February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

I can't believe how rude some people have been to some of you!! What is it about pregnancy that makes people feel the need to make comments? I was laughing the other day, I was at a christmas party and in the space of 1 hour I was told I had a very neat small bump, and then that I was looking very big for my dates. D'uh!

The people who were saying they could feel all the movements down low, all my movements are high under my ribs, I assumed that was baby's legs. Is it possible to tell the difference between arm punches and leg kicks?

I read in one of my books that I should be producing colostrum by now, but I'm not. Anyone else?
at this point in the game it can be tough knowing what movements are legs and what are hands...as time goes on you will DEF know the difference. With that said, usually the hand movements are much smaller and feel more like large flutters, whereas legs are usually quick and large, big movements
please excuse me while i have a moan and then i will catch up !
ok so i had my appt today to find out my c-section date change etc, and it was screwed to be honest !!
i had to go to the emergency clinic yesterday because i had a small bleed and puffed about how she had been there half an hour already ? :dohh: and how i chose to be pregnant so should have to wait until after her because she didnt chose to be old ? !!! :saywhat: so i let her in ahead of me and she just looked at me with this stupid grin on her face and mumbled "i always get what i want love" :dohh: wth ? :nope: why can people be so rude ?!?!?!?!

and thats not even the best bit of my appt !!!! the dr did NOT check my BP , even though i STILL have ketones and protein in my urine, she did NOT check position/ heartbeat of even attempt to feel holly !
also the stupid dr at the hospital ( the one who changed my due date to the 28th from the 22nd because he liked it better that way and scheduled my c-section at 40+1 ), has denied changing it because my dr is challenging him on it ? wtf ? it clearly says in my records that he changed it and now hes denying it ? arghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i should be having my c-section on the 16th now he is saying its not been changed , but i dont find out until 2 weeks time :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:
im so terribly sorry, i just had to get it out !

I have serious issues with old people. I've always find them to be so rude & unhelpful especially when I was out with babies in prams, etc. I'm like, what? You want special treatment for not dying yet? With reference to that old bunt I'd probably have told her that whilst being old isn't necessarily her fault, bring tactless & rude is! No way I would have let her go first after that! Regardless of what people say about the 'youth of today' I always find that younger adults, esp. male, are very helpful when it comes to opening doors or helping carry prams up stairs or into trains/buses, etc.

Anyway, getting off my soap box..... Sounds like you are having a total nightmare and I hope it all gets resolved soon with a date you are happy with. Tbh I'd be kicking up a HUGE fuss about the ketones though if you don't think you are being monitored properly, but as you have probably gathered, I'm quite high Maintenance! :hugs:
HI LADIES!!! OMG I have been MIA for so long!!! I did read back but it was like 16 pages so I cannot comment lol.

I have been thinking of you guys though :)

I passed my sugar test so that's good news. I am down to going every 2 weeks now!! I can't believe its that close already. Ok I am going to keep up with the conversation again lol
Monkey, the colostrum coming in varies person to person really. With DS1 I didn't start to lactate until I was closer to 35-36 weeks.... but with DS2 I started lactating around 30 weeks..... and this time I have been lactating for about 5-6 weeks already. But now my body is used to it, so it knows what to expect.

One way that I knew it was impending is that my breasts would get very sore feeling and feel kind of full until the milk/colostrum makes its way towards the nipple. But that is just my experiences with it. :)
Hi all, Hope you are doing well, I get in here and have a read back every week or so!
So happy everyone is doing well! Hope the next 2 months fly by!!!
Tiger, i can't believe how rediculous they are being towards you!
Ugh. i would be beyond upset it about it! I hope it gets figured out ASAP!

Here is my bump pic taken last night. My friend is going to do pics over the weekend for us and i was messing around with bows and trying to figure out how to do it....the ribbon is in green because outside of bnb NO ONE knows if we are having a girl or boy :haha: PLEASE DONT SAY ANYTHING!!!!! we have kept it secret this far and id hope that would continue :winkwink:


Oooh, how pretty!!!! I love the ribbon and the butterfly!! Just gorgeous!!!
Guppy, I love the ribbon, too! And it's very nice and neutral. Won't give anyone a hint about the gender. :)

So along the lines of people and their unnecessary comments... I was out today and bought a few maternity shirts. And the cashier says, "I was going to ask if you're pregnant, but you have a 'go button' there." I said, "what?" Surely she wouldn't repeat it. But she did, with an emphatic point at my outtie.
I tried to smile politely.
Maybe I'm just being hypersensitive. But I think it's a little personal to point out someone's belly button!! It's like touching the belly. You shouldn't do to pregnant women what you wouldn't do to anyone else. How would she feel if I commented on her (presumed) innie?
Sheesh. :wacko:
i hate the comments! I have ppl tell me all the time a.) they didn't even know i was pregnant (really?!? are you that stupid?! :grr:) b.) that i am WAY too little.....blah! Seriously, and i had ppl say the same thing even when i was almost 42 weeks preggo with ISaiah! :dohh: HELLOOOO! i am hardly 5 foot 1! Im probably not going to have some enormous baby! :dohh:

AmaryllisRed- the nerve of some people!!! Wow. i would be upset by that! Is it just me or does it seem like when you're pregnant you no longer have privacy! Everyone wants to know what your having, when youre having it, if they can rub your belly, how far dialted you are, if you have dropped or not, if your boobs have grown....:saywhat: .....i saw this sign once that said "$5 to ask to rub my belly, $10 to rub it, & $20 if the baby kicks!" ...:rofl:

Thanks about the comments :blush: ...we are telling everyone its a surprise....which techinally im not lying because it is a surprise...to them :rofl:
oh gosh some of you ladies have made me laugh ! thankyou very much !
as for letting her in ahead of me - i really didnt want to but the waiting room was filled with people and since im young, i didnt want the whole 'rude youth of today" generalisation!
i really dont know why people think they can be so rude to pregnant women? you think with all the hormones we have flying around and how sensitive we can be, strangers would be doing the opposite ?
Tiger: I can't believe that crap!!! That is so rude!!! Also that is crazy that your Dr's are changing your c-section on you!!!

Ok girls... i think this is it, I think he is about to bust out of belly alien styles... really it hurts so bad how far forward he is pushing and he is also pushing up into my ribs... THERE IS NO MORE ROOM!!!! I am already so big for 7 months how am i going to find for space for another 2 months!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY!!! LOL......
aww haha. dont worry the body is amazing and we are meant to do this :D you will be amazed at just how much your body is able to do :D
i agree with guppy - im getting to that point now and i remember thinking similar with jesse just after 30 weeks . as your belly grows, EVERYTHING else is going to expand too.
it does suck though so hugs :hugs:
heres hoping to the 16th as my section date !
LOL... thanks girls but right now i have no hope... i think he is just trying to strech out my belly for more room or something lol because i am actually starting to feel dizzy from how hard he is pushing... do you have tips on how to move him? He will not move with me poking him
my MW told me to get and all fours and walk around like that for about 5min.
yes you are going to look and feel like an idiot :haha: but it works ! its how i get holly out of my ribs all the time
^yep! WSS....get on all floor while a tv show that you like is on and then crawl around the flood haha. or you can do all floors drapping over a birth/yoga ball :thumbup:
LOL!!! you girls are hilarious!

The belly button comment, eh, I wouldn't let that get to me too much... I'm sure she was probably trying to be friendly. It's not like the bitchy old woman ;)

Kenny has been kicking (or punching) up high too. ALWAYS on my right side up near my ribs. That is the only place I get big kicks. But sometimes if I'm lying on my side I can feel simultaneous kicks there and also on my lower left. Could one be hands and one feet? How can it be on both sides? I worry he might be tranverse :(
dont worry about baby position yet :D Most babies flip between 30-34 weeks :thumbup: so still plenty of time :D Isaiah fliped at the end of 32 weeks.
Guppy I love the ribbon! Can't wait to see your pics.

Hubby is out in the rain getting me chocolate milk. At 11pm. What a doll. :) haha

I have no colostrum yet Monkey. Nothing "fun" happening here with my boobs. They look a little heavier or fuller maybe but not much.

Junebugs I know the feeling! Especially if I'm trying to sing and can't inhale properly because someone is smothering my diaphragm :haha:

I have an innie still, barely... I'm gonna miss it when it goes away. I know, I'm a total tool lol.

I should be asleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a looooong day at work...but I just really needed some chocolate milk!!!! LOL.
my MW told me to get and all fours and walk around like that for about 5min.
yes you are going to look and feel like an idiot :haha: but it works ! its how i get holly out of my ribs all the time


I dunno about you, but with a LO already, I seem to adopt this position quite alot! :haha:

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