February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

I agree with the other girls. We relocated 1.5 yrs ago (from Pennsylvania to New Hampshire, about a 10 hour drive north east). I REALLY wanted to buy a home (because i was sick of renting)...but we waited until we were here a year to buy and im REALLY glad we did! I know the areas SOOOO much better now and if we would have bought some of the places i liked...we would live in a bad neighborhood...its just some stuff you cant leearn until youve lived there a little while....unfortunatly. But it will be worth the wait! I can say from experience :thumbup: Congrats on the car!

RE:: the baby sheet---YES! get a waterproof thing...i cant remember the name but if you choose not to do a waterproof sheet, then MAKE SURE you get those rectangular waterproof things that fit UNDER the sheet...our baby matress is made of waterproof material...but its just been a TON easier to be able to remove the sheet and this waterproof thign, then just clean off the matress then it would be without...most times we dont even have to clean the materess bc the water proof material protects it well
RE:: the baby sheet---YES! get a waterproof thing...i cant remember the name but if you choose not to do a waterproof sheet, then MAKE SURE you get those rectangular waterproof things that fit UNDER the sheet...our baby matress is made of waterproof material...but its just been a TON easier to be able to remove the sheet and this waterproof thign, then just clean off the matress then it would be without...most times we dont even have to clean the materess bc the water proof material protects it well

:thumbup: I bought a two pack and am keeping them! I've already opened them up and they're ready for a wash! :)
I agree too, I think that if you're unsure, find a place with short-term rentals and see how it goes. We did that here, mostly because we did not have the funds to buy a house anyway but we wanted to see which town in the general area in which we'd prefer to live. We learned a lot in the first few months of being here, then chose an area in which to buy and started hunting. :) Good luck love! xoxo

So I have a stupid question ladies... :( :haha:

As I mentioned, swollen ankles. But according to my doctor's notes, "Call if you have suddenly swollen ankles, feet or hands, etc. etc. preeclampsia, etc."

How "suddenly" is suddenly though? Like, I took off my socks yesterday afternoon and realized my ankles were swollen. Got home, put my feet up for an hour, then sat at choir for an hour and a half. Came home, my ankles and feet were then swollen. Crawled into bed, laid on my side, elevated my feet and fell promptly asleep and woke in the same position. Rolled out of bed when my alarm went off, feet and ankles are still swollen (and on top of the swelling, they're painful).

I don't want to jump the gun and overreact, but I also don't know when there's cause to call my nurse, as I've not had swelling in pregnancy prior to ankles ONCE last week (after overdoing it, I know that much) and now the past 24 hours (where I haven't overdone anything, I've been very calm and quiet at work actually). Anyone have any suggestions? I just hate bugging triage needlessly over things, and I never get along googling because I always end up with mixed reviews on what to do. xDD

ETA// the only reason I ask is because my sister had the same problem during pregnancy and was actually put on bedrest because it turns out her BP was also elevated, so I want to be cautious without being neuroctic. ;) and too because they hurt SO BADLY. If it was swelling without pain, I think I probably wouldn't even notice... :haha:
I would call.
Anytime mine have been swollen, it's gone down with maybe 30 min to an hour of sitting with my feet up. If you lay down and slept all night and they're still swollen this morning, I would call. Could be nothing, but at least you'll know. :thumbup:
Some swelling in pregnancy is normal. I remember when i was pregnant with isaiah (i was overdue in August!), my ankles would swell. Sometimes the swelling didn't go down, other times it did. If i was on my feet more they would be more likely to swell. The only swelling ive had this pregnancy is if i sit at our dining room table. The table is one of those high square shaped ones, so my feet dont touch the ground. So if you're legs dangle at all that could be why and is not worrisome.

With that said, if your hand begin to swell (badly) and if your face starts to swell, def call your doctor as it can be a sign of pre-e. but at this point, if its just ankles i wouldn't be worried about it...I would advise, to begin Brewer Diet, (eat 300 more calories per day than when not pregnant, SALT foods to taste or add salt if you dont usually eat it, its very important, and eat 80g-100g of protein per day). Pre-E is a sign that you have a salt deficiency! Though most doctors think its because you eat too much salt, this is simply not the case.

At this point what you are describing sounds more like the usual pregnancy swelling (blood has a HUGE increase around the 28 week mark). Im obviously no doctor though, so if you feel like you should call them, go ahead...but thats just my two cents ;)
Thanks ladies! I ended up calling not long after posting, because my sister called to check on me and she was like, "Hm... I think you need to call," since my hands are now also swollen and kind of hurt when I attempt to make a fist or move my fingers. Triage called me back and we talked for about 15 minutes, and she said she wanted to consult with my doctor but that she was certain they'd call me in for tests.

"To be safer than sorrier," was her reasoning, and she sounded calm, so we'll see. She's supposed to call me back asap, so I'm just waiting on her call. Since my salt intake the past two days has been really low, my water intake has been immense (been so thirsty lately!) and I haven't been on my feet much, if at all, she felt the combination of swollen and painful hands, feet and ankles was worth investigation.

Blah! haha. So we'll see what happens when she asks my doc. I'm not so good with the waiting process of this... :haha:
Well her timing was grand, as soon as I hit "post reply" she called. My doctor is taking me in to check on things, because she stated she was 'concerned' since I wasn't having any swelling issues when we last met, etc. etc. :shrug: SO I'm taking a half-day today. lol.
Swan, make sure to keep us updated on what she says! I am KMFX that it is just normal swelling and not anything larger!! Thinking about you! :hugs:
hope it goes well hun! let us know how it goes. will be thinking of you :hugs:
Thanks ladies! I leave in about a half hour and we'll see what happens. :) I'm remaining optimistic; no matter what, I know I'm in good hands and that's what matters, right? :D
thats right and if it is Pre-E, Doctor brewer has some really good things that works! :D
Good luck, Swan!! I hope it's nothing to be concerned about!

My hands are ever so slightly swollen but they def hurt. I don't think they hurt because of the swelling...I think it's like pg induced carpel tunnel or something along those lines. Bah!

I ordered some printer paper and ink yesterday (arrived this morning!) so that I could continue with Project Life and I'm printing out tons of pictures now! I was so behind because I was being lazy in getting the paper/ink and it's something I really want to get all caught up by the end of the month so that I can start next years one without being behind in this one!! Of course, that means I need to order next years...lol.

My Dh is so funny. Earlier this week we finally went and got our tree. We both had a good feeling about one, even though it was all tied up and we couldn't really tell what it would look like. So we got it home and let it "fall" overnight and both just LOVE it. Then we started to put the lights on it but one of our strands was dead so we had to wait until yesterday to get another box of them and decorate. Every time he goes by it he sort of stops and looks and is like, "Wow...this is really the best tree I've Ever had!" It really is gorgeous! We've had nice trees before but this one is practically perfect.

Anyways, this morning I hadn't turned it on yet and so before he left for work he was all "Why haven't you turned on the tree lights yet? It's so nice!!" LMAO!! Crazy boy.
ugh, pregnancy induced carpel tunnel stinks! I had that first and second tri but its worn of greatly since then...im sure it will be back though :wacko:

Swan- how was the appt? hope all went well.

happy 32 weeks JP!
Hi all, hope you are well :)

Took DH to B&Q today for paint to decorate DS1/DS2's bedroom, seeing as they are 'big boy's now. Anyway, managed to get lovely dulux paint half price THEN saw a Christmas tree for £16.99 that was totally perfect - talked DH into getting it (we were waiting till Sun to do the tree) Anyway, get to the till & it's bloody £34.99!! He fell in love with it though & I said, well, the money we saved on the paint covers it.... Got my own way, lol. It's decorated now, so out house is lovely & Christmasdy & the boys got a lovely surprise when they got home. They were so happy :cloud9:

So DH has been stripping/papering their room since Tuesday & applied the new paint to the Walls today while the kids were at school. He made the mistake of asking what they thought.... One word from my 7 y.o. 'lame'. Thought DH's head was going to explode :haha: The problem was they wanted a transformers room, so once I told them I've ordered a transformers border from America they were placated. So funny.

Not much else to report. Just thought I'd share :)
Thanks ladies! I leave in about a half hour and we'll see what happens. :) I'm remaining optimistic; no matter what, I know I'm in good hands and that's what matters, right? :D

Will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Okay, finally home!

Well, the report was good, she said that my BP is great and my urine test came back clear, so she was relieved. But she even admitted that upon seeing me, she was concerned. She goes, "You just... puff... a little more than most women do." xDDDD So apparently, I'm a puffball. We went over my diet in the past few days and she said all sounds good, I'm not eating too much/too little sodium, and that the nature of my job isn't going to make things any worse. She suggested compression stockings, adding 2 more quarts of fluid to my daily intake and putting up my feet when I get home. Guess she even was a little shocked I came back clear, but she said she's really glad I did (as am I!) :haha:

So they cancelled my scheduled appt. for next week and bumped me back, so I'll be going at 33, 35, 36, 37, etc until my due. Glad that I don't need to run back AGAIN next week. She said I'm measuring big still, but I always have and that they'll be able to tell around 37 week if she's just big or if I'm a little "fluffy." :rofl: We shall see! But I was glad for a great bill of health, what a relief!

Going to go prop up my puffy feet now and watch a movie with the pup until hubby gets home from work. :)
Holy crap, I just realized; she said add a quart to what I already drink. I already drink at least 64 oz of water a day, if not more, as a rule. Now she wants me to add 32 more?!

Sheesh. I may as well carry around a port-a-potty... :rofl:
:rofl: too funny!
im glad the appt went well!!!! what a relief!!! thats great news hun!

yeah some women just swell more than others. The stockings is a very good idea! if you cant find those a tight pair of high socks could help :thumbup:
I know Motherhood sells the compression stockings, but she also said CVS or Rite-Aid should have them too. So that's a relief! I may pop by there or Target tonight and see. Right now I have dinner cooking away until hubby gets home, then I'll decide what to do. :) I took a little rest with my feet up and they feel better, even if they don't LOOK much better. xD
Awww, well glad it's nothing and you're just puffy. :haha: Yay for peace of mind. And lol @ the port-a-potty... I totally need one, too!!

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