February Valentines 2012 - We have our first Valentines!

My 28 Week bumpy pic :winkwink:


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sparklez - your bump is amazing too ! where are everyones stretchies ? !?!?
i have them everywhere :cry: although no new ones from holly other than on my boobies
Hi Ladies
FINALLY starting to feel a bit better. i think it was a flu bug. i was getting fevered and dizzy and nauseous. then the stuffiness started. i just felt really bleh.
wifey is sick as well. i blame her! LOL :haha:

such a busy day yesterday. nursery is ALMOST complete, and we got our tree up and decorated. also bought my hospital bags and some new cozy pjs to take with :)

GUP, LOVE the pics. both the ones here, and the ones on FB... i loveeee the one of you holding the frame up, and DH holding DS through the opening. it's absolutely BEAUTIFUL! pleaseeee tell me you'll frame that one!!! LOL :kiss:

TIG, going back a while now, but MY GOODNESS that old lady is awful. I'd have let her in ahead of me as well, but once she made that comment, i'd def have said something.

SWAN, i'm so glad your appt went well!!! let us know if the hose work for you!!!

i've attached the most up to date nursery pics.
Still waiting to get the book case home and set up (its SO heavy, and DW's brother is supposed to help her, since im useless ATM, lol)
but once that's in, we're FINISHED :happydance:

hope everyones feeling well :flower:


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im so so so jealous of your nursery !
ive done nothing ! i made a cute little frilly piece to go over the cradle but it didnt fit and i was going to adjust it but jonno threw it out on bin day thinking i would just start over :cry:
we were sure we were moving before holly was born but a few things have happened and now we are unsure so im stuck not knowing what on earth is going on ! so ive not set anything up :cry:
argh !
Well my feet are looking a bit better! Some good rest this weekend and lots and lots and lots of water has seemingly helped! I am still pretty tired, because sleeping has become more difficult lately, but I'm hanging in there. :) Preparing for sleepless nights once Aria arrives, no doubt.

No stretch marks on me - YET - which is an amazing miracle. I'm not even sure how I've managed that, but I admittedly cannot complain. I have one more week (not even) until my maternity photos... so I am praying really hard that they'll hold off until then. I'm also worried more and more that I'll get one through my tattoo and then it'll look horrific the rest of my life. :shrug: But well, guess I can't change that now, right?

Updated bump photos! (Sorry, one is sideways but I'm really too lazy to flip... LOL) I feel as though I look a lot bigger A) clothed and B) from the front. :haha: Once I put real clothes on, I feel as though I just look enormous. Right now, though, I'm in my jammies. :) SVU marathon is on TV, so I'm having a veg-fest.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! xoxo


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i love SVU !
you look fantastic !
ive just looked at a thread with birth videos and tbh they were making my vagina hurt, and i was thinking to myself... thank god im having a c-section and then they posted a c-section video which was incredibly graphic and now im sh*tting myself. i had a crash c-section with jesse so wasnt awake, but im going to be awake this time.... :sick:
Thanks love! And I should add, I have TONS of stretchies from puberty and stuff, but they're pale white and since I'm, well, about as pale as a Cullen :haha: they're not easily visible in photos unless I'm in the "right light" (er, wrong light I guess) to see them. But if you're in person looking at me, they're all over my hips, upper thighs, etc. Bleck! And my boobs, they're a mess too. But all still with old, not new yet.

Awww that's awful, isn't it? You think OH THIS SHOULDNT BE TOO BAD then you see the video and it's kinda frightening. xDD I did that too; though I'm feeling a bit more relaxed now. I guess I'm just sinking into the readiness mentality to try and deliver naturally if possible. I need to pack my bags like, STAT though... and get my music playlist together... and drag out my birth ball... etc. Yikes!
Weird...I checked on here earlier today and no one had been on all day...so I posted something. Well, now I'm back and not only is my post not here, but some of you DID post today!! What the heck?? Either I'm losing it or the site was being weird!

Anyways...Dh left this morning for a week-long TDY. I know it's just a week but I HATE when he's gone. And being gone for a week in December??!!! UGH! That cuts out just about all the holiday stuff we can do. And it means that once again I'll be wrapping everything by myself. Hmpf. Anyways, today I finished a crocheted cowl for one of my friends. I still need to finish DH's blanket and then sew a blanket for my sister. Plus I have to do 5.5 papers this week. Ugh. Plus about a million other things while he's gone. Stress.
Happy!!! I just ordered our Christmas cards. Usually I try to hand make them but that just didn't happen this year. So I realized I had a 20$ Shutterfly gift card that I got with my Target registry so thought I'd check out their cards to see how much they'd be. Today they were having a 30% off card sale...so I got 50 4x8 photo cards for a grand total of 10.62$. 6.99$ of that was shipping! SCORE!!! And I really love how the card turned out!! So cute! Hopefully they arrive quickly...
Ugh, a c-section video??? EEK! I didn't know they made such a thing. I was awake for mine, but couldn't actually see anything, of course... and I don't think I want to know exactly what happens!!
Here's my 30 week bump photo! :)


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Great bump Jokerette!

Today has been grueling at work already. Only 6 and a half hours to go! :( lol. My back is already killing me. Monday, eff you.

Otherwise... I'm excited to be one day closer to Christmas! Before all hell broke loose at work, I finished my shopping for hubby via amazon so I'm pumped. :)
Guppy, how did the picture taking go??? I hope that everything went well, cant wait to hear how much fun they were!

AFM, I have been having terribly strong BH's or mild contractions (whichever way you want to look at it), and I have also been losing parts of my mucus plug. The mucus plug part doesn't worry me, because I lost my plug with DS1 at like 34 weeks and he was still a week late! :haha:

Those dang mucous plugs really mess with ya mentally lol. I swear i lost mine from like 36 weeks on and he never arrived until almost 42 weeks :wacko: ...this time has been really weird bc i have been loosing a TON of gelatinous sticky stuff since like 2nd tri...i guess thats bits of the plug? I read it regrows itself back.

The pictures turned out lovely! I am so happy with them! We did them on the coast at a Fort and a lighthouse so i forgot it would be colder there :dohh: poor DS was frigid and he wasn't happy for very long. He got really upset and i actually felt really bad. So we didn't get many with him, but we did get some and they are all priceless :cloud9: I will attach the pics at the bottom of this response :thumbup:

sparklez - your bump is amazing too ! where are everyones stretchies ? !?!?
i have them everywhere :cry: although no new ones from holly other than on my boobies

I am :cry: with you! I have them ALL over my bump :sad1: :hugs:

Oh and about your c-section/vaginal birth, im really happy for you that this time you'll be able to see your baby being born :cloud9: that will be such an incredible experience no matter how she arrives :cloud9:

JP-I hope you have a great holiday season despite the madness. Sorry DH is gone :hugs: That has to be tough. I give it up to anyone in the military or have close bonds to someone in military. That would be so hard to see them come and go like that, but nonetheless i am grateful ya'll have the hearts you do about it <3 I love pinterest! I need to start following your boards bc that sounds super yummy!!!! If you dont mind my asking, what is your name so i can do that? No pressure :thumbup:

Oh and we just got our Christmas Cards done last night at Target :D GMTA :smug: I was a bit upset though because everything looked perfect on the screen. All of the words fit and everything. But then when we got home and i pulled them out the "n" in season was cut off the page :( I think the employees inserted the paper into the printer incorrectly :grr: oh well. they went out this AM. I didn't feel like going back to complain :blush:

SparklezLovely lovely bump! I hope you are able to have your homebirth :dust:

KellyC75- beautiful baby bumpage :cloud9:

Almost MamaI am glad you are feeling better...what a mean wifey :haha: JK Thank you for your comments on the photos :kiss:...i LOVE that nursery! it is sooo very beautiful!!! come decorate my house :haha:

swanxxsong-you are too cute! I love the bump pic especially with the oranges lol. Lucky about no stretchies! I honestly think its genetic (it depends on skin elasticity). No matter how many creams and oils ive used, it just doesn't work :nope: you look great! i cant wait to hear and see you mat photos! that will be lovely....glad your feet arn't so swelled!...it is always a good excuse for a foot rub though :winkwink:

hope your day at work goes quickly!

Jokerette- perfect bump! Your tummy looks really toned! thats awesome!

AFM- baby boy has just been moving soo much these last couple of days! He is def in a different position than Isaiah EVER was because he is actually kicking my ribs and that never happend with isaiah! (i imagine due to his consistant posterior position :wacko:)
I have a MW appt this afternoon. Hopefully they will tell me if i can do the homebirth or not!!! Im so anxious for them to decide lol. Also im happy to get my iron levels checked to see if they are up to par. Ive been on the food based iron for about a month and before that i was on the OTC iron for like 2 months so hopefully its up!

I hope the MW confirms the babys position! If this one is head down and NOT posterior than i am busting out the birth ball and bouncing on it to help engage! lol I dont want to start doing that until anterior is confirmed, bc i think last time my bouncing on the ball so much and him being back to back just reinforced it...dont want to do that this time!

Here are some Maternity/Family pics :D There are more on FB if anyone is interested...i dont want to be vein and flood this board :haha:


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Oh my gosh, Guppy, those photos are great!! Some really creative ideas!! Love them!

I've been losing bits of what I think are plug for awhile now, too... but no blood or even pinkishness and I also read that it rebuilds itself, so haven't worried about it. :shrug:
Thank you :blush:

yeah i dont worry about it either. It does replenish itself. Loosing bits of mucous plug isn't the same as a bloody show, so i wouldn't be concerned either. And its one of those loco signs that mean absolutely nothing about when labor will start (the mucous plug, i mean)
JP- Thanks for the card tip! I got that in my registry too. hmmm not that I have any good photos of my little man but maybe I can come up with something.

Guppy - cute photo shoot!!! Love the pics.

It never works for me when I try to post pics on here :(

I'm a little upset with my OB right now and not sure what to do: I asked him at 5 weeks if he goes to the hospital I want to deliver at he says yes. Now last week I ask him when I register w that because I know he is mainly in the other hospital and he says why does your insurance make you go to Riverview? I say no I just want to go there and he says well we will get you registered at both because I can't split in 2 and if I am delivering in Monmouth you'll go there. UGh no!!! This is why I asked 15 weeks ago!!! So what do I do? only register at Riverview and if he dosen't show let one of the on staff OB's catch the baby? Switch practices at 30 weeks? I do not want to go to Monmouth!! Ok rant over but I really can't stop worring so what do you ladies think?
Outside of this incident, what do you think of your OB? are you comfortable with him? do you both share similar views? Is there anything you dont share the same view on? Does he make you feel negative in anyway, pressure interventions, etc? If you answer yes, i would say get a new doc....i know you are 30 weeks, but i know ppl who changed providers when they were overdue! If you feel very comfortable with him, i would just register at one hospital...you have enough to deal with and you need to know where to travel to when you're in labor! ...plus if im being perfectly honest, you will only see the actual doc a handful of times...the nurses and hospital staff will have a bazillion more times interaction than your doctor. Not to mention even if you do sign up for both hospitals theres a good chance you wouldn't get him anyways...im not trying to be negative, but been there. done that....i would personally just register at whichever hospital you feel the most confident with :flower:
Guppy, how did the picture taking go??? I hope that everything went well, cant wait to hear how much fun they were!

AFM, I have been having terribly strong BH's or mild contractions (whichever way you want to look at it), and I have also been losing parts of my mucus plug. The mucus plug part doesn't worry me, because I lost my plug with DS1 at like 34 weeks and he was still a week late! :haha:

Those dang mucous plugs really mess with ya mentally lol. I swear i lost mine from like 36 weeks on and he never arrived until almost 42 weeks :wacko: ...this time has been really weird bc i have been loosing a TON of gelatinous sticky stuff since like 2nd tri...i guess thats bits of the plug? I read it regrows itself back.

The pictures turned out lovely! I am so happy with them! We did them on the coast at a Fort and a lighthouse so i forgot it would be colder there :dohh: poor DS was frigid and he wasn't happy for very long. He got really upset and i actually felt really bad. So we didn't get many with him, but we did get some and they are all priceless :cloud9: I will attach the pics at the bottom of this response :thumbup:

sparklez - your bump is amazing too ! where are everyones stretchies ? !?!?
i have them everywhere :cry: although no new ones from holly other than on my boobies

I am :cry: with you! I have them ALL over my bump :sad1: :hugs:

Oh and about your c-section/vaginal birth, im really happy for you that this time you'll be able to see your baby being born :cloud9: that will be such an incredible experience no matter how she arrives :cloud9:

JP-I hope you have a great holiday season despite the madness. Sorry DH is gone :hugs: That has to be tough. I give it up to anyone in the military or have close bonds to someone in military. That would be so hard to see them come and go like that, but nonetheless i am grateful ya'll have the hearts you do about it <3 I love pinterest! I need to start following your boards bc that sounds super yummy!!!! If you dont mind my asking, what is your name so i can do that? No pressure :thumbup:

Oh and we just got our Christmas Cards done last night at Target :D GMTA :smug: I was a bit upset though because everything looked perfect on the screen. All of the words fit and everything. But then when we got home and i pulled them out the "n" in season was cut off the page :( I think the employees inserted the paper into the printer incorrectly :grr: oh well. they went out this AM. I didn't feel like going back to complain :blush:

SparklezLovely lovely bump! I hope you are able to have your homebirth :dust:

KellyC75- beautiful baby bumpage :cloud9:

Almost MamaI am glad you are feeling better...what a mean wifey :haha: JK Thank you for your comments on the photos :kiss:...i LOVE that nursery! it is sooo very beautiful!!! come decorate my house :haha:

swanxxsong-you are too cute! I love the bump pic especially with the oranges lol. Lucky about no stretchies! I honestly think its genetic (it depends on skin elasticity). No matter how many creams and oils ive used, it just doesn't work :nope: you look great! i cant wait to hear and see you mat photos! that will be lovely....glad your feet arn't so swelled!...it is always a good excuse for a foot rub though :winkwink:

hope your day at work goes quickly!

Jokerette- perfect bump! Your tummy looks really toned! thats awesome!

AFM- baby boy has just been moving soo much these last couple of days! He is def in a different position than Isaiah EVER was because he is actually kicking my ribs and that never happend with isaiah! (i imagine due to his consistant posterior position :wacko:)
I have a MW appt this afternoon. Hopefully they will tell me if i can do the homebirth or not!!! Im so anxious for them to decide lol. Also im happy to get my iron levels checked to see if they are up to par. Ive been on the food based iron for about a month and before that i was on the OTC iron for like 2 months so hopefully its up!

I hope the MW confirms the babys position! If this one is head down and NOT posterior than i am busting out the birth ball and bouncing on it to help engage! lol I dont want to start doing that until anterior is confirmed, bc i think last time my bouncing on the ball so much and him being back to back just reinforced it...dont want to do that this time!

Here are some Maternity/Family pics :D There are more on FB if anyone is interested...i dont want to be vein and flood this board :haha:

Awe, thanks hon!
I'll message you with my name! :)
The pictures are GORGEOUS!!!!! Just beautiful!!

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