February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

AR it is so exciting that your US is so soon! I feel bad for the ladies who don't have 3rd trimester US. I know my office does it to make sure that the baby is measuring properly, has enough water, and is within a decent weight range. I still really want a 3d/4d ultrasound, but I hate to think about spending that much money on it.

Yeah...we won't get one. We haven't had one since we paid for it at 16 weeks. If we hadn't done that, we'd have had one around 20 with the doc.
I went on a Cyber shopping spree today, ladies!! Felt good! For a couple years, while I was working, I saved a bit of money every month with the intent that it be for our "someday" baby. I had about 1200$ in it and today saw that Babies R Us was having a Cyber Sale + spend 100$ get free shipping (up to 20%) + today Ebates had a 2% cash back for BRU. I did 2 separate orders of 100$ each so that I could get free shipping on the whole thing, lol. I ended up getting:
A nursing cover
Some hangers
a teether
a bottle brush
burp cloths
fitted sheet
fitted pack n play sheet
boppy protective cover
changing pad cover
2 pack of Tommee Tippee bottles
auto mirror
changing pad
bath thermometer
clip on wipes case
diaper bag buddy
3 pack of fitted sheets
2 pack of fitted mattress cover
boppy slipcover

I cannot WAIT for the package to get here!!! I love getting mail, lol.
I went on a Cyber shopping spree today, ladies!! ...
I cannot WAIT for the package to get here!!! I love getting mail, lol.
Nice!!!! enjoy all your new fun things arriving!!!!!! You must be sooo excited!!

i finally got holly kicking a little on camera !!! yay :dance:

from about 20 seconds in and at 55 sec she kicked then rolled lol
That is SO COOL!! I love it! I havent been able to catch mine on video very well. I love feeling it though... but sometimes it is a little creepy watching it and realizing "I have no control over this tiny thing in my body". Or i guess, not so tiny at 14.5 inches!

I HAVE BEEN FEELING SO NASEOUS :( :sick: i dont know if its a mix of being pregnant and taking the UTI antibiotic at the same time of my thyroid meds but i just want to throw up. Ugh, i thought i got rid of this at 19 weeks?!
I have been too Guppy! It must be a 27-28 week thing... yuck. its also that time of year where germs are spreadin'! Hubby has been sleeping in the baby's bedroom for a couple night because he has been sick and I am trying not to catch his fever!
So i want to share with you all the drama that happened this weekend. :nope:

My brother, Brian, is a 26 year old soldier currently deployed in Afghansitan. His jetski was stolen right off our front lawn late Saturday night.

He decided to list his jetski for sale so he could use the money as a down payment for a house when he returns home next month. After nearly 10 months on active duty he is preparing to come home and set up his life back here in the USA, and selling it was not an easy decision for him. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that there are people out there with no regards to what is right and wrong... and worst of all, my brother is over there fighting for us all, and serving our country. He does not deserve this. :(

We are working with the police and they hope to find it, though the chances are slim. We are giving the police a couple more days and then we are going to the media in hope that someone might come forward, or maybe we can rally donations or something to help him. Channel 4 and Channel 25 news have already asked us to do the story on their nightly news so we will probably do that in a couple days once the police have a little more time to work under the radar.

I just had to vent. The wonderful thing about this has been the way our community has come together. People have been calling and emailing me, people who don't even know him, and they just want to share their thoughts and kind words. It makes me realize even though there are those low-lifes out there, there are still way more people with good hearts.


  • Brian1.jpg
    296.5 KB · Views: 2
So i want to share with you all the drama that happened this weekend. :nope:

My brother, Brian, is a 26 year old soldier currently deployed in Afghansitan. His jetski was stolen right off our front lawn late Saturday night.

He decided to list his jetski for sale so he could use the money as a down payment for a house when he returns home next month. After nearly 10 months on active duty he is preparing to come home and set up his life back here in the USA, and selling it was not an easy decision for him. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing that there are people out there with no regards to what is right and wrong... and worst of all, my brother is over there fighting for us all, and serving our country. He does not deserve this. :(

We are working with the police and they hope to find it, though the chances are slim. We are giving the police a couple more days and then we are going to the media in hope that someone might come forward, or maybe we can rally donations or something to help him. Channel 4 and Channel 25 news have already asked us to do the story on their nightly news so we will probably do that in a couple days once the police have a little more time to work under the radar.

I just had to vent. The wonderful thing about this has been the way our community has come together. People have been calling and emailing me, people who don't even know him, and they just want to share their thoughts and kind words. It makes me realize even though there are those low-lifes out there, there are still way more people with good hearts.

That's horrible!!! Did he have your address listed in the sale or was that just a coincidence?? People truly suck. I hope you're able to get it back and CHARGE whoever stole it!!! Thank your brother for his service for us - we're a Military family too!
Hi ladies, I'm due 29th Feb. How many of you have got your hospital bags sorted yet? I'm wanting to.start mine soon as I'm high risk for going into labor early again.

Hi Gemini! :wave: I plan to pack mine this weekend after our birthing class (Saturday). :) Better safe than sorry! haha.

So sorry about your brother, Jokerette! :hugs: People are just awful. I hope they recover it! I was just watching the news how someone stole a local boy's wheelchair off their porch. It really disgusts me how humans can be. :( Please keep us posted!

We don't get another u/s either. At least if I do, they haven't told me. :haha: Ah well!

Yay for online shopping JP! That's awesome! :D My MIL just emailed me to inform me that she's on her third load of baby clothes for Aria, and thinks we need a bigger closet. She's already done at least 2 other separate loads for her. Whoops... xD

30 weeks "officially" today! Even if my doctor says it was yesterday. :haha: :dance: Woot!
i'll be starting my hospital bag very soon. in fact i have a list of necessities already written out, now i just need to get everything together. are any of you ladies writing up a birth plan? my mother insists that i write one, but none of my friends did with their children and everything went well for them... i think my mom is just a little bit old fashioned.

i have a question... if they offer an episiotomy, will they offer it during the labor if they think you may rip? or is that something you need to decide ahead of time? i'm not completely opposed to it, i would just rather not have it if i dont need it. im just a little worried because DH and i have not been able to :sex: at all for 4 months due to the cerclage, so i dont know how "massaged" everything is down there.... sorry if its TMI i'm just a little hesitant about the whole thing. I know i'll be getting an epidural so would i be better off just getting an episiotomy? what heals faster, that or natural tearing?

another question... i had an ultrasound yesterday and i was 29 weeks and 2 days, and the little one weighed 3lbs and 3 ounces..... is it just me or does that seem big? i hope she's not too squished :( she looked really uncomfortable and squished i feel really bad, i almost started crying.

sorry for all the questions and blabbing so much, i guess im just getting a little anxious :dohh:
I had an epidural last time and finished up needing forceps delivery since Abbie had her arm beside her head and got stuck :dohh:, so episiotomy was kind of a given. I healed pretty quickly from that actually. I was surprised!

I didnt have a birth plan - it would have caused me too much distress if it hadn't gone exactly as I anticipated, so I went into the whole thing with an open mind and made decisions as the need presented itself.

I'm probably no help at all! :dohh:
I had an epidural last time and finished up needing forceps delivery since Abbie had her arm beside her head and got stuck :dohh:, so episiotomy was kind of a given. I healed pretty quickly from that actually. I was surprised!

I didnt have a birth plan - it would have caused me too much distress if it hadn't gone exactly as I anticipated, so I went into the whole thing with an open mind and made decisions as the need presented itself.

I'm probably no help at all! :dohh:

you are a help!! im the same way!! if i anticipate something to go a certain way step by step just because it's written out on paper, then i'm gonna get extremely stressed out if things start to go not as planned. good thing you pointed that out, it'll be a good reason to give to my mom so that she doesn't think im just being lazy by not writing one haha.

did you feel the episiotomy with the epidural? one of my friends told me she didn't feel anything at all except some pressure, but another friend told me not to be fooled by an epidural because you still feel everything. i suppose it depends on your pain tolerance and if your able to detect the difference between "pressure" and "pain"?
It felt more like a tickle than anything - no pain, but I suppose the "tickle" would be pressure as they cut? :lol: As for the contractions etc, the epidural completely took the pain away for me. There was still a tightening sensation with the contractions, but only slight, and just enough that I knew when I should be pushing etc. If someone still feels pain, the epi hasn't worked I would imagine.

As a little aside - it is a strange sensation when the epidural kicks in... they rubbed ice cubes on my legs/belly to check effectiveness and where the ice was felt warm... :wacko:
I agree-- if you can feel pain, the epidural isn't working. I felt tightening with contractions but no pain. And then when I had my section, I could tell they were doing something down there, but it didn't hurt. And I didn't even know they put in a catheter. Or pulled a baby out, for that matter. :)
Hi ladies, I'm due 29th Feb. How many of you have got your hospital bags sorted yet? I'm wanting to.start mine soon as I'm high risk for going into labor early again.
I have started a list of thing that I know I want to bring. I printed it out and put it in a small suitcase in the nursery. Over the next month or so I'm going to work on adding things to the suitcase and fill it up. I dont want to be caught unprepared, and this way if I was I can just tell someone "go to the nursery, see my packing list and fill up the bag!" :)

i'll be starting my hospital bag very soon. in fact i have a list of necessities already written out, now i just need to get everything together. are any of you ladies writing up a birth plan? my mother insists that i write one, but none of my friends did with their children and everything went well for them... i think my mom is just a little bit old fashioned.

i have a question... if they offer an episiotomy, will they offer it during the labor if they think you may rip? or is that something you need to decide ahead of time? i'm not completely opposed to it, i would just rather not have it if i dont need it. im just a little worried because DH and i have not been able to :sex: at all for 4 months due to the cerclage, so i dont know how "massaged" everything is down there.... sorry if its TMI i'm just a little hesitant about the whole thing. I know i'll be getting an epidural so would i be better off just getting an episiotomy? what heals faster, that or natural tearing?

another question... i had an ultrasound yesterday and i was 29 weeks and 2 days, and the little one weighed 3lbs and 3 ounces..... is it just me or does that seem big? i hope she's not too squished :( she looked really uncomfortable and squished i feel really bad, i almost started crying.

sorry for all the questions and blabbing so much, i guess im just getting a little anxious :dohh:

ZombieKitten- I have a lot of the same questions as you. I'd recommend askign your doctor his/her feelings on the episiotomy. My doctor said she tries to avoid them if she can, be everyone is differnt and sometimes tearing is better natural and sometimes it heals faster with an episiotomy. She says she makes a real-time choice based on the mother and the delivery. I felt comfortable with that answer so I am planning on trusting her judgement.

As for the birth plan... I wrote one, but I calling it my "birth wishes". Small little change, but it reminds me that not everything goes according to plan and that sometimes adjustments need to be made. My birth wishes include a list of who I would like in the delivery room with and who is allowed in the waiting room, my wishes for fetal monitoring, medication, after birth choices, etc... I found some templates online and combined them into my own. I feel better having it.
I think as an American, its important to have a birth "plan". A birth plan isn't so much a "plan" but just more a list of things you desire or dont want, as long as its medically not necessary. i advocate them because the thing is, United States Hospital births is such a system. Even if your doctor knows you wishes (and no offense, but they will likely forget), you are dealing more with hospital staff and nurses than your doc. Sad, but true. I was really glad i had a birth "plan" with DS. I never met the nurses there and they are juggling so many patients, they can't possible know what youd like or not like (if everything is medically okay). So i advocate for them. You can still go in with an open mind and have a birth plan ;) just bc you have a birth plan doesn't make you close minded. It also doesn't mean you will be soul crushed if it doesn't go the way you want it to. I mean, lets face it we ALL have expectations of birth, whether thats written on paper or not. Even those who say they are open minded, probably are-no doubt, but im sure even they have expectations. Its perfectly normal and healthy even! But point is having your wishes on paper doesnt mean if it doesn't go that way that you'll hate your birth...however, i do think having one gives you better chances of that.

As for an episiotomy. In 99% of the cases, a natural tear heals faster and better than an episiotomy. This isnt always true but its safe to assume it likely will be. With an episiotmy you are guranteed a 3rd degree "tear" anyways. You can't really know ahead of time if a natural tear will be 3rd or wose (the only worse is 4th degree). With that said there are circumstances where they are needed. Its one of those things you wont know until you get to that point. I would talk to you doc about his/her episiotomy rate. Its actually one of those things you should ask in the begining, but oh well better late than never lol. When i delievered in Dover My docs/mws had a 2% episiotomy rate and a 5% c-section rate. They REALLY really make sure they have a justified reason for doing cuts. Ask your doc what their rate is, that will fortell a lot. :thumbup:

oh and with the epidural, even if you plan on getting one, i tell all my students and my clients learn natural coping techniques. For as much as ppl say "go into birth with an open mind", it always seems to be the same ppl who are dead set on the epidural and they think it will ALWAYS work. The fact of the matter is that it doesn't always work. Sometimes it gets placed poorly. Sometimes there isn't an anstesiologist available as quickly as you'd like. Most of the time it goes well and good, but i advocate for you and your partner to learn natural coping mechanisms, just in case it doesn't go the way you think it will. That way you are prepared for whatever comes your way :flower:...and i sound super negative in this post :blush: i swear im not, but i just feel i need to help everyone prepare since its kind of my career :blush: haha. i'll shut up now. :haha:
oh, and i forgot to add, i did not have an episiotomy, just a graze on my periurethral tube (hurt when i peed for a long time, but i had a posterior baby and i guess thats common with those), but anywho, ever hear of "the ring of fire"? well it burns a bit (i was unmedicated, i reckon you wouldn't feel it with the epi :thumbup:) but tbh, i had no idea i was cut from the baby sliding through. The are lots of nerves in that part of the body. Once the babys head pushes so much on the skin there, the nerves act as a natural anesthetic and you dont feel it happening.
On the epidural part, with DS1 I waited to get my epidural because I knew I would not be dilating fast. I had been stuck at 2 cm for weeks, and I was only at 4 when I got my epidural. It was wearing off when I had him, because I had it for like 5 hours (he was born at 8:41, got epidural at like 2:30). With DS2 I got my epidural before they even broke my water, he was ready to make his appearance, so they broke my water at like 930-10, and I was at 3cm dilated, he was born by 12:22 (official time of birth).

On the subject of tearing/episiotomy, with DS1 I tore naturally as he was stuck and they had to use forceps. I had to have about 5 stitches (which is average) and it healed fairly quick. DS2 I did not tear at all, my MW actually used mineral oil to assist in him sliding out and to massage/stretch the muscles so that he would be easier. Zombie, with DS2 I was unable to get to have an O because he absolutely refused for me to have that, so it should still be fine, and with DS1 I was not allowed to have sex with his father, as I was so young and I lived with my father and step-mom. So the sex part won't affect it as much.

Just my experience, hope it helps a little. :)
^She brings up a good point. There are lots of things you can do to prevent tearing. For instance a few weeks before the birth you can take olive oil and stretch the area down below for a few seconds each day. Also, during labor, being in water can help soften it. Furthermore, the doc/mw can massage it to help and they can also apply warm compresses to the area. Also doing light pushing once the head is crowning will be extrodinarly helpful. It will give time for the area to stretch. Whereas if you push and the baby just shoots out, there isn't any stretching time and youre more liekly to tear.

I believe EDUCATION is above all the best thing you can do for yourself. I firmly believe that. really educate yourself (and this is the time). Then if a wrench gets thrown into your birth, you will have adequate knowledge to make a truly informed decisions. Many times when you are in labor, ppl will pressure you one way or another (sometimes this doesn't happen, but generally with a hospital birth in the US, just expect it). So then you end up agreeing to something and later regret it. Being educated will be your best tool. It can't always prevent things from going "wrong" but it can certainly help you in times of decision making!
someone asked me about a twin bump picture awhile back, I finally let one be taken on Sunday after my babyshower (thus the mess) - a day under 29 wks. Since it turned out ok I decided to post it.

I plan on getting an epidural but took the birth prep classes to learn the natural techniques as well because I think they can be very helpful. The lady running the class said at my hospital the c-section rate is 25% which supposedly is low for the US (but sounds ridiculously high to me). Luckily my doc is a big fan of not doing unnecessary C-sections or inducing without a darn good reason. Of course with the little ones growths slowing down I'm pretty sure my chance of a C-section has increased, but I'm still optimistic that I won't have to have one since I'm being good and following the bed rest orders.


  • teri29wks.jpg
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love this thread? I am so enlightened right now.

I planned to write out birth wishes after chatting with my OBG. I wanted to this week but I'm not seeing the doctor I like so I will ask at my 32 week for them to look over it and see what they say. My birth class is Saturday so I'm hoping to be a little more informed after that. :)

Any good suggestions on where I should be reading and educating myself, for both hoping to avoid tearing as well as natural coping? I am not opposed to an epidural but am willing to prolong or forgo it altogether if I'm able. I can't guarantee if I have 36 hours of labor that I may not change my mind haha but I plan to at least try without the epidural. So all insight and tips are welcomed!! :)

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