fun BabyC!

-twiddles thumbs- I keep checking back for updates from Guppy... lmao. Clearly I'm distracted at work today. ;)

Me too! Work? What work? Yay Guppy!! So excited for her!!

I went and started my registery last light with DH...its all I can think about. I didnt register for nearly enough. I have 3 showers! I feel so lost when it comes to some things...bottles. Bottles seem easy enough, but not when there are 5 brands, and each brand has different kinds! Ahhhh!!! So much more overwhelming than when I registered for my wedding.

How did you ladies do it? Get a few different kinds of bottles and see what works? I plan on breast feeding, but pumping too...

We registered at Babies r Us and Target but I really don't have much on the Target one. I have a ton on BRU since I was able to find a lot of stuff when I went on line. But yeah, it was/is a lot harder than I thought it would be!! What kind of bottles? What kind of EVERYTHING!!! LOL I pretty much registered for a few different kinds of "things" such as bottles. I figure we can use them and figure out what works best!

Had my scan yesterday and peanut is growing prefect for dates!! :happydance: Laid on their left and was very well behaved (please be like that when you are born!!) Its amazing seeing their heart flickering away and organs all in the right place!!

I was absloutely bricking it while I was waiting and panicked myself thinking I hadnt felt peanut move all night (was hoping OH would get to feel some kicks again while he was at mine) or that morning so was fearing the worst had happened again.......

Soooooooooo glad to see peanut was chilling and had their feet crossed at their ankles (must take after me as I often sit at work with my legs crossed under the desk - very naughty of me!)

Almost home time for me now then going to look round a house that OH and I may be renting........hope its nice (and cheap :haha:)
Dizzy- glad your scan went well!!!

My mom and good friend are throwing me a shower I feel a little weird because I already have a son but because it is almost 5 yrs later and a different sex they say I have to. Well ok :) I don't know if they should invite just super close friends and family or most of the people I associate with? hmmm my only feeling is I would feel bad if I was not invited to someone's shower not sure if that's just me because I love showers so much or everyone will feel that way. What do you guys think?
LOL!! Sorry, your avvy reminds me of Junebugs avvy upon quick glance (outdoors + wedding + pregnancy brain) and I find myself confusing you two all the time in my head. That was my first public slipup, but I'm glad you knew what I meant! ;) :haha:

Bumming ideas off people who just had LOs or showers is always nice - I keep asking my sister for advice as her shower was about a year ago. LOL. And I know I have issues trying not to overdo the buying clothing thing, so I figure what I can use and she'll fit into, we'll use and what we can't, we won't. Nobody owes me anything so I'm appreciative of whatever people so wish to give. lol! I'm having tons of fun with my registry, and am excited to see what people come up with on their own as well, since I've seen some unique and exceptionally thoughtful gifts at other showers... ones I sometimes wish I could remember! xD

I agree JP, I have a lot less on Target! LOL. Just a few random things, like a vaporizer, some essentials, diapers, etc. And some bath washrags, towels, things like that. I figure some people may want to buy the 'boring' stuff, which is fine, and if not, at least I have it listed so I remember to buy it later!

Glad your scan went well Dizzy, that's great! :) Good luck with the house hunt tonight!

I think that's fine, Saphire; I know other women who’ve done similar for a second (or more) LO, especially when they’re of the opposite sex or there is a gap between them. :) I’d say invite whoever you feel most comfortable inviting – there’s always going to be someone who’s whining for one reason or another, so do whatever you wish and go from there. :D
Yes, bumming was good. It was hard on a couple things because my sister in law has VERY expensive taste! Not that I don't love those things, but I have to be realistic about what people will purchase. :)

I think the problem with Target is they are so hit or miss on what they have in stock. Me and a coworker went shopping for another coworkers baby shower at Target, and it seemed like half of the things we were going to get her weren't in stock! Bouncer? Nope! Swing? Nope! What a pain! I'm going to do bath stuff at Target, and a few other things. Possibly double up on a few things, and if I get it from one place or the other, just edit the opposite registry. Ohhh, I havent registered for any hair stuff for her! I'm adding that tonight when I go! Haha

Dizzy - glad your scan went well! So fun to see them in there moving about! :)
Saphire - I think a shower is perfectly fine! :) Besides if they are throwing it for you, its TECHNICALLY out of your control. :) I bet you could invite more than close friends, everyone loves baby showers! Besides, they don't have to spend much to get a few pink bibs, a headbands and a dress. :) I would soak it up, and dwell on the excitement everyone has over your little girl!
:cry: Worst scan ever :cry:

First off, there was an emergency so i waited (and felt like my bladder was gonna explode despite only drinking 16oz instead of 32oz) My appt. was at 11:15, we got there are 11 and they didn't even take us back until 11:45. Well then this male Indian guy takes us back to to do it...i had one of those for isaiah and i hated bc they never say anything and are very...impersonal....so i immediately say we'd like to know where the placenta is, and can you tell us girl or boy. He said "your placenta is anterior" :)cry: i did cry on the way home, ugh not another posterior baby :cry:), and then he said "It may be too early to tell, youd probably have to come back at 21-22 weeks if its a boy or girl"....erm, we found out with isaiah at 17 weeks, and i will be 19 tomorrow....and i said that, then i paraphrased and asked "well you mean you would tell us if you know, right?" Oh yes, i if i can see, i will let you know. (this was at the very begining). I lay down, can hardly see the screen AT ALL :( and he wouldn't tilt it. It took him FOREVER to get all of the measurements. And then at the end he said "they will read your results and we will send them to your doctor on monday"....so i asked, wait! are we having a boy or girl?...."well i can't tell you that, im not allowed to" SERIOUSLY!?!?! :cry: :grr: so i said, well thats really mean...does this mean you know, and he said yes but flat our refused to tell us and then said we would have to wait until the doc got the results......:cry: Like WTF>?! :growlmad: I asked DH what he thinks he saw and he said he couldn't tell bc the tech was doing the angles super funny (from what i could see, he never did those profile looking pics or anything :nope:)....so he has NO clue...he thought boy though...but who knows. ...i cried on the way home because 1.) another anterior placenta and i am petrified to have that labor again :cry: and 2.) i didn't even get to find out and to top that all of the asshole wouldn't even print of pictures nor turn the screen :(....worst day, not happy- at all :(
Aw Guppy! Huge :hugs: because I have no words to make that all seem better! :( Gutted for you!
oh Guppy I am so sorry :( do you know your Dr. well? Could you give a call and ask say it's eating you up? I don't know what an anterior placenta means for labor but it dosen't sound good by how you feel. I hope all works out and it is fast and easy for you!
Aww Guppy! :hugs: I would give the place a ring, ask to speak to a supervisor or something and tell them of the piss-poor experience you had. You're 19 weeks, there is no way they should not have been able to say something, for one, and also it was just an all-out awful experience. I'd at least give them a call, see what they say, then ring your doctor and tell them about it too, ask if they'd make a suggestion of what you can do. /:
Thanks girls :hugs:
Sorry seeming so negative today, but i am just a mess...

I called the ultrasound dept at the hospital. Apparently they signed off the results at 2pm and my MW will get them within the hour. So i called the MW. She is doing home visits today and will try to swing by the birth center later tonight to let me know. i told her about my placenta (anteriors are notoriously known to cause posterior babies, which is the satan of all births IMO, DS had anterior placenta and was posterior and, well you can see my birth story in my siggy), anyways, she said "Try not to worry too much about the placenta. The techs can be weird but i have never seen one withold the sex of the baby! Thats so weird. And we will talk about the placenta and different thing we do to try and get the baby up front." ...needless to say i am thinking fat chance because i did EVERYTHING you could do for that (with isaiah) and NONE of it worked...in the end if the baby wants to face the placenta, they will...ugh...
Jeez Guppy, that sucks :( :hugs: The guy sounds like he was a bit of an ass....

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